OT: Winter Storm Thursday 2/20: Very Likely Somewhere Between A Non-Event and a Minor Event (oof)

Numbers, I've followed you from Fair Lawn to Pembroke Pines, Florida to now Monroe Township over the past 10 ish years and completely enjoy your weather take. Keep doing what you're doing. More of us enjoy and appreciate your reporting than listening to snipes from a "famous" few!
That's infamous to you!!

OT: Winter Storm Thursday 2/20: Very Likely Somewhere Between A Non-Event and a Minor Event (oof)

Just wondering if you and bac have ever met in person at a game or if all your interaction has been confined to here. You both are basically originals here as am I (joining the board the day of the first game of Greg 1.0). I did meet bac once after a basketball game against USF maybe 20 years ago or so.
Where's Wilson?


agreed it's more than one thing...

but for sure he is not himself. probably road him too hard early in the season but obviously we needed to. i think his body must be a mess. you go back and watch his early season highlights and no one could stay in front of him. even with help coming over he was just getting to the rim at will. now he has trouble getting around his main defender, forget about when help comes.

i think the physicality of the B1G is probably wearing him down. teams are hitting him...hard...anytime he's trying to fight through a screen. anytime he does take the ball downhill. try shooting a jump shot after you've just taken a few shoulders to the chest and a knee to the harder than one would think.

hoping we see the real dylan again before the season is over.
Don't forget what the flu took out of him he lost 13 pounds you don't gain that back while playing and it doesn't matter if your 18 the flu was a very severe strain this year but I don't think he has actually been right since Vegas!!!

Sustain and retain …Pike’s and Rutgers basketball way forward to rebuilding the program

Portal works… if you’re good at filling your needs. Somewhere, someone gave him bad intel on some guys
Yeah watching Wisconsin the other day Tange a grad transfer 31 points against Purdue; but they still have other upper classmen; This also comes down to Pikells poor recruiting

OT: President's Day

Fun fact. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson - political rivals who later became good friends - both died on July 4, 1826. 50 years to the day of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
Actually they were friends at first when they were in the Continental Congress together and went on diplomatic missions to Europe to negotiate treaties with European Nations after the USA became a Nation
Then their political stances separated them and they developed a deep dislike of each other because of it
Once they left the political stage they started to regain the friendship they once had and became good friends again.

OT: Winter Storm Thursday 2/20: Very Likely Somewhere Between A Non-Event and a Minor Event (oof)

My sister and her SO live near there in the summer but are in Vero for the winter as they hate snow (her SO grew up in Milton) - they're very happy to have avoided all the snow there this winter, lol.
Numbers, I've followed you from Fair Lawn to Pembroke Pines, Florida to now Monroe Township over the past 10 ish years and completely enjoy your weather take. Keep doing what you're doing. More of us enjoy and appreciate your reporting than listening to snipes from a "famous" few!

Positive Post: Great play to get Martini an open 3

Taking so few shots will certainly impact Martini's accuracy and willingness to shoot.Go down the roster and ask yourself what each player is contributing to the team winning a game?The answer is nada in most cases.
PLus there are many times Pikell will take the guys out if they miss a couple of 3 pointers and shooters like you say have to shoot but we just never seem to get any shooters and its been that way for a long long time

OT: President's Day

Fun fact. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson - political rivals who later became good friends - both died on July 4, 1826. 50 years to the day of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
And James Monroe was the only other U.S. President who died on July 4th. He died in 1831 in New York.
Calvin Coolidge was the only U.S. President born on July 4th.

John Calipari 30 for 30 One and not done

I'm watching the story on John Calipari's coaching career. He explained how he had to become an aggressive coach to earn respect coming up the ranks. Took over a bad UMass team who won five games in 2 years and eventually rose past John Chaney and Temple. We need somebody like this to rise this program back. I don't know if there are guys like this anymore. I don't care anymore what these so-called shady coaches have done I just want to win.

Five months ago

I’ve given what I could to NIL and RU. I’m sure others here do but I don’t know if we meet your definition of meaningful. I’m not getting a HELOC to donate. It doesn’t help that only KOR does meaningful work. And sadly that doesn’t get you priority points or even a tax deduction. It seems the university and staff have to step up. Do more to recruit donors, especially whales. Schiano seems to.
I am not asking anyone to say what they contribute I by no means took out a second mortgage either... I donated what I could to the athletic endeavors of my alma mater

What I don't respect or have time for as a fan and supporter of the school is people on here sitting behind their monitors blasting the school, coaches and players for their shortcomings when they do absolutely zero to change it

And that includes season ticket holders who think their pay for tickets is their contribution... wrong

GAME 26 OREGON: Death Spiral

Rutgers had expectations this year. Any real college fan knew about Dylan and Ace. I have friends who are casual bball fans asking me what's going on with Rutgers bc they thought we had 2 top 5 picks on the team and saw the record

Every other year no one cared about Rutgers. This year we were relevant and set up perfectly to be a true national feel good story and completely 💩 the bed

Everyone knows I've been a huge Pike supporter but he blew it this year in a once in a lifetime opportunity for Rutgers. I'll never get over this season. Ever. We will never have this opportunity again
