A few things:
1.) Who the hell is ecstatic about finishing last in conference?
2.) According to the announcers on BTN, this was the 1st time in B1G history that a 14th seed won in the 1st round. If you don't see some sign of improvement as a result, or something to feel positive about regarding that, then you're just not looking, or you simply don't want to see it since it wouldn't fit your seemingly endless negative agenda.
3.) Hate to break it to 'ya, but we already beat Indiana in football...in 2015, though Lord knows how with the staff that was on the sidelines at the time. -Must have missed the ticker tape parade afterwards, though, but do hope you enjoyed it.
Here's a suggestion, since you seem to think everything about Rutgers is as bad as you do, why not just follow another team? You'll be doing yourself, and everybody else, a big favor.