Basketball Brandin Knight signs contract extension with Rutgers Basketball

reading article couldn't help but notice this about Knight:
" He was the lead recruiter for Cliff Omoruyi, It was Knight who first pursued Ron Harper Jr. and sold Pikiell on the under recruiter prospect. Keeping New Jersey talent home has been so important and Knight was the lead for Paul Mulcahy as well as incoming freshman guard Derek Simpson. He also was the lead in landing former 4-star recruit Montez Mathis.
Thanks for sharing that - I haven't really seen this highlighted elsewhere. It's important to note this given some of the handwringing over this extension.
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reading article couldn't help but notice this about Knight:
" He was the lead recruiter for Cliff Omoruyi, It was Knight who first pursued Ron Harper Jr. and sold Pikiell on the under recruiter prospect. Keeping New Jersey talent home has been so important and Knight was the lead for Paul Mulcahy as well as incoming freshman guard Derek Simpson. He also was the lead in landing former 4-star recruit Montez Mathis.
Knight seems to be a better recruiter than people think
If we had a roster full of 5*'s running an offense would be irrelevant. Do we have a roster full of NBA talent? Because when you have an offense full of NBA talent you can literally just run a hbs offense. We don't have anything remotely close to that.
Right, so you agree. Not running an offense won't stop elite players from coming to a school which is what you keep saying but isn't true. Plenty of schools shown otherwise

Bottom line players want freedom offensively and Pike gives that
You're out in space the bar now that RU has to be a national title ccontender.....?? How many Power 5/6 programs are going to have a Top 20 offense... there are almost 100 Power 5/6 basketball programs, there are EIGHTY programs who are not going to land with a Top 20 offense or land with that efficiency?? And even if you did, you also have to be a Top 20 defensive team as well.

You need elite or NBA caliber wings and guards in most cases to be a Top 20 offense and defense. RU is not there, but neither are 80% of the other Power 5 programs.

It's like saying why can't Schiano score 30+ points a game and have a 4 TD to INT ratio and average around 275 yards passing and 175 yards rushing, while having a run defense that keeps teams under 3 yards a carry.....these things don't fall out of the sky.....LMAO

Name me another one of the 80 other Power 5/6 programs that also should be a Top 20 offense and defense?? To get there, you are usually a blue blood or close to one.
your position here is that our offense is fine. Mine is that its unacceptable. I don't think many who actually follow the sport disagree with me
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Right, so you agree. Not running an offense won't stop elite players from coming to a school which is what you keep saying but isn't true. Plenty of schools shown otherwise

Bottom line players want freedom offensively and Pike gives that
would you agree that with our talent level we should be running an offense? And by running an offense I mean something legitimate, not something a middle school team could run
I don't know or understand how this Knight isn't a good recruiter narrative is simply one of the wildest and most inaccurate things I have seen in a while.

Knight is a great recruiter and assistant coach if you measure things by ACTUAL production and not phantom or bad recruiting rankings of players.
LOL, if only you were privy to the convos I was.

He's not a terrible recruiter by any means but at that pay grade, he should not only be a good recruiter but an ELITE recruiter. He's simply not a good coach when it comes to in-game.
I would agree that whenever your points are refuted you simply move the goalposts
Would you agree that on a Rutgers message board were usually talking in context of Rutgers? Recruits couldn't give a fvck what UNC or Duke run. They know they're going to be surrounded by lottery picks. At a school like RU that doesn't have superior talent, there needs to be something that attracts them and thinks they can take it to the next level. That is an offensive system. Is Weiskamp drafted at RU? doubtful
we were the 2nd to last team in the tourney with this staffs "best team ever". It's great that we beat purdue on a prayer but we also lost to lafayette, umass, depaul and were damn close to losing to lehigh and merrimack.
This is your take on the season which is 100% predictable. I’m sorry that you were born with a rain cloud directly over your head, life must be so miserable for you if this is your outlook.
Thanks for sharing that - I haven't really seen this highlighted elsewhere. It's important to note this given some of the handwringing over this extension.
The hand wringing is literally the same 3 or 4 guys who keep repeating their same mantras.

What is truly amazing is that with all of this supposed lack of talent in our program due to our coaches being terrible recruiters, that we somehow finished 4th in the B1G this year. How can that happen?

