Do you agree with Mike DeCourcy?

Your guilt is showing, special status my ass. That's guys like you who act like experts and want to be treated as special since you think you know it all-- and that's my point.
What are you talking about?
By the way you show your cluelessness -- where did you get that shyt about academic donations,?
Uh, from your previous post?
And it's not only to sports but academics.

I give to both and by the way your so called minor league ( NIL) hasn't existed at RU until recently. I'm through responding to a duffus.
You're a clown.
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Do you agree with Mike DeCourcy?

You aren't fond of anybody and you never post anything here that isn't bitching about what other people are posting.

Yes, my major reason for contributing money to a minor league professional sports program would be to help it win. If I donated six figures to basketball and this is what I got I'd be pretty mad.

Academics and nonrevenue sports are a different story but it's also a lot less clear why you think academic donations should give you special status on a basketball board.
Your guilt is showing, special status my ass. That's guys like you who act like experts and want to be treated as special since you think you know it all-- and that's my point. By the way you show your cluelessness -- where did you get that shyt about academic donations,? I give to both and by the way your so called minor league ( NIL) hasn't existed at RU until recently. I'm through responding to a duffus.

Pike Enthusiasts

All fair ! Would Grant and Dortch have played from game 1?
No probably not, especially not Dortch lol.
Would they have sat Dylan or Ace and called them out for lack of discipline and effort ?
Would we have a set rotation?
Would we run a ball movement offense? Would they get our shooters open looks? Would they be able to inbound the ball? Would they run a 2 man game with Ace and Dylan forcing teams to choose who to double and not?? There are so many simple things Pike does awful that add up to loses. Both of those coaches would have this team comfortably in the tournament

2024 - 2025 High School Season and Tournaments

Well, Southern High school blew away my local team, Washington Township last night (I have two "locals" in New Jersey, that's one of them.) Nearly all the Southern wins were at bonus-point level. Township won only one match. Southern forfeited the last two weights (which by coincidence were against Township's two best wrestlers, but I know that had nothing to do with the reason).

Anybody know how Southern does it year after year? They always have a lineup of tough, smart kids who don't have fancy move-itis** and are always working for the fall. It must be due to a good feeder system and excellent coaching. I love that program.

Also, any ideas on why Southern would forfeit those last two matches? Forfeiting doesn't seem to be in their DNA from what I see. Maybe they just wanted to go home.

** characterized by frequent waste an entire period trying to work some high-level move that I have no clue about, when they could easily pin their opponent with something more basic like a half-nelson, arm bar or cradle.

Can we finally stop with the “if Ace and Dylan were healthy all year”

Interesting how the announcers talked about our warm-up coming out of halftime. I watch a good amount of college basketball and I've never heard announcers say something like that before.
the casual play was discussed more in studio by the post game crew. when several of us stupid know nothing fans pointed this out a couple weeks ago we were shouted down .

Football Rutgers Football CBs coach Mark Orphey to Texas

Texas was going out outbid for someone they really want. He's from Houston, an area Texas has been trying to recruit hard. He beat out other "known" coaches for the job.

There's no one to blame here try as you may.
Or maybe Schiano knew Orphey wanted to get back to Texas and he wasn't a candidate for promotion. I don't know. Do you?
This was never intended to be a negative post. Maybe "Bypassed" was too harsh of a word. All I was saying, as I did in the Sparber announcement, as soon as Schiano named a candidate outside of staff (especially one with a similar resume)the writing was on the wall that Orphey was gone. This is a good move by Orphey. Gets him back home and on staff of an elite program.

Season Tickets

I’ve had season tickets for 30 years.

I’ve sat thru terrible Wenzel / FHJ / EJ squads.

I’ve sat thru the Bannon / Rice fiascos.

I ll endure mediocre Pike years with the hope - not expectation - that future teams will mirror that of the RHJ / Geo / Caleb glory days !

I support my teams thru good and bad times !
This is why Rutgers is Rutgers, that is, fans who are not only accepting of mediocracy but are thankful for it

Pike Enthusiasts

I never said he was doing a great job, and the roster problems are also mainly his fault, but people way overestimate how much blood even the best coach could get out of this stone imo.

Bring Hurley or Pitino in here, give them the same roster and injury/sickness luck, and maybe we're on the bubble right now. But that's not a given and we sure as **** aren't 20-5.
All fair ! Would Grant and Dortch have played from game 1? Would they have sat Dylan or Ace and called them out for lack of discipline and effort ? Would we have a set rotation? Would we run a ball movement offense? Would they get our shooters open looks? Would they be able to inbound the ball? Would they run a 2 man game with Ace and Dylan forcing teams to choose who to double and not?? There are so many simple things Pike does awful that add up to loses. Both of those coaches would have this team comfortably in the tournament
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