Bailey Had offers from 2 Division II schools...

Not sure if you heard but the last coach destroyed our program and was just fired six weeks ago. Can we just enjoy watching what a real coaching staff can do without the panic? The best players in NJ and the best players in other states will be coming to RU within the next year or two. Just relax. I'm not expecting good, I'm expecting history-making.

But at this stop, all the chicken shits need to get off the bus.
Destroyed the program? C'mon. And from a moderator. You can say a lot of bad things about the previous coach. But "destroyed the program" is just drama queen territory. Great way to look at our program--come to Rutgers and help Coach Ash rebuild a destroyed program. It's no wonder other recruits are not running for the exits. And I support Ash 100%. But this blame game and deflection have to stop. It's not good for the program, regardless of what y'all think. Remember Hobbs' message about being positive?
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Not sure if you heard but the last coach destroyed our program and was just fired six weeks ago. Can we just enjoy watching what a real coaching staff can do without the panic? The best players in NJ and the best players in other states will be coming to RU within the next year or two. Just relax. I'm not expecting good, I'm expecting history-making.

But at this stop, all the chicken shits need to get off the bus.

I'm not a fan of Flood and glad to see the change but we have to stop with he destroyed the program crap. Let's face it, the man was over his head, if you look at his staff, how many have been part of running a Power 5 team prior to RU? The new staff has worked and has experience with top programs where the previous staff worked at Maine, Hofstra,.....Look at the amount of money the old staff had to spend compared to the budget for the new staff. Look at all the additional support staff personal Ash has compared to Flood. It just seems there is more funding for the new staff compared to the old staff. For all the Flood bashing, yes his stubborness on QB, not changing D, game day coaching, he and his staff were just over their heads in running a P5 team. I'm sure he will do great at Maine, Hofstra,....or be an assistant to a much more expierenced staff. He left us with a good stable of RB's, DL's, Grant, young CB's, young OL, it's not all doom & gloom.
And to the OP, "I'm not slamming the kid. . ." Yes you are. Sometimes it is better not to vocalize every thought inside your head.

Remember Kemoko Turay? His only other offer was James Madison. While he did not have a great season last year due to injuries, he was widely regarded as a great freshman player.

I trust the coaches to make evaluations and develop players who were lightly recruited. What exactly are your credentials, and what have you done to evaluate recruits in person, and not behind a keyboard?
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Shaun O'Hara, Gary Brackett, Paul James..... all walk ons. As far I know, no D1 offers.
I wish I could prescribe appropriate meds for everyone here. Happy meds. Opioids, maybe.

Bailey very much appears to have been on Mehringer's radar. He camped at Houston. I'm allowing that one of the things we have to get used to is evaluating talent from the perspective of an entirely different offensive philosophy.

As someone has already pointed out, we have an excess of scholarships this year. The kid comes here and hopefully he shines like some of the under-recruited stars we've had in the past.

I ain't worried.
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Dri Archer only had 1 offer. Kent State.

Doug Martin had only 1 offer. Boise State

Khalil Mack had 1 offer. Buffalo

T.Y. Hilton was a 2 star recruit

Victor Cruz no offers. Enrolled at UMass.

Or how about arguably the best player in the NFL...

JJ Watt - 2 star recruit
offers: CMU, Colorado, Minnesota, UNI, Wyoming
Jerry Rice: Mississippi Valley State
Destroyed the program? C'mon. And from a moderator. You can say a lot of bad things about the previous coach. But "destroyed the program" is just drama queen territory. Great way to look at our program--come to Rutgers and help Coach Ash rebuild a destroyed program. It's no wonder other recruits are not running for the exits. And I support Ash 100%. But this blame game and deflection have to stop. It's not good for the program, regardless of what y'all think. Remember Hobbs' message about being positive?

They did run for the hills. Were you not paying attention? I'm positive the people we have in place are going to blaze trails and make history here. And I'm incredibly excited and optimistic about what will happen. Positivism does not require one to willfully sugarcoat the harm Flood did to the program. Schiano had built a rock foundation. That foundation no longer exist. Because it was destroyed.
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They did run for the hills. Were you not paying attention? I'm positive the people we have in place are going to blaze trails and make history here. And I'm incredibly excited and optimistic about what will happen. Positivism does not require one to willfully sugarcoat the harm Flood did to the program. Schiano had built a rock foundation. That foundation no longer exist. Because it was destroyed.

I blame Julie.
a couple more walk-ons -

T.J. Ward

T.J. Ward played at the legendary De La Salle High School, but didn't become a starter until his senior year. In the third game of the season, he broke his leg. As a result, he was barely recruited and decided to walk on at Oregon. Ward worked hard on the scout team and eventually earned a scholarship. He continued to battle injuries throughout his career at Oregon but was eventually named All-Pac 10 Honorable Mention. Ward is now an NFL Pro Bowler, despite starting only two full games in high school.

