Wife got a speeding ticket


All Conference
Aug 18, 2006
Cop tells her she can take an online course and the points will go away? I have the ticket right here and don't see any info for the online course, all I see is a website to pay the fine ($85.00). Do I pay the fine then take the course? Or if I pay the fine is it too late to the course? What is the website for the course? Any info would be greatly appreciated - thanks!
I believe she'll have to go to court and speak to the prosecutor. That's how I've done it in the past but things may be different now and/or depending on where you live
Cop tells her she can take an online course and the points will go away? I have the ticket right here and don't see any info for the online course, all I see is a website to pay the fine ($85.00). Do I pay the fine then take the course? Or if I pay the fine is it too late to the course? What is the website for the course? Any info would be greatly appreciated - thanks!

You can take Defensive Driving online in NJ and it will deduct up to 3 points from your DL.

The trick is that the points have to hit your abstract first. So the trick is that you pay the ticket, wait for the points to hit your DL, then take the course at which point they'll get cleared.

The alternative is to plead the moving violation to "Unsafe Operation of a Motor Vehicle" which is no points but a huge (450.00) fine.
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RU4Real is correct. Its an either or scenario. You used to always plead to unsafe driving, but now its so expensive, the safety course is usually the way to go.
Four years ago I got a ticket for doing 25mph in a 15mph zone in New Brunswick. I argued with the police officer that there is no such thing as a 15 mile an hour zone, he replied with a smart Alec remark and said there is for those three blocks. There was an elementary school there and for a one hour each day The speed limit is 15 miles an hour for three blocks. They tried to tell me the same thing as you if I took this course my points would be forgiven. In the end, I paid a $90 ticket and walked away. Trust me, it's not worth your wife's time unless she was doing 30-40mph over the speed limit
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I assume she got the ticket in NJ? If not, check with the state she got it and see if they report that info to NJ. I go a speeding ticket in D.C. from a camera which cost $100. I called them and they said they do not report the info to NJ. They treat it as a parking fine. (Which means it's just another back door route to generate income)
Echo what these guys are saying. I did "unsafe operation" in April of 2012. No DL points, but did get insurance points. I took the defensive driving course (so ended up about $540 out of pocket with the ticket and the course) and got the insurance points wiped too. YMMV on that.

The Defensive Driving course is a good value regardless. It is one of those boxes you can check with your insurance agent to get a few percentage points knocked off your premium. I believe it's 4% off of my policy.
Four years ago I got a ticket for doing 25mph in a 15mph zone in New Brunswick. I argued with the police officer that there is no such thing as a 15 mile an hour zone, he replied with a smart Alec remark and said there is for those three blocks. There was an elementary school there and for a one hour each day The speed limit is 15 miles an hour for three blocks. They try to tell me the same thing as you if I took this course my points would be forgiven. In the end, I paid a $90 ticket and walked away. Trust me, it's not worth your wife's time unless she was doing 30-40mph over the speed limit

Disagree as per comments above.

You can use the DD course as a means to get your normal insurance premium reduced going forward for years.

Secondly, if she ends up getting another moving violation within 3 years, she could find herself pushing up against possible suspension. I'm not a fan of pissing money away, but keeping your license points free is good business in my book.
Don't pay attention to any of the other posts so far. They have it all wrong. I am here to help.

Do not pay the ticket. Drop your wife from your auto insurance policy. Then sell your wife. This way, you avoid all financial obligation while making a tidy profit. Spend the profit on season tickets, hookers and blow.
Don't pay attention to any of the other posts so far. They have it all wrong. I am here to help.

Do not pay the ticket. Drop your wife from your auto insurance policy. Then sell your wife. This way, you avoid all financial obligation while making a tidy profit. Spend the profit on season tickets, hookers and blow.

