Basketball Brandin Knight signs contract extension with Rutgers Basketball

I would have to think with Pikiell and Knight getting contract extensions and raises Hobbs also will be included.Where is the money coming from when the RAC is only a 8000 seat arena and the athletic department still has to repay loans which might take another 5-10 years?

It's amazing. We have begged and begged for Rutgers to spend money on assistants and sports forever... We finally do and Mr. 70 points per game writes this.
It's amazing. We have begged and begged for Rutgers to spend money on assistants and sports forever... We finally do and Mr. 70 points per game writes this.
I can’t tell if some people just don’t get it or if they are jealous. It makes no sense. Rutgers is competing by paying assistants. That’s great news.
Have to wonder how we made some shit hires the last few openings but all of a sudden willing to give Knight $200K more. Not sure the logic when looking at assistant strategy the last 3 years as the team has gradually declined.

I think it’s been a missed opportunity.
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Have to wonder how we made some shit hires the last few openings but all of a sudden willing to give Knight $200K more. Not sure the logic when looking at assistant strategy the last 3 years as the team has gradually declined.

I think it’s been a missed opportunity.
Gradually declined? Things don’t go in a straight line. You’re just complaining to complain.
Have to wonder how we made some shit hires the last few openings but all of a sudden willing to give Knight $200K more. Not sure the logic when looking at assistant strategy the last 3 years as the team has gradually declined.

I think it’s been a missed opportunity.
Team has declined?

The B1G finishes got better each of the last 3 years. What the hell are you talking about ?
Small time is letting your valuable or proven assistant coaches get poached by other schools. SHU desperately wanted Knight and couldn't pony up....they wanted him because even though we are not a conference rival, RU is now a legitimate program. We can match up with most (not all) programs that are not considered blue bloods.

The difference between losing an assistant and keeping him is not a big deal financially. And you don't have to pay him for more than 1 year, if he somehow lands the Pitt job.

And because fans don't pay attention to national recruiting or cost of assistants, Louisville paid a premium to take away Nolan Smith from Duke. Obviously this listen or link is not apples to apples with Knight and RU, but when he was the lead recruiting guy on Harper, Cliff, Simpson and assuredly on Dylan Harper, why would you go the cheap route??

If Knight left for SHU based on not paying him any more money and he somehow convinced Cliff to transfer (unlikely, but not entirely impossible) would you blame Pike for not paying Knight then?? Absolutely, he would get roasted....

If RHJ suddenly pivots and decides he wants to play next year at RU, is that more or less likely to happen if Knight is here?? It is clearly more likely that RHJ and potentially Caleb return with Knight here vs not here.

It is a small time attitude to go cheap. I don't know any program that has sustained success, by pinching pennies.

Here is a link from Keyshawn, JWill and Max on the impact of Nolan Smith leaving Duke for Louisville. It is more than worth the money Louisville spent to lure Nolan Smith away from Duke, if he can start to chip away at Dukes recruiting advantages that he was leading as associate HC.

the bar cannot remain 30 years of shit. The program is not nearly the same financially or AD wise. IDK why we have to keep rehashing this. By the time year 4 rolled around pike had a top 10 facility, and top 25 financial backing. We are headed into year 7 and we literally have nothing holding us back. Not money, not facility, not resources, not fan support (credit pike for making us competent getting sell outs but lets not pretend other coaches couldn't have as well). The bar must now become getting out of that first weekend.

With the money this staff is paid, with the resources they have at their disposal, they are not being paid to be a bubble team at best.
The bar is raised 100% and I’m not living in some fantasy world of hanging my hat on what happened in 1991 or in the past as k didn’t even get to RU until 1994.
That said what we have done the last 3 years has been pretty amazing considering a short time ago we lost to Louisville by 70pts. Pile has turned it around and until proven otherwise I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt even with the lack in recruiting and some suspect playcalling.
Any school can beat anyone on any given night so losses happen. In some cases schools get hot like RU mid season and sT peters postseason.
You act as as if Rutgers is a blue blood and have the ultimate expectations for them to win the companionship every year. Let me tell you our donor support is abysmal compared to many schools. We have the most diehard fans on this board here and they can’t even spell NIL. It is an arms race and RU is not as competitive as you think they are. There is a lot more to recruiting than just winning and being a good coach and this will NOT be solved through Rutgers the school.
Hate to piss in your Cheerios here but We have a lot of work to do as fans/donors/businesses

