Bailey Had offers from 2 Division II schools...

RU is in panic mode trying to land WR'S , talent level is thin and no depth currently ..Its Clear why this kid recieved an offer,and hes a slot back....Who knows what happens with Mack..but even with him..its slim pickings .IMHO Ash should have stayed at RU when he got hired..
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One thing is for sure, Ash doesn't subscribe to the beauty pageant of the star ranking system. He goes after kids that will fit what his system. Period. Before anybody brings it up, I am not saying all the kids he didn't get were kids that did not fit his system. Some were kids he most definitely wanted. However, many of them also, despite the stars, were kids Ash was not interested in.
People that are saying the OP is slamming Bailey are the same ones that slammed Flood for getting recruits like Turay. I have no problem recruiting 2* or no * kids if the coach believes in them. My issue is that the OP like myself constantly hear one kid has 20 offers from such and such schools, and he is rated so many stars. Now to hear from those on this board poo pooing what was the holy grail in our recruiting strategy for years. I find it hypocritical.
This not recruit shaming, or calling a 17 yr old perjoritive names because he did not pick RU. This is instead IMHO a valid observation.

The point that people DO NOT WANT TO ACCEPT is that this is not your typical normal recruiting year. Give Ash one year - one full freaking year with all things being equal. If he is still losing recruits to Temple and BC, then so be it. Bash away. I can guarantee you that if Ash is getting beat on recruiting, fair and square, I will be the first one here to tell you that recruiting needs to improve. But to assess his abilities with so many factors going against him right now, most of which he had no control over, is just down right silly.

Why is this so hard to understand?
Destroyed the program? C'mon. And from a moderator. You can say a lot of bad things about the previous coach. But "destroyed the program" is just drama queen territory. Great way to look at our program--come to Rutgers and help Coach Ash rebuild a destroyed program. It's no wonder other recruits are not running for the exits. And I support Ash 100%. But this blame game and deflection have to stop. It's not good for the program, regardless of what y'all think. Remember Hobbs' message about being positive?
I'm not one to shill for Premium, but the mods on premium have given several examples of how Flood destroyed the program & why this is a complete rebuild.
I remember people complaining the same thing about Janarion Grant. A last minute addition- too short, too light, no big offers especially from FLA schools in his own backyard. Of course there other examples that did not do well. I think this staff is looking for the right people are not going to throw away a 'ship to fill in numbers. The team has good depth for next year.
RU is in panic mode trying to land WR'S , talent level is thin and no depth currently ..Its Clear why this kid recieved an offer,and hes a slot back....Who knows what happens with Mack..but even with him..its slim pickings .IMHO Ash should have stayed at RU when he got hired..

tOSU has 14 WRs on their roster as of last year. We have 15 WRs roster as of last year. We lose Carroo. No depth? Talent level?

Agudosi -3 Stars
Blunt- 3 Star, freshman
Gause- 2 Star Freshman
Grant- 3 Star
Harris- 3 Star Freshman
Owens- 3 Star Freshman
Patton- 3 Star, been solid
Tsmisis- 2 Stars, but he has been OK for us.

Not world beating like Ohio State, but I don't see the WR situation as dire. Linebacker position, yes. OL and DL, yes. We need depth. But again, I will not question the judgment of the staff on why they offered a particular recruit. I back their decisions 100%.
I'm not one to shill for Premium, but the mods on premium have given several examples of how Flood destroyed the program & why this is a complete rebuild.
How nice. That's a really bad narrative, and a crappy word to use. But that's their choice. I choose to live in the positive and drink a glass that is half full. But I have always been Mr. Blue Sky. I really could give a crap of what the mods on premium have to say, which is why I don't subscribe. I care what the coaches think and have to say, and I can get that information from plenty of other sources.
I care what the coaches think and have to say, and I can get that information from plenty of other sources.
So you think it was a good strategy for Flood to make NJ kids come to the Hale Center & figuratively kiss his ring before getting an offer while EPa & NY kids didn't?
How nice. That's a really bad narrative, and a crappy word to use. But that's their choice. I choose to live in the positive and drink a glass that is half full. But I have always been Mr. Blue Sky. I really could give a crap of what the mods on premium have to say, which is why I don't subscribe. I care what the coaches think and have to say, and I can get that information from plenty of other sources.