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I assume she got the ticket in NJ? If not, check with the state she got it and see if they report that info to NJ. I go a speeding ticket in D.C. from a camera which cost $100. I called them and they said they do not report the info to NJ. They treat it as a parking fine. (Which means it's just another back door route to generate income)
In a lot of states, they can only "get" you for camera tickets if you submit to jurisdiction by mailing them the fine. If you do not mail the fine or show up at the courthouse, the ticket eventually disappears, and there is nothing that can be done about it. At least this was the case in Arizona, which I believe did away with the camera speed traps.
LOL! Sell my wife. I'd have to pay someone to take her off my hands.

Here in NC you can get a speeding ticket knocked down to "inoperable equipment" No points. No insurance increase. Paid the lawyer about $300. Don't know if it applies in NJ. Hope you get it figured out.
LOL! Sell my wife. I'd have to pay someone to take her off my hands.

Here in NC you can get a speeding ticket knocked down to "inoperable equipment" No points. No insurance increase. Paid the lawyer about $300. Don't know if it applies in NJ. Hope you get it figured out.
The OP seems to be relatively young. If the wife is young, it may be possible to sell her to a Saudi prince for a hefty profit. The OP might want to avoid bringing up the wife's propensity for breaking the law.
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Don't pay attention to any of the other posts so far. They have it all wrong. I am here to help.

Do not pay the ticket. Drop your wife from your auto insurance policy. Then sell your wife. This way, you avoid all financial obligation while making a tidy profit. Spend the profit on season tickets, hookers and blow.
This is the answer...i've done it. It was great until i ran out of blow.
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Don't pay attention to any of the other posts so far. They have it all wrong. I am here to help.

Do not pay the ticket. Drop your wife from your auto insurance policy. Then sell your wife. This way, you avoid all financial obligation while making a tidy profit. Spend the profit on season tickets, hookers and blow.
You may have a buyer
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Don't pay attention to any of the other posts so far. They have it all wrong. I am here to help.

Do not pay the ticket. Drop your wife from your auto insurance policy. Then sell your wife. This way, you avoid all financial obligation while making a tidy profit. Spend the profit on season tickets, hookers and blow.
MAybe he should just try to drop her off at the hospital entrance like someone else we know?
OP, wait until 4Real opens his driving school and have your wife take the class there. He's busy with a distillery these days, but once that's off the ground the driving school will merge with the distillery--4Real's Distillery and Driving School. Students design their own curriculum, including:
  • How to choose a driving school
  • How to choose a good bourbon
  • How Google Maps calculates arrival time incorrectly
  • Driving to a football game when the game should be a good one
  • Driving from a football game when the game sucked
  • Connecting with other drivers who have the 4Real D&D app (see below)
  • How to put together a music compilation
  • Various ways of selecting a designated driver so that only one person is miserable
Special app can be acquired ($159 download fee, $99 annual maintenance) that plays the RU fight song when a cop is up ahead. Franchise opportunities available.
There are many variables here that we don't know. For example, is this her first moving violation or does she have 8pts from prior tickets sitting on her license? I sense panic in the OP's post. I hope in wrong.

Hudson: my ticket was given to me in October 2010. Ticketing someone for doing 25 in a 15 is a BS ticket, as a matter of fact I remember the police waving cars over and laughing. The DD course you're referring was very expensive. Knock on wood it's been 5 years and no moving violations. I did have an officer give me a ticket for having plastic molding around my LIC Plate in Wrightstown. I explained that the molding was put on by the dealership when I purchased the car. He said go back and show them the ticket and see if you can get a free oil change. I was on my way to Ft. Dix to do some target practice so (again) I accepted the ticket with a smile on my face.
When you deleted your hospital Post this weekdweekend did you erase your memory as well?
OP, wait until 4Real opens his driving school and have your wife take the class there. He's busy with a distillery these days, but once that's off the ground the driving school will merge with the distillery--4Real's Distillery and Driving School. Students design their own curriculum, including:
  • How to choose a driving school
  • How to choose a good bourbon
  • How Google Maps calculates arrival time incorrectly
  • Driving to a football game when the game should be a good one
  • Driving from a football game when the game sucked
  • Connecting with other drivers who have the 4Real D&D app (see below)
  • How to put together a music compilation
  • Various ways of selecting a designated driver so that only one person is miserable
Special app can be acquired ($159 download fee, $99 annual maintenance) that plays the RU fight song when a cop is up ahead. Franchise opportunities available.
LOL at 4Real's Distillery and Driving School. That's some good stuff right there.

