Say hello to the handful. : (Wisconsin game? I didn't think any more than a handful of people tailgated in the freezing rain and flooded lots for Wisconsin.
Say hello to the handful. : (Wisconsin game? I didn't think any more than a handful of people tailgated in the freezing rain and flooded lots for Wisconsin.
Nazi Germany?
What's with the dramatics?
here is a logistics question for you.
There is a student party raging in the middle of an aisle in the Blue Lot. 5 hours before kick, it's 20 people. The music sucks, but other than that, it's only mildly annoying.
4 hours before kick-off it has doubled in size and its footprint has "expanded."
2 hours before kick-off there are now 100 heads jammed together like Nite at The Roxbury.
Under your "plan" the cops are largely posted at the end of the rows. There is minimal foot patrolling in the aisles and no cops on ATVs.
After politely telling the kids to respect our space, they tumble into our table and knock all the food off (yeah, this happened at the PSU game).
Now what? Call the cops? the ones who aren't there? Street Justice?
The first 3 rows of Blue were packed so tight during PSU and Michigan that there is no way to effectively police that area. The crowding was directly related to 50+ person student parties.
And you missed the conversation that your hubby and I had with the 4 cops watching TV with us right before the end of the game - said cops who unanimously agreed that the guy on the ATV is an asshole.
The police should obviously patrol the areas all day long, but they shouldn't actually bother people unless they are out of line.
Unfortunately, they have it all wrong. The patrol inconsistently, and when they do, they over enforce. Completely ass backwards.
And yes, the Country Sheriff are a huge part of the problem. Who are they? Are they even real cops?
So for the people in JH's ear, can you guys fix the problem? I think we're all on the same page here.
Huh? This makes no sense.
You have a kid acting like a drunk moron around your tailgate? Tell them to leave or call over the cops
You have a frat tailgate around you that has turned into a 100 person rager? Enjoy it, but if you're the get off my lawn type, call the cops over and have them knock it down a few notches.
Know what the knee jerk reaction that ruins things for everyone?? COMPLAINING TO JH SO TAILGATING TURNS INTO NAZI GERMANY.
The police should obviously patrol the areas all day long, but they shouldn't actually bother people unless they are out of line.
Unfortunately, they have it all wrong. The patrol inconsistently, and when they do, they over enforce. Completely ass backwards.
And yes, the Country Sheriff are a huge part of the problem. Who are they? Are they even real cops?
So for the people in JH's ear, can you guys fix the problem? I think we're all on the same page here.
The police should obviously patrol the areas all day long, but they shouldn't actually bother people unless they are out of line.
Unfortunately, they have it all wrong. The patrol inconsistently, and when they do, they over enforce. Completely ass backwards.
And yes, the Country Sheriff are a huge part of the problem. Who are they? Are they even real cops?
So for the people in JH's ear, can you guys fix the problem? I think we're all on the same page here.
What does a $200 sirloin roast look like?If you want to call me a liar, then you need to do it to my face, and be prepared to back it up. There's plenty of evidence in this thread suggesting where and when you would have the opportunity to do that.
And we cook $200 cuts of meat because we can - and because we feed a lot of people.
What does a $200 sirloin roast look like?
Dear God, man! That must be a thing of glory when you slice it open.I actually misspoke. Technically it's not a "sirloin roast", it's a "whole sirloin". It's an enormous piece of meat, it tastes fabulous when properly grilled and looks like this:
I gave RU the spot.I think we can all put to rest this notion of "Hamsterdam" as set up by the University. Hamsterdam on the TV show wasn't set up so that the Baltimore PD could corral every dope fiend in the city and then bust them, it was done to keep all that nonsense out of the rest of the neighborhoods and contained it to that one spot. What RU has set up is a kindergarten playground.
* Ask a regular guy in law enforcement (off the record) and see what he says.And yes, the Country Sheriff are a huge part of the problem. Who are they? *Are they even real cops?
So for the people in JH's ear, can you guys fix the problem? I think we're all on the same page here.
I also offered a solution for this too in this thread and in years past.But my guess it is a clear case of lack of RUPD and the AD laying down the chain of command and properly briefing these departments prior to turning them loose into the lots.
