Never thought I would say this but Go Penn State!
- By yesrutgers01
- Rutgers Football
- 118 Replies
I’m Catholic??? WowWho says I can’t make ‘blanket statements?
That’s also a laughably hypocritical take… The Penn State Football team has zero to do with what occurred 20+ years ago at Penn state by people either dead or currently in jail, so really what’s the difference?
Oh I know what it is! What this really boils down to is you personally are Catholic and take offense to someone calling out the institution you’re a part of. You see it’s ok to cast stones on others but you shouldn’t have stones cast on you isn’t that right Catholic?😉
End of the day, the Catholics are responsible for FAR and AWAY more abuse towards children than Penn state. Particularly with all of the recent news of the Catholic Native American schools of late. This fact is undeniable. Notre damn is the only school between the two that still recieves funds to this day from an institution that legitimately harbors pedophiles (pope Benedict harbored pedophiles)
I don’t support institutions that harbor abusers of children. F*ck both schools
As for funds- are you telling me- F-k any Rutgers player that came from any of the powerhouse Catholic HS’s as well?
How about top kids from Pa and NJ who have parents that support PSU and were supporting fans during the Sandusky years?