Awesome Thread on the Penn St Board

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Over 2000 estimated, but hey, keep on.
2000 my ass. I would say that you added an extra zero, but that may be too large of a number. It's pretty telling that it is virtually impossible to find any media account of how well the Joe-Out was attended. The event was a bomb.
There is no objective empirical evidence that suggests he did, only he said she said. I have been long troubled by the fact there is no past medical evidence. There would be no physical evidence after such a passage of time. What's troubling is that in not one case, is there any visit to a doctor, clinic, ER school nurse, etc. A guy of Sandusky's size would inflict damage that couldn't be concealed by "throwing my underwear away" or burying your face in a pillow. Sorry, as a retired LE officer, it just isn't happening. Saw massive damage done to adults. It would be worse in children, and I've been involved there as well. Could he have grabbed some nads and ass? Of course. This is a case where there is no evidence and no witnesses. Troubling.

How would you like to be accused on someone's say so. I doubt you would.

This post needs to be bumped and pinned for eternity. Everyone should know what kind of lunatics are over in Happy Valley.
I get that and am not a Joe Paterno supporter. However, it isn't as simple as you are trying to make it out to be as there are legal issues that your are totally dismissing.

It is that simple.

They.. especially JoePA.. KNEW that if they denied Sandusky any privilege any other retiree got that the reasons would be investigated.

They simply just hoped it would all go away.

I have to wonder what was said to Sandusky to force his retirement. Since that bastard is still alive, maybe we will one day get the whole story out of him.
More hatred and jealousy. No facts.

If not to stir things up and troll, why are you here? You've alluded to the fact that you have multiple screen names (which is typically an indication of trolling)... This is not your team's board an your posts have become repetitive and aggravating. This ID will soon be banned from this site if that is your intention.

In regards to the reasonable doubt you are trying to cast over Sandusky's guilt - ask why Rape Victims, Victims of Domestic Violence, Bullied Children and Children who have been abused often do not come forward right away nor is the physical harm that they've endured often revealed right away. Look at the case study regarding the Catholic Church when representatives of a powerful organization sexually abused children and how long it took for victims to come to light. Further - regardless of your views, Sandusky was convicted by a Jury Trial on 45 counts including 8 counts of involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, 7 counts of indecent assault, one count of criminal intent to commit indecent assault, 9 counts of unlawful contact with minors, 10 counts of corruption of minors and 10 counts of endangering the welfare of children. So you are being hypocritical in terms of arguing the law (to the tee) with regards to Paterno - and at the same time arguing there is reasonable doubt about Sandusky's conduct even though he was convicted under the law on these numerous counts.

In regards to Paterno. As you seem comfortable that Paterno did everything reasonably possible as a high level leader within the Penn State Institution to secure the welfare of individuals and children under his watch - then there is really nothing more to discuss here and it is perhaps time for you to move along. Most of us feel the opposite - and that is not likely to matter how much you troll or bate this board.
I have no empathy for those who represent some school and just make up crap.

pnnylion, you are a great example of what's wrong with some of the Nit fanbase
Along with refusing to admit what the jury decided that Sandusky did and making like that scum was innoncent.
you want facts supporting Sandusky being a child molester?
Here's the verdict by those who seen the facts you deny :


Count 1: Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse
Verdict: Guilty.

Count 2: Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse
Verdict: Guilty.

Count 3: Indecent assault
Verdict: Guilty.

Count 4: Unlawful contact with minors
Verdict: Guilty.

Count 5: Corruption of minors
Verdict: Guilty.

Count 6: Endangering welfare of children
Verdict: Guilty.


Count 7: Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse
Verdict: Not guilty.

Count 8: Indecent assault
Verdict: Guilty.

Count 9: Unlawful contact with minors
Verdict: Guilty.

Count 10: Corruption of minors
Verdict: Guilty.

Count 11: Endangering welfare of children
Verdict: Guilty.


Count 12: Indecent assault
Verdict: Guilty.

Count 13: Unlawful contact with minors
Verdict: Guilty.

Count 14: Corruption of minors
Verdict: Guilty.

Count 15: Endangering welfare of children
Verdict: Guilty.

Count 16: Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse
Verdict: Charge was dismissed

Count 17: Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse
Verdict: Guilty.

Count 18: Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse
Verdict: Charge was dismissed

Count 19: Aggravated indecent assault
Verdict: Charge was dismissed

Count 20: Indecent assault
Verdict: Guilty.

Count 21: Unlawful contact with minors
Verdict: Guilty.

Count 22: Corruption of minors
Verdict: Guilty.

Count 23: Endangering welfare of children
Verdict: Guilty.


Count 24: Indecent assault
Verdict: Not guilty.

Count 25: Unlawful contact with minors
Verdict: Guilty.

Count 26: Corruption of minors
Verdict: Guilty.

Count 27: Endangering welfare of children
Verdict: Guilty.


Count 28: Indecent assault
Verdict: Not guilty.

Count 29: Unlawful contact with minors
Verdict: Guilty.

Count 30: Corruption of minors
Verdict: Guilty.

Count 31: Endangering welfare of children
Verdict: Guilty.


Count 32: Criminal attempt to commit indecent assault
Verdict: Guilty.

Count 33: Unlawful contact with minors
Verdict: Charge was dismissed

Count 34: Corruption of minors
Verdict: Guilty.

Count 35: Endangering welfare of children
Verdict: Guilty.


Count 36: Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse
Verdict: Guilty.

Count 37: Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse
Verdict: Guilty.

Count 38: Unlawful contact with minors
Verdict: Guilty.