Jordy Nelson

Aaron Rodgers' favorite target was a walk-on. Jordy Nelson grew up in Kansas and played quarterback in high school. He was good, but only received offers from smaller schools. Nelson decided to chase his dream and joined Kansas State as a walk-on.

Nelson initially played safety. He made the switch to receiver at the behest of Kansas State coach Bill Sndyer. Good move. Nelson blossomed into an All-American wideout and eventually was drafted by the Green Bay Packers, for whom he can still be seen snagging touchdowns today.
I think the OP has a point! This board is Star obsessed, and to get a recruit that has none that I can see, or was not recruited at all is perplexing at best. Not slamming kid at all. I hear so many complaints about not getting the top players all the time. He may very well turn out to be a gem in a lake full of rocks.
I think the OP has a point! This board is Star obsessed, and to get a recruit that has none that I can see, or was not recruited at all is perplexing at best. Not slamming kid at all. I hear so many complaints about not getting the top players all the time. He may very well turn out to be a gem in a lake full of rocks.

If you were expecting Rutgers to have many great options on the recruiting front over the past 3 weeks, you're setting yourself up for a major letdown. As my esteemed colleague alluded to above, the stench of last 4 years has them running for the hills. Once the new staff makes them all see, we are all going to be doing a happy dance.
....not FCS, but actual Division 2. Forget about Power 5, forget about FBS....forget about Division 1 entirely! (And how many non P5 and FCS schools are there in Texas and Oklahoma that could have offered?)

I'm not slamming the kid but I've been following recruiting for a whIle and I don't think I've ever seen the like. For sure we will snag kids with only FCS offers and the negatoids will gripe and complain....but taking a kid with a Rhode Island offer is a lot different than a kid whose best offer is Tarleton State.

Anyone else find this strange? Can you remember anythIng similar?

You did not watch his tape or do you understand the spread that his team was running. he may very well be our back up/switch up QB (the wild knight in the power spread) and oh yes he got quicks.
I do like his open field cuts, he had a good eye down field. In the tape he pulled away from many secondary players so his speed is there and oh yes he does have some good hands to go with the speed.
Paul James is an excellent example This young man looks a bit faster. Oh yes one other thing this young man brings to the table. He got brains with a 3.3 avg. You don't get that every day.
All said and done watch what was run it is what we will be running and as a slot or H back or Wild knight he is there to fill the bill of a smart, quick, player that already fits our new offense.
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Not slammin the guy,but OP is a miserable, self important tool. I have to kick myself when I'm reminded that he's on the RU faculty. He teaches self help courses.
To say Flood would have been crucified for such recruiting is absolutely ridiculous.

If Flood had even considered this kid this board would have melted down and glowed in the dark for decades. But now we have a potential Jerry Rice? Well, the kid may turn out to be a great player or he could be something less. I'll wait and see. But if this commitment had been made 1 year ago, nobody would have been suggesting he's the next Jerry Rice.
Hello! The coaching staff has been in place for less than 60 days (with a big chunk of that during a dead period) and we want them to sign kids that other P5 programs have been recruiting for multiple years to a program that has struggled both on and off the field? Taking a chance based on a good kid is better than taking no chance. A kid that's not in the program will never contribute. The nature of the game indicates that a number of these kids will contribute and there will be a number of 3-4 star kids who you never hear of again, Let's see what happens on the field. We hired a new coach not Houdini or Superman.
To say Flood would have been crucified for such recruiting is absolutely ridiculous. Ash had 2 months to garner relationships and evaluate players. He was not a head coach like Babers who took his whole recruiting class from Bowling Green. Do you know how hard it is to do this? Just be glad he is actually making character assessments, unlike Flood, and vetting the recruits accordingly
I don't usually post here, but for the record, Dino Babers flipped two Bowling Green players. LB Andrew Armstrong and S Evan Foster.
On Bailey, give the kid a chance. He has size and potential.
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If Flood had even considered this kid this board would have melted down and glowed in the dark for decades. But now we have a potential Jerry Rice? Well, the kid may turn out to be a great player or he could be something less. I'll wait and see. But if this commitment had been made 1 year ago, nobody would have been suggesting he's the next Jerry Rice.

Perhaps a little context and perspective is required of some here.

Can you really compare an Ash reach to a Flood reach at this point? One is trying to change the system on the fly and the other was here for 4 years. Not exactly apples to apples.

