Losing Cliff cost us the NCAA Tournament

The problem is we need to get better at D. Do you disagree that anything close to 115th best isn’t going to cut it? This year, perhaps we could’ve targeting Mag / Caleb types from the portal and compensated for the lack of post presence. We can’t do that next year otherwise our offense will be as bad as it was last season with worse defense because we won’t have a Cliff. You yourself acknowledged we won’t be able to afford players that excel at everything. We will have to prioritize.

It’s possible to win with a center who defends well but only really scores on put backs. Very few teams outside of the top 75 on D are successful in the BIG and the ones that are almost always have top 25 offenses which is highly unlikely next season.
How to you have a father who was an outstanding college player and go through 4 years of high school, and know next to nothing about defense. His high school must have been awful.

" Rutgers launches match canpaign....."

This is getting ridiculous,--- let's make the naysayers happy---give up D1 basketball,- wouldn't that be wonderful. Also, well close Rutgers University, the state would save tons. Hey close down the public hospitals, more savings. And as for Seton Hall, fans bitching about taxes, close down any government support to the diocese of Newark and it's schools. All bullshyt by those with heads up their asses.

Losing Cliff cost us the NCAA Tournament

Not having Cliff is not only difference between making/missing tournament, but also being a team capable of a deep run.
Even though he didn’t play much for Alabama vs RU in Vegas, if he was was on RU playing significant minutes, we win that game
Undisciplined teams don't make deep runs in the tournament. A top notch coach with the talent we have or Pikiel adding Cliff to this team. I think its close, but I'll take the former.

" Rutgers launches match canpaign....."

I’ll throw out 2 for basketball which can be recent:

St John’s

Both are throwing countless dollars at programs that aren’t in any conversations similar to the likes of blue bloods. I MAY even throw Alabama into that conversation as their University supports football first and basketball has always been an afterthought with limited success.
I’m 100% going to donate to this match!

BYU has had great success as an athletic department over the years, including winning a football Natty in the 80s.
St. John’s is being funded by a billionaire right now.

I’m 100% going to donate to this match!

To be clear what I’m asking is this…. Show me 2 universities that have had equivalent “success” as Rutgers has had (as in, ummm, almost 0 success ever), that has regular sell outs in 50k+ stadiums, and has strong donations from many fans (not 1, humongous donor).

That’s my point. They don’t exist. The school has to invest and build a winner. They need to take it seriously. They have the money, they’re not poor.

And again, I’m 100% going to donate to this match!

Rutgers wrestling head coach Scott Goodale on John Poznanksi's future:

John Poznanski of Rutgers wrestling not entered in Big Ten Tournament. Career likely over​

From the sound of this article Poz could wrestle in b10 if he really wanted to but he’s OK w just ending his career.. can’t blame the staff for that, it’s his decision. Who knows what he’s going through on n off the mat but once the passion is gone it’s hard to continue .

Basketball Rutgers overwhelmed at No. 18 Purdue with feeble defensive effort

They will for one last chance to see Ace / Dylan in Scarlet. However the fanbase is down in the dumps right now unfortunately and set to take on a team that just ran them off the court recently.

Difficult for fans or players to bounce back from Thursday night like that
Difficult for fans to bounce back from the entire season. Especially this time of the year with all the talk of seeding for the Dance, and we're trying to figure out what scenario will get us into the B1G tourney.