Instead of celebrating a 4th place finish, which is the highest we have ever finished, we have fans on the attack. Instead of celebrating the fact that we paid our lead assistant as well as almost any other assistant in the country and not let him get poached by our in state rival, we have fans saying we way overpaid.

If our players aren't that talented and our coaches aren't that good, how in the fvck did we finish in 4th place in the B1G?? Ahead of some of the biggest and best athletic programs in the country?? It doesn't add up.
Well said. The bar should be Sweet 16 or Big Ten Champ.
What do you think the bar means? You’re saying our minimum expectation for every season should be a Big Ten Championship or Sweet 16 appearance?
LOL, if only you were privy to the convos I was.

He's not a terrible recruiter by any means but at that pay grade, he should not only be a good recruiter but an ELITE recruiter. He's simply not a good coach when it comes to in-game.
Again, I hate that I agree with Kyk here, but Knight is a good recruiter and a so-so coach. For $650K I just think we could have an elite recruiter and a good coach. Maybe that's asking too much.
Just curious. Anyone know what the top basketball assistants in the top 30 - 40 programs get paid?
The hand wringing is literally the same 3 or 4 guys who keep repeating their same mantras.

What is truly amazing is that with all of this supposed lack of talent in our program due to our coaches being terrible recruiters, that we somehow finished 4th in the B1G this year. How can that happen?

Instead of celebrating a 4th place finish, which is the highest we have ever finished, we have fans on the attack. Instead of celebrating the fact that we paid our lead assistant as well as almost any other assistant in the country and not let him get poached by our in state rival, we have fans saying we way overpaid.

If our players aren't that talented and our coaches aren't that good, how in the fvck did we finish in 4th place in the B1G?? Ahead of some of the biggest and best athletic programs in the country?? It doesn't add up.
Exactly. It doesn't add up.

Pike can't recruit
Pike can't develop
Pike can't coach
Pike doesn't run an offense

Better B1G finishes year over year and our best conference finish in history this year. 4 straight wins against top 25 teams for an unranked team which is a record. Upset the #1 team in the nation

It must be magic
When you have 2 NBA lottery picks, I would hope you have good offense.....when you have a 7'4 Center, I would like to think you have a good offense.

You provided 2 outliers in 100 Power 5/6 programs AND Purdue had such a good offense, that it couldn't escape St Peters???
You claimed that "any reasonable recruiting target on what they would want to do on offense, you will hear more often than not "freedom to improvise and play my game." Then you note that "restrictive and robotic" Iowa and Purdue each have a lottery pick. Are they not reasonable? Make up your mind.

I can't take you seriously when you're using one game to disprove an entire season.
This is your take on the season which is 100% predictable. I’m sorry that you were born with a rain cloud directly over your head, life must be so miserable for you if this is your outlook.
He is right. Finishing fourth in the Big Ten means nothing if you don't win a game in either tournament and don't even make the first round of NCAAs.
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Read what I replied.

I did. You're aligning yourself with KYK who is basically saying the program has not improved under any metric and using Kenpom as the baseline. You also stated that the bar should be Sweet 16 and Big 10 Championship and diminished this year's NCAA appearance by referring to it as the "First Four" (which essentially is an NCAA Appearance).

Even casual fans would agree that the program has progressed under Pike with an increase in the Conference Standings and record every year and 2 Tourney Appearances as well as a 3rd Tournament Level team (COVID Year) in the last 3 years of his 6 year tenure. Also milestone wins over a #1 Ranked Team, Michigan for the first time and the 4 game wins/ranked team stretch - as well as sold out arenas in almost every game.

It's ok to set your own personal high bar expectations for the program. But to seek out things to blatantly diminish accomplishments and the growth path forward is just trolling IMO.
Exactly. It doesn't add up.

Pike can't recruit
Pike can't develop
Pike can't coach
Pike doesn't run an offense

Better B1G finishes year over year and our best conference finish in history this year. 4 straight wins against top 25 teams for an unranked team which is a record. Upset the #1 team in the nation

It must be magic
pike can develop. He's a below average recruiter, x's and o's coach, A+ motivator, doesn't run an offense that pairs with the talent level here. He runs an "offense" as if we have a roster of 5*'s who can make shit happen. The last part I simply cannot fathom how people disagree.
I did. You're aligning yourself with KYK who is basically saying the program has not improved under any metric and using Kenpom as the baseline. You also stated that the bar should be Sweet 16 and Big 10 Championship and diminished this year's NCAA appearance by referring to it as the "First Four" (which essentially is an NCAA Appearance).