dude we are in this mess because of Flood he doesn't need any defense, that being said you seem to be playing both sides of this issue. Ash is up against it right now because of Flood destroying the program and killing the rep so not sure why you choose to defend Flood against attacks
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People that are saying the OP is slamming Bailey are the same ones that slammed Flood for getting recruits like Turay. I have no problem recruiting 2* or no * kids if the coach believes in them. My issue is that the OP like myself constantly hear one kid has 20 offers from such and such schools, and he is rated so many stars. Now to hear from those on this board poo pooing what was the holy grail in our recruiting strategy for years. I find it hypocritical.
This not recruit shaming, or calling a 17 yr old perjoritive names because he did not pick RU. This is instead IMHO a valid observation.

okay....its very clear. Ash just got on the job yet you are comparing him to Floods recruiting being here full time. If next year Ash is pulling same recruits then you can complain. Its quite simple to understand without rationalizing and trying to be chicken little and somehow still longing for Fudd
How nice. That's a really bad narrative, and a crappy word to use. But that's their choice. I choose to live in the positive and drink a glass that is half full. But I have always been Mr. Blue Sky. I really could give a crap of what the mods on premium have to say, which is why I don't subscribe. I care what the coaches think and have to say, and I can get that information from plenty of other sources.

It really depends on perspective. Some areas a complete rebuild is needed, so yes, the word "destroyed" would be appropriate. While in other areas, a paint job would do, so no, the word "destroyed" would be overly dramatic.
dude we are in this mess because of Flood he doesn't need any defense, that being said you seem to be playing both sides of this issue. Ash is up against it right now because of Flood destroying the program and killing the rep so not sure why you choose to defend Flood against attacks
No, I see it as a larger problem, but it's easy to make Flood the whipping boy. Julie and Bob have a hand in where we are at right now too, as the perception of the entire sports program took a hit under Julie, so much so that Bob had to keep her bound and gagged in her office. But I still would not say anything is destroyed. I am not defending Flood. I am defending the program. Some of you guys just like to feel bad about Rutgers and now the pre-canned excuses are being laid to be trotted out during recruiting and on the field next year. Every time we miss a tackle, allow a TD or lose a game, we can blame Flood. Got it.
So you think it was a good strategy for Flood to make NJ kids come to the Hale Center & figuratively kiss his ring before getting an offer while EPa & NY kids didn't?
I have no idea nor do I really care WTF you are talking about here. It's over. And if that was/is the case, big boys would realize it's a new era and they are dealing with a completely different coach. How hard is that to understand, and what does it have to do with "destroying"?
I remember people complaining the same thing about Janarion Grant. A last minute addition- too short, too light, no big offers especially from FLA schools in his own backyard. Of course there other examples that did not do well. I think this staff is looking for the right people are not going to throw away a 'ship to fill in numbers. The team has good depth for next year.

Grant was a 3 Star with offers from Indiana, Kentucky, Oklahoma State, USF and West Virginia. That's 4 offers from Power 5 schools.

It's not even remotely comparable.
I think all Knight Shift is saying is that the program is not "Destroyed" per se, overall. It's going to need tons of work, but not a complete rebuild from the ground up. We don't want to project to recruits and the like that you can't come here cause it is a very big mess and a big hole to dig out of. The image we want to project is that with a little tweaking, a stud recruit here and there, and we can get back to competing again.

I personally think we will get to a bowl game this year, so you negative nellies can go pound salt. :)
We have to give Ash a chance. Let's see the on field product first. I wish our recruiting was better but we got the QB we needed and that's the most important position worth 2-3 games. If you look at Pitt, I didn't think Nuzz could recruit last year but after a full year he's killing it and even beating Penn State for recruits. It help that he had a winning season and normally Pitt recruits are more loyal to Pitt than NJ recruits. Probably more important for Rutgers moving up is Penn State moving down, which the recruiting is worst than last year. With a bad or average year for Penn State and Pitt getting more Top Pa recruits, we will more up because the BS Franklin has won't work. Let's see how ASH coaches and see next year's recruits.
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I'm not one to shill for Premium, but the mods on premium have given several examples of how Flood destroyed the program & why this is a complete rebuild.

I think that, in fairness, you would also have to admit that the "administration" of this site is also prone to shilling for diminished expectations. It would make sense, therefore, that they would suggest that the program is in total rebuild mode.