I like the "I donate money that's why I park here and have price ages". Well apparently you don't don't donate enough otherwise you wouldn't be in the blue lot
I like the "I donate money that's why I park here and have price ages". Well apparently you don't don't donate enough otherwise you wouldn't be in the blue lot
$200 of beef, grilled asparagus, classy wedge salad, and an aluminum of coors light? Something seems off. Can't quite put my finger on it.this is what a $200 beef looks like after it is masterfully grilled:
and then sliced:
$200 of beef, grilled asparagus, classy wedge salad, and an aluminum of coors light? Something seems off. Can't quite put my finger on it.
And I hope that lugar sauce isn't going anywhere near the meat! :smiley:
And when little Sally freshman get blackout drunk, gets laid and reports a rape we then have both families suing Rutgers for allowing underage drinking at the game. Sorry can't have it both ways.
Dear God, man! That must be a thing of glory when you slice it open.
The Frat party tailgating in better days :
Where is this lot and when was this done? I actually remember students saying something about a lot like this, but it eventually got shut down for whatever reason. What happened to that option? Seemed like a place where students could separate themselves from everyone else.
...and then the lack of enough port of johns resulted in the expected outcome (guys whizzing in the nearby bushes).
1) Who said students were "protesting"? They're simply choosing a different alternative for their pre-game festivities.
2) Of course the students will show for the first game of the season with beautiful weather and against big name opponents. If you think the tailgates only attracted a small portion of the students you're clueless of how it worked the past 5-8 years.
3) This so called "Hamsterdam" in front of Werblin is the dumbest idea ever. It didn't work last year and it's not gonna work this year. Not even sure why it's being called "Hamsterdam".
4) RU doesn't have to look the other way at underage drinking or allow the club scene 500 person tailgates. Do what the big boy schools do and let the students have their fun and go after the problem students/groups. Since these changes are making students stay in New Brunswick to tailgate unsupervised, Rutgers is just asking for more issues down the road.
Been in the Blue Lot since my frat days and still there. This is a never ending question. There have always been ebbs and flows to the rowdy behavior and the level of enforcement. One typically causes the other. I remember when kegs were banned and some said it would be the death of tailgating. As others have said there has to be a balance.
Yes, PSU 14 was particularly bad. First time I had a student wander into my tailgate and pass out.
Just because some student group can scrape up enough money to buy one Blue Parking pass on the secondary market doesn't give them the right to have 100s of kids overwhelm all the neighboring tailgates taking up surrounding space entirely. Then there is the overwhelming amplified music taking over sonically. And you can't say public underage drinking is just kids being kids. There is ramifications.
Party smart
Where is this lot and when was this done? I actually remember students saying something about a lot like this, but it eventually got shut down for whatever reason. What happened to that option? Seemed like a place where students could separate themselves from everyone else.
Again, something that looked great on paper but in reality is not the right spot for the reasons in bold.This area is not a named lot. It is the grassy field to the left of the Green lot, directly across from the Scarlet lot as you drive up Sutphen Rd to the stadium from River Rd. Fans that park at the Greek Church and the private yards just up the side street from the Church , often tailgate here. It's a short walk from the side street to this grassy area, and it's very pleasant, and then a short walk to Gates A & B.
This game was the Arkansas game. They allowed the students to tailgate here for a few games until things got our of hand. We tailgated nearby and had a good time talking to the students. It got loud however, and then the lack of enough port of johns resulted in the expected outcome (guys whizzing in the nearby bushes).
If #1 is handled/packaged the right way the pregame "locker room speech" to the troops covering the other remaining Lots in #2 would/should be different.There are two different issues.
1. Where should official student sanctioned parties (frats, student groups, alumni mixers, sororities) be placed and what procedures need to go in effect to ensure compliance.
2. How should the cops be directed to act by the Athletic Department and RUPD.
It's a breakdown in logic to conclude that addressing #1 at the request of your biggest donors, necessitates a militarized response from # 2.
Semper Paratus ;)The "mutual aid group" can use a dentist. Play your cards right and you never