I wonder if @RU4Real would allow me to guest lecture at the driving school. I would love to do a lecture on high speed driving with the following highlights:
  • Proper lane-weaving technique
  • Lights or no lights: a conundrum
  • Red sports car = leave checkbook with the judge
  • Laser detection: the Swiss cheese of condoms
  • The importance of cocaine in ticket avoidance
  • The importance of hookers in ticket avoidance
LOL at 4Real's Distillery and Driving School. That's some good stuff right there.

I wonder if @RU4Real would allow me to guest lecture at the driving school. I would love to do a lecture on high speed driving with the following highlights:
  • Proper lane-weaving technique
  • Lights or no lights: a conundrum
  • Red sports car = leave checkbook with the judge
  • Laser detection: the Swiss cheese of condoms
  • The importance of cocaine in ticket avoidance
  • The importance of hookers in ticket avoidance
He's VERY picky, so you're gonna have to bring a strong resume that goes beyond ideas (though leaving the checkbook with the judge is a nice touch and demonstrates your comprehension of how the world works. A better option is to leave your checkbook and an untraceable debit card with the judge, but these details can be worked out during editing).
Huh? You've totally lost me now.

I think that vkj may be referring to mal's since-scrubbed OP about bringing his inebriated friend to the hospital, then being "held" there because the staff was suspicious that he was under the influence and therefore couldn't drive. Should've just dropped them off at the entrance..
He's VERY picky, so you're gonna have to bring a strong resume that goes beyond ideas (though leaving the checkbook with the judge is a nice touch and demonstrates your comprehension of how the world works. A better option is to leave your checkbook and an untraceable debit card with the judge, but these details can be worked out during editing).
I'd like to think that I bring a lot of practical experience to the lecture. I can provide a high-speed driving CV and references upon request.
I think that vkj may be referring to mal's since-scrubbed OP about bringing his inebriated friend to the hospital, then being "held" there because the staff was suspicious that he was under the influence and therefore couldn't drive. Should've just dropped them off at the entrance..
Ah. I never saw that, apparently now deleted, post. Sorry I missed it - sounds like a fun thread.

Seems my memory isn't the one that was deleted. LOL
I'd like to think that I bring a lot of practical experience to the lecture. I can provide a high-speed driving CV and references upon request.

Meh. You haven't really had fun until you've taken CEVO and Emergency Vehicle Maneuvers and then had a chance to operationalize that by piloting a 13,500 lb vehicle at 100 mph down Main St. on the wrong side of the road. lol
Meh. You haven't really had fun until you've taken CEVO and Emergency Vehicle Maneuvers and then had a chance to operationalize that by piloting a 13,500 lb vehicle at 100 mph down Main St. on the wrong side of the road. lol
We're gonna need GoPro footage (for educational purposes) if we're gonna get 4Real's Distillery and Driving School off to a good start. Gotta start with a bang and an ambulance, whenever possible.
Meh. You haven't really had fun until you've taken CEVO and Emergency Vehicle Maneuvers and then had a chance to operationalize that by piloting a 13,500 lb vehicle at 100 mph down Main St. on the wrong side of the road. lol
Interesting side note. My youngest, 17, volunteers with the local EMS; has his EMT certification and all. Within the first month, they had some situation whereby they had him drive the ambulance (fast, through lights and all, apparently).

He's a very good driver (mechanically as well as perceptively), but I was less than thrilled when I heard about it the next day. Far as I know, it was a one-time thing due to unusual circumstances. But I would've thought that a driver would be required to have taken something like a CEVO course first.
Interesting side note. My youngest, 17, volunteers with the local EMS; has his EMT certification and all. Within the first month, they had some situation whereby they had him drive the ambulance (fast, through lights and all, apparently).

