The second investigation is a result of sworn statements by certain people inside of the AD, but not athletics, per se (use your noodles).
Imagine the conversation going along the lines of, "if you think this Barnwell thing is bad, you don't know the half of it."
The law firm leading the investigation is not our usual athletic department quicker picker upper from NJ. They are the Kansas firm that specializes in NCAA compliance and investigations. The KS firm was an observer in the e-mail investigation (which was led by the NJ firm). They were retained to conduct an overall "state of compliance" investigation for the entire AD.
If you don't think they were told to double check what is going on in the Hale Center, as opposed to say women's Field Hockey, you're out to lunch.
It seems Flood overplayed his hand around the results of the email investigation. He could have been fired and given his buy-out and while taking a short term hit to his reputation, have lived to coach another day. He decided to go in another direction.
The KS law firm has been tasked with making sure the bus that is about to run Fludd over is properly gassed up and tires are fully inflated.
Imagine the conversation going along the lines of, "if you think this Barnwell thing is bad, you don't know the half of it."
The law firm leading the investigation is not our usual athletic department quicker picker upper from NJ. They are the Kansas firm that specializes in NCAA compliance and investigations. The KS firm was an observer in the e-mail investigation (which was led by the NJ firm). They were retained to conduct an overall "state of compliance" investigation for the entire AD.
If you don't think they were told to double check what is going on in the Hale Center, as opposed to say women's Field Hockey, you're out to lunch.
It seems Flood overplayed his hand around the results of the email investigation. He could have been fired and given his buy-out and while taking a short term hit to his reputation, have lived to coach another day. He decided to go in another direction.
The KS law firm has been tasked with making sure the bus that is about to run Fludd over is properly gassed up and tires are fully inflated.