I disagree. I think it's more a "reboot" than a "rebuild", per my earlier post.
I think all Knight Shift is saying is that the program is not "Destroyed" per se, overall. It's going to need tons of work, but not a complete rebuild from the ground up. We don't want to project to recruits and the like that you can't come here cause it is a very big mess and a big hole to dig out of. The image we want to project is that with a little tweaking, a stud recruit here and there, and we can get back to competing again.

I personally think we will get to a bowl game this year, so you negative nellies can go pound salt. :)
Exactly. Destroyed sounds like a word a drama queen would use. Makes it sound like our situation is dire and hopeless. It is not. But if some of you want to think that way, have at it.
I think that, in fairness, you would also have to admit that the "administration" of this site is also prone to shilling for diminished expectations. It would make sense, therefore, that they would suggest that the program is in total rebuild mode.

I disagree. I think it's more a "reboot" than a "rebuild", per my earlier post.
When there were 38 4&5 stars from NJ over the past 4 years & the only one we got was a criminal who couldn't pass Dance Appreciation, it's a rebuild. A whole generation of NJ high school talent has grown up & graduated without giving Rutgers a chance.
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When there were 38 4&5 stars from NJ over the past 4 years & the only one we got was a criminal who couldn't pass Dance Appreciation, it's a rebuild. A whole generation of NJ high school talent has grown up & graduated without giving Rutgers a chance.

Sorry, I think that's being overly dramatic. Our record with NJ 4 & 5 stars was never what you would call... "stellar", especially if you consider the Schiano 4* recruits who never amounted to anything - there were a few of those.
RU is in panic mode trying to land WR'S , talent level is thin and no depth currently ..Its Clear why this kid recieved an offer,and hes a slot back....Who knows what happens with Mack..but even with him..its slim pickings .IMHO Ash should have stayed at RU when he got hired..

Respectfully, this is a ridiculous post. Our WR position is not "thin" with "no depth". You may not like the talent level, but we have plenty of WR's. With all of the 7-on-7 camps, WR is also one of the easiest positions to recruit from a volume perspective.

Secondly, the whole "Ash should have stayed at RU when he got hired" argument is tired and irrelevant at this point. He stayed at OSU to finish what he started with those kids. Get over it. Dwayne Haskins, Jordan Fuller & Rashan Gary would not be walking into the Hale Center tomorrow if Ash had bolted for RU immediately upon being hired.

Signing Day 2016 is what it is. Personally, I love the upside potential of QB Tylin Oden and I also think a few of the O-line commits like Landsdorf will develop nicely into B1G starting players.
This whole destroyed line of thinking reminds me of the scene from the Godfather with the singer crying about his lot in life.

"Wah, wah, wah. What can I do? What can I do? What is this nonsense. Ridiculous."

Robert Duvall's reaction is awesome.
Respectfully, this is a ridiculous post. Our WR position is not "thin" with "no depth". You may not like the talent level, but we have plenty of WR's. With all of the 7-on-7 camps, WR is also one of the easiest positions to recruit from a volume perspective.

Secondly, the whole "Ash should have stayed at RU when he got hired" argument is tired and irrelevant at this point. He stayed at OSU to finish what he started with those kids. Get over it. Dwayne Haskins, Jordan Fuller & Rashan Gary would not be walking into the Hale Center tomorrow if Ash had bolted for RU immediately upon being hired.

Signing Day 2016 is what it is. Personally, I love the upside potential of QB Tylin Oden and I also think a few of the O-line commits like Landsdorf will develop nicely into B1G starting players.

I am predicting Aguodosi, Tsimis, Grant and Patton to have career years in Mehringer's offense. Aguodosi the deep threat and the other three driving defenders crazy with short and intermediate crossing routes. In Mehringer's O (Houston's O), the ability to separate isn't nearly as important as timing (as opposed to the pro-style). If the WRs can get their route running and timing down, watch out. Then add in our running backs with the read option. Oh my. We're going to score a lot points. Can't wait for spring. I'm so excited. :)
If Flood had even considered this kid this board would have melted down and glowed in the dark for decades. But now we have a potential Jerry Rice? Well, the kid may turn out to be a great player or he could be something less. I'll wait and see. But if this commitment had been made 1 year ago, nobody would have been suggesting he's the next Jerry Rice.
OK, where the hell did I said that this kid is the next Jerry Rice? All I saw was a bunch of NFL players who was not highly recruited or did not go to a Powerhouse. All I said was Jerry Rice went to the great and powerful Mississippi Valley State University to add my two cents into the above comparisons. I hope kid turns out to be a diamond in the rough but I never said this kid was the next Jerry Rice.
Nobody is ripping the kid but to be fair if this was Schiano or more likely Terrry Shea or Kyle Flood you would all be going ballistic.
Not all of us. Only those who would go ballistic about a football game.
Respectfully, this is a ridiculous post. Our WR position is not "thin" with "no depth". You may not like the talent level, but we have plenty of WR's. With all of the 7-on-7 camps, WR is also one of the easiest positions to recruit from a volume perspective.

