Knox father arrested at state tourney match

Getting hazed by the crowd, verbally, can in NO way justify physically assaulting someone in return, no one in the crowd was involved in any physical altercation until his Father ran into the stands & started a physical incident. Knox being on the verge of making history should have no bearing on this, his actions & those of his Father could have cause serious injuries to innocent spectators. Don't try to justify anything because he is a good wrestler, his actions prove he is a bad person
Reading comprehension is not your strong suit

In no way, shape or form have I justified Anything he has done, and have repeatedly said it was not right, nor was it smart.

What I said was I could separate what he did and appreciate and greatness, as they are not mutually exclusive

I appreciated watching Lawrence Taylor back in the day dominate, yet by all accounts, he was not a very good person and certainly did some things not becoming of a football player, and in general, a man

Nobody on here has condone the kids actions - not one single, solitary person

Knox father arrested at state tourney match

Again, whether it was right or wrong (and clearly, I don’t think anyone here is condoning those actions) we do not know what preceeded him doing this

Regardless, In today’s day and age, none of this is surprising to me, whether it’s right or wrong (and I don’t think anyone on here is saying what he did is right)

Moreover, I would actually have been surprised had the suspension held up, given his chance to make history
Getting hazed by the crowd, verbally, can in NO way justify physically assaulting someone in return, no one in the crowd was involved in any physical altercation until his Father ran into the stands & started a physical incident. Knox being on the verge of making history should have no bearing on this, his actions & those of his Father could have cause serious injuries to innocent spectators. Don't try to justify anything because he is a good wrestler, his actions prove he is a bad person

Knox father arrested at state tourney match

Right or wrong does not absolve him from violating the code of conduct set forth by the school. If (and that's a big if) he had a "legit" reason to assault a minor, and he is an adult, do you think SJV should waive student conduct policies for him?
From a moral standpoint, I think that they should enforce whatever rules they have in place for situations like this

It’s a Catholic school, and although I’m not Catholic, I would imagine that that goes against their fundamentalteachings

Nor does it set a good precedent to others based on these actions
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Knox father arrested at state tourney match

Again, whether it was right or wrong (and clearly, I don’t think anyone here is condoning those actions) we do not know what preceeded him doing this

Regardless, In today’s day and age, none of this is surprising to me, whether it’s right or wrong (and I don’t think anyone on here is saying what he did is right)

Moreover, I would actually have been surprised had the suspension held up, given his chance to make history
Right or wrong does not absolve him from violating the code of conduct set forth by the school. If (and that's a big if) he had a "legit" reason to assault a minor, and he is an adult, do you think SJV should waive student conduct policies for him?