this NIL thing is really a big thing. I was at an event last night for a NJ basketball reuinuon thrown by Fred Hill and there were a ton of players there Which were there for autographs and stuff all part of the above
the bar cannot remain 30 years of shit. The program is not nearly the same financially or AD wise. IDK why we have to keep rehashing this. By the time year 4 rolled around pike had a top 10 facility, and top 25 financial backing. We are headed into year 7 and we literally have nothing holding us back. Not money, not facility, not resources, not fan support (credit pike for making us competent getting sell outs but lets not pretend other coaches couldn't have as well). The bar must now become getting out of that first weekend.

With the money this staff is paid, with the resources they have at their disposal, they are not being paid to be a bubble team at best.
Well said. The bar should be Sweet 16 or Big Ten Champ.
Unless we win 24 games a year some of you will never be happy.
actually, we shouldn't want to settle for that , but aim for a higher number of wins before satisfied.
But on the way there we should enjoy seeing the program improve and not begrudge paying top dollar to those that are getting the program to be on the way to the top.

When RUWBB was a disaster many claimed it was because the ADs ran the program on the cheap and didn't support the program enough
Now that the program is getting the support needed to suceed and paying the coaches what it takes to keep them, all of a sudden some RU fans want to run the program on the cheap again and pay less money to the assistantys that ae helping to make RU a constant tourney participant and a threat to win any game they play, even when it's one of the top programs.
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Think we will start to see recruiting pick up now that players sre Ray as a legitimate option vs a joke cellar dweller.
the bar cannot remain 30 years of shit. The program is not nearly the same financially or AD wise. IDK why we have to keep rehashing this. By the time year 4 rolled around pike had a top 10 facility, and top 25 financial backing. We are headed into year 7 and we literally have nothing holding us back. Not money, not facility, not resources, not fan support (credit pike for making us competent getting sell outs but lets not pretend other coaches couldn't have as well). The bar must now become getting out of that first weekend.

With the money this staff is paid, with the resources they have at their disposal, they are not being paid to be a bubble team at best.
Lol . I give you credit my man . You beat that drum
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It's threads like these that show who is and who isn't Rutgers fans on these boards. The fact that this University is willing to step up and pay our assistants at the very top of the pay scale is absolutely amazing. I want Rutgers to pay all of our coaches the biggest salaries. This place will become known as a great place to coach and attract talent down the line.

You should be proud that this University stepped up and didn't let our lead assistant go to Seton Hall. You all would be singing a different tune if that happened. We have been to 2 straight NCAA tournaments and would've been 3 if not for Covid. This program is now a more than respectable program with a HC who isn't going anywhere for a long time. And assistants who are getting paid top dollars. That's stability and that's how big time programs function.
SHU built an entire program and won 2 big east championships the past like 5 years or so through hiring a shark and paying recruits. Tiny Morton and Isaiah Whitehead and crew
Enjoy your SHU cheats .
I'll enjoy seeing Pike build a program that will be done the right way, even if it takes a few more years then the way the Hall built up their program
I know they won the big east tourney in 2016 , when the other
(unless your going regular season when tied for 1st and then adding the conference tourney another year)
and the way you make Seton Hall look , isn't what I see
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Enjoy your SHU cheats .
I'll enjoy seeing Pike build a program that will be done the right way, even if it takes a few more years then the way the Hall built up their program
I know they won the big east tourney in 2016 , when the other
(unless your going regular season when tied for 1st and then adding the conference tourney another year)
and the way you make Seton Hall look , isn't what I see

It also took Willard 6 years to even get into the tournament...
Nothing like taking a team that hasn’t been to the tournament since 1991 and was part of a coaching staffing that brought us to 3 straight appearances.

Yeah def didn’t earn his keep — don’t sleep on this team next year either. PM and CO are going to dominate the B1G. The supporting cast will be with transfers
I am betting that Caleb is coming back and will continue to grow his offensive game that we saw in the Notre Dame game.
What? I didn’t say anything about Willard.
Sorry that was a draft and I stopped writing it, but I didn't realize this site saved... it was going to be a bigger dive into coaching and the time it took them to do things, but I didn't feel like doing all the research. Deleting now.
Have we though? All the metrics show we've gotten worse every year from year 4 to 6.

