Men’s Lacrosse Returned Home to Host Loyola on Saturday
- By mdk01
- Rutgers Lacrosse Forum
- 84 Replies
Stoller and Jungerkes are reading each other's minds on those clears
Most people who remotely follow college hoops would say we should be at 16 wins now.Reality is no one knows what would have happened if we were healthy all year but objectively it’s not a stretch to say it would have been better. How much is certainly debatable.
you'll never get a real answer to this. Just like when I call out two other long time posters to back up their challenges with real wagers . They just ignore because it's easier than manning up.Genuinely curious and pose this to all that view others as being too negative, beating up on the hoops program or Pike too much, etc.., what are the positives that you see with the current state of Rutgers basketball? The rest of us must just be glass half empty kind of guys, what makes your glass half full when it comes to the current trajectory of Rutgers basketball? Would love to know others thoughts as I just don’t see it.
Derkack's DRating at Merrimack was 91.3 across two years, and 108.8 at Rutgers. He was the NEC defensive player of the year last year as well as the NEC leading scorer. Can't necessarily trust advanced stats from lower conferences, either.
The links provide a lot of information that casuals might not know otherwise, hence them being here.
Of course there a litany of Mets fan sites to use like most people, rather than a college football board. Will gladly share if anyone wants.
LOL.... say's the guy who now finally admits he NEVER adds ANYTHING to the conversation that isn't HIS OWN bitching about other posters.If you are astute, you'll notice I rarely comment about my expectations, good or bad, about RU s performance. So defending RU has nothing to do with the glass being half full or half empty.. personally bitching ,complaining etc about the team or coaches from those that really don't have real info about what's going on is a waste of time and doesn't help RU.. Biitching may be fun to some but to me it's not constructive.
Shelby be at it again!You mean the brilliant ‘win the OT toss and want the ball first” game proving our coach is astoundingly incompetent? Fast forward to last year and his ‘ice the kicker on a 58 yarder into a 30+ mph wind’ masterpiece. Compared to him, Flood is the Bobby Fischer of football. Schiano could wear size 40 shoes, a multi-colored wig and a red rubber nose and most people still wouldn’t recognize he’s a clown.
2) along the same theme - the advanced stats matter for portal recruits. Nobody with bad numbers on def efficiency should be considered. I don’t care how good they shoot - in Pike’s system, nobody who doesn’t defend has success.