Secondly, the whole "Ash should have stayed at RU when he got hired" argument is tired and irrelevant at this point. He stayed at OSU to finish what he started with those kids. Get over it. Dwayne Haskins, Jordan Fuller & Rashan Gary would not be walking into the Hale Center tomorrow if Ash had bolted for RU immediately upon being hired.

Signing Day 2016 is what it is. Personally, I love the upside potential of QB Tylin Oden and I also think a few of the O-line commits like Landsdorf will develop nicely into B1G starting players.

Certainly his staying at OSU has not provided any dividends and if Cuse and Maryland have better classes certainly a legitimate topic.
Exactly. Destroyed sounds like a word a drama queen would use. Makes it sound like our situation is dire and hopeless. It is not. But if some of you want to think that way, have at it.

I don't want to live in a world where I have nothing to complain about!

....Runs off crying....
These new coaches came on board late in the recruiting process.

Ever hear of finding diamonds in the rough? Maybe these guys are good at that! Give em a break, and welcome the new kid from Texas willing to take on our crappy weather!
I think that, in fairness, you would also have to admit that the "administration" of this site is also prone to shilling for diminished expectations. It would make sense, therefore, that they would suggest that the program is in total rebuild mode.

I disagree. I think it's more a "reboot" than a "rebuild", per my earlier post.
Clearly more of a reboot that a rebuild. But we still have a lot of building yet to do.

We have much better facilities than we did. We are in a conference that already pays more and will pay us lots more soon. Despite our recruiting woes this season, our perception is still way better in and around NJ than it was when Schiano first took over. It took a hit under Flood, but that's what the reboot is for.

But while we don't need so much to rebuild what Schiano already built, Schiano left a lot of the project uncompleted. He never got us over the hump. In time, he might have. But he's gone now.

Perhaps Ash can complete a reboot and then continue the building process. I'm cautiously optimistic.
Flood is certainly not blameless for the current state of the program. However, the true culprit remains hidden and protected. Dick Anderson. Everything that has gone wrong is his fault and he should not be spared the blame for last season or this recruiting class. However his acolytes on this site continue to shield him from responsibility. I shall expose his disciples and drive them from this board back to the premium site.

Now that we have established a scapegoat we can all agree upon can we just focus on the future. Better days are ahead.
I was just on Tarleton State's board and they are pretty upset about losing this kid.
Are you serious. It less then hour outside of Dallas! With 10 FBS teams and 8 FCS teams so there is no area in Texas that lightly recruited let alone this close to Dallas. A FBS school is 25 minutes away. SMU is an hour away. It not a small school as it is 3a which in Texas is right in the middle.
Believe what you want. I did not make up that he comes from a school/league which is not highly recruited. I repeated valid information. I made no statement as to the actual quality of his play.
Flood is certainly not blameless for the current state of the program. However, the true culprit remains hidden and protected. Dick Anderson. Everything that has gone wrong is his fault and he should not be spared the blame for last season or this recruiting class. However his acolytes on this site continue to shield him from responsibility. I shall expose his disciples and drive them from this board back to the premium site.

Now that we have established a scapegoat we can all agree upon can we just focus on the future. Better days are ahead.
Goodness, are you still going to blame Anderson in 2030??
We both know there is no forgiving him.
Sorry, before my time. I started during the Graber years when we were on the bad side of mediocre. I trace the truly negative stuff back to Good Ol' Terry. I'm not a Flood fan, but I laugh any time someone says he destroyed the program. Shea reeeally destroyed the program.
I was just on Tarleton State's board and they are pretty upset about losing this kid.

Should check out thw Rowan Profs board. Their sweating bullets. Word is out. Ash is done recruiting kids with fbs offers and is scanning the country looking for the best Div 2 & 3 talent. And Rutgers fans don't mind at all