Kenpom Year 4: 28
Kenpom Year 5: 38
Kenpom Year 6: 77
Kenpom Year 7: TBD but it aint lookin good right now
actually it takes time to build a winner, sometimes a step back before moving forward again
But the improvement showed in upset wins this year even if W-L record didn't prove great
Yep, unacceptable. We only beat 4 top-16 ranked teams in a row this year, and also #1. We need to start winning FIVE ranked games in a row, and beat #0 or even #-1 !!!!
we were the 2nd to last team in the tourney with this staffs "best team ever". It's great that we beat purdue on a prayer but we also lost to lafayette, umass, depaul and were damn close to losing to lehigh and merrimack.
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It’s funny Kyk mentions Seton hall all the time yet also mentions the absolute importance of tournament success when they have the same amount of tournament wins as we do in the last 15 years
Seton Hall was the epitome of mediocre under willard. He had such a low ceiling because he wasn't a great coach. Unfortunately I view willard and pike in the same light
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Close call in that scenario but wouldn’t be upset with either if the outcomes
Some really top tier HS coaches who have serious recruits think knight is brain dead when it comes to coaching FYI.
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Not what. It's very simple. We hired Steve fvcking Hayn when we had a rolodex of highlyyyyy qualified assistants and some absolute SHARK recruiters wanting the job. And then TJ Thompson? Come on. Loyalty is obviously a great trait but pike is loyal to a fault
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Think we will start to see recruiting pick up now that players sre Ray as a legitimate option vs a joke cellar dweller.
You guys don't get it. Recruits wanna score. Scoring gets players to the NBA. Offense gets players to the NBA. The NBA gets players paid. As unrealistic as it is, all these high school recruits think they can play in the NBA. We have a coach who is admittedly defensive minded. That is an absolute cancer to your recruiting efforts in 2022. We have a staff that barely runs anything that resembles an offense. There's a reason we don't really do well with local recruits outside of guys who don't have top tier offers (Cliff didn't actually have a Kentucky committable offer, he was too raw for them. We did beat out ASU though). The local coaches, high school and AAU coaches can't figure out what we're trying to do on offense. It's a problem. Staff needs a shakeup and we need to bring in someone to install a modern offense.
But actlike Willard did the impossible while refusing to give Pike credit for the improvement RU MBB fans are seeing now
I don't think he did the impossible, although SHU was certainly a tall task and a harder job than RU imo. However, what he did was smart and he hired a guy who would bring him recruits. It was borderline dirty of course but he played the game and got rewarded
You guys don't get it. Recruits wanna score. Scoring gets players to the NBA. Offense gets players to the NBA. The NBA gets players paid. As unrealistic as it is, all these high school recruits think they can play in the NBA. We have a coach who is admittedly defensive minded. That is an absolute cancer to your recruiting efforts in 2022. We have a staff that barely runs anything that resembles an offense. There's a reason we don't really do well with local recruits outside of guys who don't have top tier offers (Cliff didn't actually have a Kentucky committable offer, he was too raw for them. We did beat out ASU though). The local coaches, high school and AAU coaches can't figure out what we're trying to do on offense. It's a problem. Staff needs a shakeup and we need to bring in someone to install a modern offense.
You’re overthinking it . We need a tiny morton type
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You’re overthinking it . We need a tiny morton type
you're right. The top way to always get kids is pay them and hire their mentors/family. If you're not willing to get dirty though, which pike evidently isn't, then you gotta do it the clean way. The clean way is poach like an Iowa assistant and steal their offense
we were the 2nd to last team in the tourney with this staffs "best team ever". It's great that we beat purdue on a prayer but we also lost to lafayette, umass, depaul and were damn close to losing to lehigh and merrimack.
This is factually inaccurate. We were 44th seed and ND was 47th so not even possible.

Seton Hall didn't win 2 titles in the last 5 years either.

Not sure if Knight's salary ranking is accurate at this point since you seem to be loose with the facts in this thread