He's a very good driver (mechanically as well as perceptively), but I was less than thrilled when I heard about it the next day. Far as I know, it was a one-time thing due to unusual circumstances. But I would've thought that a driver would be required to have taken something like a CEVO course first.

At 17 he would still be a cadet. In my world, cadets are NEVER allowed to drive a rig. Ever. Ever ever ever. They're also not allowed to be the sole treating EMT in the back with a patient (although I did break that rule once on a call because the patient was 100% stable and that rule is less important than the first rule).

In fact, on our squad, probies aren't technically allowed to drive - regardless of age - although we make exceptions from time to time if the probie in question has been around long enough to have all the requisite driving certs and is 18+.
At 17 he would still be a cadet. In my world, cadets are NEVER allowed to drive a rig. Ever. Ever ever ever. They're also not allowed to be the sole treating EMT in the back with a patient (although I did break that rule once on a call because the patient was 100% stable and that rule is less important than the first rule).

In fact, on our squad, probies aren't technically allowed to drive - regardless of age - although we make exceptions from time to time if the probie in question has been around long enough to have all the requisite driving certs and is 18+.
This is what the 4Real Distillery and Driving School is all about.
The OP seems to be relatively young. If the wife is young, it may be possible to sell her to a Saudi prince for a hefty profit. The OP might want to avoid bringing up the wife's propensity for breaking the law.

Since most people don't depreciate their wives, like they should, the sale would likely generate a handsome tax loss as well.... assuming of course the OP has been saving his receipts.
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I wonder how many people actually believe that the CEO of JPMorgan Chase would be (a) responding to a post on a dating forum and (b) incapable of writing a more coherent response with better spelling? Also, the response was brain-dead stupid. Of course you marry the pretty chick. With an ironclad prenup. Then you trade her in for a new model after 5 years. Duh.

I like the photo they associated w/the fictitious girl that fictitiously posted on a fictitious dating site. She's way cute in that photo. And, she's fictitiously not even being greedy aiming for a guy w/an income over $500K instead of over $1M.
Ah. I never saw that, apparently now deleted, post. Sorry I missed it - sounds like a fun thread.

Seems my memory isn't the one that was deleted. LOL
yea, messed up the two handles. my bad
yea, messed up the two handles. my bad
Ain't no thing, as they say. Fact is, my memory is sometimes bad enough to forget things like that. Although, and this is strange, my memory seems to have vastly improved itself this past year.

This unusual memory improvement makes me wonder if I have a brain-function-improving tumor like the one John Travolta's character had in the movie "Phenomenon". If I start talking about how everything suddenly makes perfect sense, call my doctor. LOL
At 17 he would still be a cadet. In my world, cadets are NEVER allowed to drive a rig. Ever. Ever ever ever. They're also not allowed to be the sole treating EMT in the back with a patient (although I did break that rule once on a call because the patient was 100% stable and that rule is less important than the first rule).

In fact, on our squad, probies aren't technically allowed to drive - regardless of age - although we make exceptions from time to time if the probie in question has been around long enough to have all the requisite driving certs and is 18+.
This. And driving through lights (if meant red lights) is a no no. And some folks/squads/departments have jumped the shark with GoPro cameras. Another "look at me" opportunity. One local outfit posted a video of their response to a local structure fire, and PEOSHA cited them for not wearing their seat belts--guys were putting on their turnout gear while the apparatus was en route.
This. And driving through lights (if meant red lights) is a no no. And some folks/squads/departments have jumped the shark with GoPro cameras. Another "look at me" opportunity. One local outfit posted a video of their response to a local structure fire, and PEOSHA cited them for not wearing their seat belts--guys were putting on their turnout gear while the apparatus was en route.

Going through red lights is okay - but if there's an accident as a result, it's your fault for blowing the light. NJ has really weird laws for emergency vehicles.

On hot calls we just use intersection blocking with 1st responder vehicles. On a super-hot call the cops will help out with same.