Not sure what you guys are talking about, but I was in a fraternity and graduated in '07. Only remember maybe 2-3 houses having a chef/kitchen with food and I don't think it was 7 days a week (could be wrong). Our kitchen sucked and the landlord just shoved a stove, fridge, counter, and commercial sink in the basement with a commercial hood above the stove and called it a kitchen. This was a house on Union Street that is no longer there. We definitely looked into it at one point, but there weren't enough people living outside the house to make it affordable and the existing 'kitchen' didn't help. Most people had the RU commuter dinning plans and did dinning hall take out or went to the dinning halls (took back food too in containers). Personally, I was on another campus all day (engineering) and was never on college ave to eat lunch/dinner. This was also the time they had Knight Express start up and some of the local eateries accepted it. I don't know if that still exists.
You're also dealing with mostly broke college kids that can't afford to pay however much it is per semester per kid to have food in the house. Rent is higher and, i'm throwing out a random guess here i made up, what is there maybe 2 fraternities that own their house outright through alums at RU? These kids are renting from landlords who raise rents every single year.
There's nothing luxury at RU fraternities compared to other schools across the nation. We had to squeeze 20 kids in 9 bedrooms because our landlord forced us to compensate the legal living arrangements for rent cost based on an X amount of people per Square Footage of bedroom living space. Fraternities that owned their homes didn't have alums pull that kind of stuff on undergrads.
I went on a tangent, but RU Greek life has never come close to Greek life across the country the past 20+ years.