OT: NJ Property Tax Relief Applications

I think that's part of the harmonization process as Freeze used it prior but Anchor did not. Also a good way for them to actually exclude some without lowering the bar on total income.
Probably the thought is that income is income regardless of its source and so social security income is included in the calculation of eligibility.Similarly, interest that is exempt from New Jersey taxation is included in the calculation as is income exempt as "other retirement income."

BTW, as I'm sure every NJ taxpayer knows, property taxes can be deducted on the NJ return. My understanding is that in the future taxpayers will be able to deduct only the property taxes that were not reimbursed by the program.

Note also that the programs are "in or out." Someone with $499,999 of income qualifies for all of the one-half reimbursement. under Stay NJ. Someone with $500,001 gets nothing; there is no gradual phase-out.