Count 39: Corruption of minors
Verdict: Guilty.

Count 40: Endangering welfare of children
Verdict: Guilty.


Count 41: Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse
Verdict: Guilty.

Count 42: Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse
Verdict: Guilty.

Count 43: Indecent assault
Verdict: Guilty.

Count 44: Unlawful contact with minors
Verdict: Guilty.

Count 45: Corruption of minors
Verdict: Guilty.

Count 46: Endangering welfare of children
Verdict: Guilty.


Count 47: Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse
Verdict: Guilty.

Count 48: Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse
Verdict: Guilty.

Count 49: Indecent assault
Verdict: Guilty.

Count 50: Unlawful contact with minors
Verdict: Guilty.

Count 51: Corruption of minors
Verdict: Guilty.

Count 52: Endangering welfare of children
Verdict: Guilty.
It is that simple.

They.. especially JoePA.. KNEW that if they denied Sandusky any privilege any other retiree got that the reasons would be investigated.

They simply just hoped it would all go away.

I have to wonder what was said to Sandusky to force his retirement. Since that bastard is still alive, maybe we will one day get the whole story out of him.

That's a bunch of made up nonsense.
What we've learned about pnnylion over the last couple of days
  • He/She/It believes that Jerry Sandusky did not molest any children.
  • He/She/It believes that any molestation would leave physical damage readily apparent to any adult that sees the child.
  • He/She/It believes that any child who was molested would automatically tell an adult and show the physical damage.
  • He/She/It believes that fondling or inappropriate touching of a child is not molestation.
  • He/She/It insinuates that all the victims who have come forward are lying.
  • He/She/It believes that most of the victims came forward strictly for the money.
  • He/She/It believes that Joe Paterno did nothing wrong legally, morally or ethically.
  • He/She/It believes that most people post about this due to jealousy and/or hatred.
  • He/She/It uses multiple screen names (which he won't list) on the BWI forum to foist his beliefs on other posters.
Have I pretty much covered it?
What we've learned about pnnylion over the last couple of days
  • He/She/It believes that Jerry Sandusky did not molest any children.
  • He/She/It believes that any molestation would leave physical damage readily apparent to any adult that sees the child.
  • He/She/It believes that any child who was molested would automatically tell an adult and show the physical damage.
  • He/She/It believes that fondling or inappropriate touching of a child is not molestation.
  • He/She/It insinuates that all the victims who have come forward are lying.
  • He/She/It believes that most of the victims came forward strictly for the money.
  • He/She/It believes that Joe Paterno did nothing wrong legally, morally or ethically.
  • He/She/It believes that most people post about this due to jealousy and/or hatred.
  • He/She/It uses multiple screen names (which he won't list) on the BWI forum to foist his beliefs on other posters.
Have I pretty much covered it?

Half way up, half way down.

"Rape" leaves damage and pain that cannot be hidden.
If not to stir things up and troll, why are you here? You've alluded to the fact that you have multiple screen names (which is typically an indication of trolling)... This is not your team's board an your posts have become repetitive and aggravating. This ID will soon be banned from this site if that is your intention.

In regards to the reasonable doubt you are trying to cast over Sandusky's guilt - ask why Rape Victims, Victims of Domestic Violence, Bullied Children and Children who have been abused often do not come forward right away nor is the physical harm that they've endured often revealed right away. Look at the case study regarding the Catholic Church when representatives of a powerful organization sexually abused children and how long it took for victims to come to light. Further - regardless of your views, Sandusky was convicted by a Jury Trial on 45 counts including 8 counts of involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, 7 counts of indecent assault, one count of criminal intent to commit indecent assault, 9 counts of unlawful contact with minors, 10 counts of corruption of minors and 10 counts of endangering the welfare of children. So you are being hypocritical in terms of arguing the law (to the tee) with regards to Paterno - and at the same time arguing there is reasonable doubt about Sandusky's conduct even though he was convicted under the law on these numerous counts.

In regards to Paterno. As you seem comfortable that Paterno did everything reasonably possible as a high level leader within the Penn State Institution to secure the welfare of individuals and children under his watch - then there is really nothing more to discuss here and it is perhaps time for you to move along. Most of us feel the opposite - and that is not likely to matter how much you troll or bate this board.

I couldn't have said it any better myself. Not only are you going to change exactly zero minds on this board with regard to Sandusky being a convicted pedophile and Joepa being a hypocritically morally devoid scumbag, but you're simply showing yourself to be more of a cultist joebot who needs professional help with each and every additional post. But hey, it's your right to post garbage until banned for doing so.

And trying to cast doubt on child rape/molestation victims by claiming there was no verified physical damage' when it literally can take years for them to find the inner strength to come forward is simply subhuman, and not worthy of a response. It's almost akin to attempting justification of deadly suicide attacks on civilians in the name of religion or cultural oppression.
I couldn't have said it any better myself. Not only are you going to change exactly zero minds on this board with regard to Sandusky being a convicted pedophile and Joepa being a hypocritically morally devoid scumbag, but you're simply showing yourself to be more of a cultist joebot who needs professional help with each and every additional post. But hey, it's your right to post garbage until banned for doing so.

And trying to cast doubt on child rape/molestation victims by claiming there was no verified physical damage' when it literally can take years for them to find the inner strength to come forward is simply subhuman, and not worthy of a response. It's almost akin to attempting justification of deadly suicide attacks on civilians in the name of religion or cultural oppression.

You need to acquaint yourself with fact and the Law which are strangers to you, and others who hype the nonsense you make up.
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