I am on record from the beginning as saying that nothing that happens with Ash's recruiting this year is reflective of his long-term potential. He gets a complete pass from me. It seems to me that he'd rather use open scholarships on high-ceiling risks with a certain skill set than give them away to marginal prospects.

I'm more concerned with what he is able to do to lay the groundwork for the future. And that depends more on the on-field product at this point.
This thread makes me embarrassed that the OP is an RU fan.

Ash has had limited time to work his recruiting magic, and that's an understatement. Give the guy a year of actual recruiting time and see what he does. Can't judge him on this at all.
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They did run for the hills. Were you not paying attention? I'm positive the people we have in place are going to blaze trails and make history here. And I'm incredibly excited and optimistic about what will happen. Positivism does not require one to willfully sugarcoat the harm Flood did to the program. Schiano had built a rock foundation. That foundation no longer exist. Because it was destroyed.
Really unfortunate you stick with "destroyed." That's nonsense and your choice. St. Greg's rock foundation was starting to weaken by the end of his tenure. His 2010 class was #64, lower than all three of Kyle Flood's. For what we pulled off in 2006, we should have killed it in recruiting in the following years. Destroyed? SMH.
Watching the kid's tape, given his size and makes it even more mysterious.
Did you watch the kids "tape" i.e. a full game or a highlight film. Evaluating a kids based on a highlight film is like grading a kid based only on test questions he got correct. Of course your going to think the kid an A student.
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It's interesting reading this thread as I recall several poster "questioning" the previous staffs acceptance of one Mr. Russo's verbal pledge. Another poster mentioned in this thread - if the previous staff brought in players with little to no offers "lightly recruited" one wold see threads calling for heads.

That said I keep an open mind right now but it is curious to see posters who are star tards defending the staffs recruitment of lightly recruited players.

And by the way is there a 2 or 3 day window prior to nsd where one can't discuss recruiting. Just very interesting observations.
Nobody is ripping the kid but to be fair if this was Schiano or more likely Terrry Shea or Kyle Flood you would all be going ballistic.
Really unfortunate you stick with "destroyed." That's nonsense and your choice. St. Greg's rock foundation was starting to weaken by the end of his tenure. His 2010 class was #64, lower than all three of Kyle Flood's. For what we pulled off in 2006, we should have killed it in recruiting in the following years. Destroyed? SMH.

I consider myself to be fairly authoritative on Greg's "process", for reasons that the long-term folks here understand.

The reality is that here and now, 15 or so years later, the program is a melange of Greg Goodness, Flood F*ckups and plain, old entropy. When Greg came here, Rutgers football had zero visibility. The PR campaign put together by him and his staff - reaching out to the high school programs, reaching out to the Pop Warner programs, all of that still works. Rutgers football isn't a "hot commodity" in the eyes of many high school coaches and athletes, but it's nowhere near as bad as it was a decade and a half ago.

The overall construct of the program, internally, definitely decayed. Conditioning suffered, discipline suffered, the quality of the "student athlete", overall, suffered. Some of that is because of Flood's "Nice Guy" image and the fact that he really did want to be seen as a "father figure" to his players. Part of it is due to the fact that his recruiting targets became riskier as his perception decayed. Part of it is, I think, just plain laziness or intentional de-emphasis. For example, a lot of the structure around class attendance and classroom performance and accountability was just outright kicked to the curb under Kyle's reign.

The program, here and now, isn't destroyed, it's not dead. It is, however, in desperate need of a fresh start. I think Ash is rather "Greg-like" with respect to his drive and motivation. He reminds me a lot of Schiano in many ways. He seems to be a bit less of a dick, which may play to his favor.

Similarly, Hobbs reminds me, at least at the 100,000' level, of Bob Mulcahy. He's shrewd, he's politically savvy and he's well-connected.

It's the sort of dynamic that Rutgers football requires to be successful. The program had no chance of continued success under Flood & Julie. That's not to say that the two of them can't be successful elsewhere, but they never would have been successful here. New Jersey requires a certain level of chutzpah that the two of them just didn't have.
My first reaction was that there are a lot of D1 football programs in Texas and not one of them made an offer to him. Not even Rice or North Texas?

Reminds me of Sam Blue, no other offers.

But stranger things have happened.
I hope he proves the doubters wrong.
It's interesting reading this thread as I recall several poster "questioning" the previous staffs acceptance of one Mr. Russo's verbal pledge. Another poster mentioned in this thread - if the previous staff brought in players with little to no offers "lightly recruited" one wold see threads calling for heads.

That said I keep an open mind right now but it is curious to see posters who are star tards defending the staffs recruitment of lightly recruited players.

