Bailey Had offers from 2 Division II schools...

Sorry, before my time. I started during the Graber years when we were on the bad side of mediocre. I trace the truly negative stuff back to Good Ol' Terry. I'm not a Flood fan, but I laugh any time someone says he destroyed the program. Shea reeeally destroyed the program.
To blame Shea is to protect Anderson. Nice try but I have unmasked you. lol. :sunglasses:
"Before the Rutgizz offah, did you have any otha offahs? I mean did any schools besides Rutgizz make an offah? You know, did you get offahs from school that weren't Rutgizz? Like, were there other offahs otha than Rutgizz?"
I believe we found Bailey because his HS coach played for one of RU coaches. RU coach was contacted because the HS coach had a real feel for this kid. Bailey plays for small school in smallest conference in Texas so not many kids get recruited from there. Coach stuck his neck out Rutgers coach is doing so likewise (On a normal full cycle of recruiting I think this kid would have fallen by the wayside. I think his addition adds some punch to Rutgers recruiting Texas and that area of the Country. In this case I just think it is a favor that may or may not work out. I can think of another situation like this.... Kid named Jeffcoat was an undersized kid on a state championship Matawan team. Coach had to call in a favor to get him an offer Kid grew some in college Kept him big heart and big game...went on to play for some team named the Dallas Cowboys.......Sometimes it works out Sometimes it doesn't....Lets hope this one works out
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To blame Shea is to protect Anderson. Nice try but I have unmasked you. lol. :sunglasses:
Pretty sure I'm not protecting Anderson as I really have no clue what he did, but if you're bored one day, I wouldn't mind reading why you think he's to blame for all our woes.
Pretty sure I'm not protecting Anderson as I really have no clue what he did, but if you're bored one day, I wouldn't mind reading why you think he's to blame for all our woes.
Sorry just being a little snarky. Half this thread was about Flood and who destroyed the program and I am over it and just want to move on. I do however still harbor some resentment toward Anderson as he was going to be our first savior as a coach. He came from Penn State, recommended by Paterno (before we knew the real Joe Pa) and I bought into that hook line and sinker. Well as you can imagine since there is no plaque on the wall in the stadium honoring Dick, things did not work out as planned. So in the end his is the father of all our troubles.
I'm really not expecting much next year given Ash hasn't coached a down as a HC. Maybe 4 wins. Don't see how that's going to suddenly open the recruiting flood gates in 2017. I' M not convinced as most here seem to be that Ash was the right choice. His start reminds me of Terry Shea (voluntary late start, no local connections, recruits our competitors aren't interested in, etc)
I'm really not expecting much next year given Ash hasn't coached a down as a HC. Maybe 4 wins. Don't see how that's going to suddenly open the recruiting flood gates in 2017. I' M not convinced as most here seem to be that Ash was the right choice. His start reminds me of Terry Shea (voluntary late start, no local connections, recruits our competitors aren't interested in, etc)
I think Ash was a great choice if we weren't going to hire a name-brand coach w/a proven record of winning against great competition. I'm very glad we didn't hire a retread (Schiano, Golden, etc.). They had their shots and for whatever reasons, never got over the hump. New to HCing with a winning pedigree is a step up.
I'm really not expecting much next year given Ash hasn't coached a down as a HC. Maybe 4 wins. Don't see how that's going to suddenly open the recruiting flood gates in 2017. I' M not convinced as most here seem to be that Ash was the right choice. His start reminds me of Terry Shea (voluntary late start, no local connections, recruits our competitors aren't interested in, etc)
I don't get the Shea vibe at all. I think he will succeed here to a limited extent and then move on, but I don't see him as a major bust.
Tarlton and Delaware State ? Can these kids read and write ? Oh, I forgot it doesn't matter. Not too many future Rhodes Scholars play D1 football these days. Give these guys financial aid; not full rides.
You are 100% back-handing the guy, and you not even owning up to it is a bitch move.

I've been part of this community for close to a decade and have realized that 3/4 of the asinine posts on this board come from users I don't recognize. I swear most of them have to be trolls.
I feel that way too. But there is something about this guy...
I'm really not expecting much next year given Ash hasn't coached a down as a HC. Maybe 4 wins. Don't see how that's going to suddenly open the recruiting flood gates in 2017. I' M not convinced as most here seem to be that Ash was the right choice. His start reminds me of Terry Shea (voluntary late start, no local connections, recruits our competitors aren't interested in, etc)

If only your boy Golden was chosen all would be great. Perhaps there's still time to hire him away from his Asst. TE gig under Prince so we don't have to listen to your constant Ash whining anymore on the board.
Reactions to this offer if made by previous HCs: Shea -- kid would've turned him down. Flood -- fans would be going nuts about horrid recruiting. Schiano -- What does he see in this kid that we're all missing?

But hey, Ash is HC for the next 4+ years. The vast majority on this board, including me, want him to succeed. But this revisionist, deifying of a coach that's done nothing so far needs to stop. So many posters were talking about what a good to great recruiting class he's going to bring in (and you know who you are), regardless of the late start. How his energy, passion, experience, and prowess would lead to his class leaving Flood's in the dust.

Now that it's not looking as promising as assumed, these same people are claiming "What could he have done with so little time, connections, the dead period, yada, yada, yada.? Let's not forget it was his choice to stay at OSU for two weeks. Yield to the facts.

But this doesn't change the fact that we're all still rooting for him. Let's stop the excuses and rationalizations. We should stick to facts, hopes, thoughts about the future and how to get to where we want to go. I believe he'll get us there. Let's stop arguing the past, about things that cant' affect the future.

Historical perspective is fine, and often fun to discuss...but lets' keep our eye an the ball.