tell your fellow students to stop being such pussies and crying until they get their way. If this is the hardest thing that happens to them in life, than I'd say they have it pretty damn well. Drink in your dorms or make friends with someone who has a parking pass. That's what my friends did back in in 2005-2009.
Not trying to single you out, but more-so for the whole student body. You will look back at these stupid protests 10 years from now and laugh. You won't make any memories sitting around in your dorms on facebook or some other stupid app, you make them with the time you spend with your friends out, being young and dumb in college. I never even heard of an alley until two days ago, it doesn't sound like anything special, except a place to blast horrible music. Go to the game, drink responsibly, and have fun. Don't follow the crowd and make your own choices.