And by the way is there a 2 or 3 day window prior to nsd where one can't discuss recruiting. Just very interesting observations.

Great minds think alike!!
Nobody is ripping the kid but to be fair if this was Schiano or more likely Terrry Shea or Kyle Flood you would all be going ballistic.
That is what is so great about a sports board, you can be hypocritical without any accountability. We all know what you are saying, but we want to feel good and believe that this current regime is going to get us to the promised land.
....not FCS, but actual Division 2. Forget about Power 5, forget about FBS....forget about Division 1 entirely! (And how many non P5 and FCS schools are there in Texas and Oklahoma that could have offered?)

I'm not slamming the kid but I've been following recruiting for a whIle and I don't think I've ever seen the like. For sure we will snag kids with only FCS offers and the negatoids will gripe and complain....but taking a kid with a Rhode Island offer is a lot different than a kid whose best offer is Tarleton State.

Anyone else find this strange? Can you remember anythIng similar?

Did your kid get a schollie to Rhode Island but not Rutgers?

You sound jilted.
And to the OP, "I'm not slamming the kid. . ." Yes you are. Sometimes it is better not to vocalize every thought inside your head.

Remember Kemoko Turay? His only other offer was James Madison. While he did not have a great season last year due to injuries, he was widely regarded as a great freshman player.

I trust the coaches to make evaluations and develop players who were lightly recruited. What exactly are your credentials, and what have you done to evaluate recruits in person, and not behind a keyboard?

James Madison is a Division 1 school.
My first reaction was that there are a lot of D1 football programs in Texas and not one of them made an offer to him. Not even Rice or North Texas?

Reminds me of Sam Blue, no other offers.

But stranger things have happened.
I hope he proves the doubters wrong.

Sam Blue had a ton of FCS offers. If I recall a few MEAC and Patriot schools and the like. Again, pretty different. It might not seem it but I was merely struck by something I didn't recall seeing recently.
Did your kid get a schollie to Rhode Island but not Rutgers?

You sound jilted.

That makes zero sense. I'm pointing out the difference between CAA offers and Division 2 offers. If my kid got a schollie to Rhode Island I'd do backflips, then immediately cash out his 529 and buy him a car.
Small town, less than 4000 people. Rarely recruited area. HS coach has a relationship with staff and made a strong recommendation.
Are you serious. It less then hour outside of Dallas! With 10 FBS teams and 8 FCS teams so there is no area in Texas that lightly recruited let alone this close to Dallas. A FBS school is 25 minutes away. SMU is an hour away. It not a small school as it is 3a which in Texas is right in the middle.
Nobody is ripping the kid but to be fair if this was Schiano or more likely Terrry Shea or Kyle Flood you would all be going ballistic.

Nobody would have been ripping Flood, Schiano, Shea if they have only been on campus for a month.

Please stop.
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James Madison is a very good FCS program. It looks like they have three 3 star recruits in their 2016 class. No disgrace in stealing one of their top recruits.

Yes, exactly. Like I said, this point in the cycle in particular no one would bat an eye at flipping an FCS recruit. I don't recall is in the taking a kid with this kind of offer sheet. I wish people wouldn't get so worked up about that observation.
Reading these threads lately has become very depressing. The hypocrisy of posters is amazing. I hope this kid turns out to be the next Turay or James, but I don't think its the sign of a traitor to question some of the kids being recruited this cycle. I'm not expecting Ash to have been able to bring in a top 25 class but I was hoping for better than it appears we'll have. And no, I'm not going to say Ash is terrible based solely on this class, but the fact is at this time this is the only thing we have to go on. This time next year we'll have the Spring game, summer camps, 2016-2017 season and the 2017 recruiting class to base our opinions on and I really believe we'll have some great results to point to as successes. But I'm also not going to sit here and criticize people who have legitimate questions and call them trolls just because they're not wearing their scarlet colored glasses. Get a grip people.
If you were expecting Rutgers to have many great options on the recruiting front over the past 3 weeks, you're setting yourself up for a major letdown. As my esteemed colleague alluded to above, the stench of last 4 years has them running for the hills. Once the new staff makes them all see, we are all going to be doing a happy dance.
People that are saying the OP is slamming Bailey are the same ones that slammed Flood for getting recruits like Turay. I have no problem recruiting 2* or no * kids if the coach believes in them. My issue is that the OP like myself constantly hear one kid has 20 offers from such and such schools, and he is rated so many stars. Now to hear from those on this board poo pooing what was the holy grail in our recruiting strategy for years. I find it hypocritical.
This not recruit shaming, or calling a 17 yr old perjoritive names because he did not pick RU. This is instead IMHO a valid observation.
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