OT: Stock and Investment Talk

Often, nothing looks compelling’​

Buffett’s sitting on his hands amid a raging bull market that’s seen the S&P 500 gain more than 20% for two years in a row and move into the green again so far this year. Some cracks have begun to develop in the past week, however, with some concerns growing about a slowing economy, volatility from rapid policy changes from new President Donald Trump and overall stock valuations.
Berkshire shares were up 25% and 16% respectively the last two years and are up 5% so far this year.
Buffett did offer perhaps a small hint about stock valuations being a concern in the letter.
“We are impartial in our choice of equity vehicles, investing in either variety based upon where we can best deploy your (and my family’s) savings,” wrote Buffett. “Often, nothing looks compelling; very infrequently we find ourselves knee-deep in opportunities.”
Buffett's cash reserve is a fallacy. Based on BRK's market cap, the % cash on hand is well within norms of the past several decades.