Even casual fans would agree that the program has progressed under Pike with an increase in the Conference Standings and record every year and 2 Tourney Appearances as well as a 3rd Tournament Level team (COVID Year) in the last 3 years of his 6 year tenure. Also milestone wins over a #1 Ranked Team, Michigan for the first time and the 4 game wins/ranked team stretch - as well as sold out arenas in almost every game.

It's ok to set your own personal high bar expectations for the program. But to seek out things to blatantly diminish accomplishments and the growth path forward is just trolling IMO.
We haven't improved from the 19-20 season to the 21-22 season. From pike year 4 to 6 we've flatlined. Now the metrics say we've actually gotten worse but I contend we've flatlined. You guys are insane and just think we keep getting better LOL. You're detached from reality
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We haven't improved from the 19-20 season to the 21-22 season. From pike year 4 to 6 we've flatlined. Now the metrics say we've actually gotten worse but I contend we've flatlined. You guys are insane and just think we keep getting better LOL. You're detached from reality
none so blind as those who don't see or in some cases they might refuse to see the improvement being made.
Pike is improving the RU MBB program, what makes the team look like it isn't , to those looking for faults, is that it doesn't constantly play well and the bad games are used as an example, by some, to claim the program is at a standstill.
But the truth of the matter is that the lack of constantly playing good games is only showing growing pains on the road to being a team that consonantly will play well and be considered a good program
I did. You're aligning yourself with KYK who is basically saying the program has not improved under any metric and using Kenpom as the baseline. You also stated that the bar should be Sweet 16 and Big 10 Championship and diminished this year's NCAA appearance by referring to it as the "First Four" (which essentially is an NCAA Appearance).

Even casual fans would agree that the program has progressed under Pike with an increase in the Conference Standings and record every year and 2 Tourney Appearances as well as a 3rd Tournament Level team (COVID Year) in the last 3 years of his 6 year tenure. Also milestone wins over a #1 Ranked Team, Michigan for the first time and the 4 game wins/ranked team stretch - as well as sold out arenas in almost every game.

It's ok to set your own personal high bar expectations for the program. But to seek out things to blatantly diminish accomplishments and the growth path forward is just trolling IMO.
That dude literally said that there is nothing to improve because we beat #1 Purdue.
none so blind as those who don't see or in some cases they might refuse to see the improvement being made.
Pike is improving the RU MBB program, what makes the team look like it isn't , to those looking for faults, is that it doesn't constantly play well and the bad games are used as an example, by some, to claim the program is at a standstill.
But the truth of the matter is that the lack of constantly playing good games is only showing growing pains on the road to being a team that consonantly will play well and be considered a good program
I mean, I'm saying my opinion is years 4-6 we've flatlined. My opinion goes against the objective data which says we've gotten worse from years 4-6. It's really tough to make the case we've gotten better. Unfortunately it's looking like year 7 will continue this trend.
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We haven't improved from the 19-20 season to the 21-22 season. From pike year 4 to 6 we've flatlined. Now the metrics say we've actually gotten worse but I contend we've flatlined. You guys are insane and just think we keep getting better LOL. You're detached from reality

Tell you what - how bout you take this to an expert first hand and post this in the Thank You thread started by Geo. You can also add all your negative commentary that you've previously posted on how misguided and niave you feel he is. Lets see if you have the stones that you're always bragging about. .
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Again, I hate that I agree with Kyk here, but Knight is a good recruiter and a so-so coach. For $650K I just think we could have an elite recruiter and a good coach. Maybe that's asking too much.
Listen , if you want to be real , all the great recruiters cheated and many were caught on tape and still nothing done to them 5 years later. Show me an elite recruiter and I guarantee money or homes or cars to family were given under the table. We have gotten the top NJ player 3 of the last 4 years in Cliff, Paul, and Ron . That is a huge step for Rutgers that hardly sniffed them before. Many top NJ recruits have gone to Kentucky and Duke while we were shitting the bed for 20 years. Knight has secured these players , which has proven to be very good but not elite because he likely would be doing something illegal. . And you of all people should know Rutgers has been and always will be clean with Pike. Pike is going to beat them all his way without cheating. The better players will be coming here as the NCAA’s pile up (2 and should have been 3 and counting ). Get to 7-10 then Pike will have his choice.
We have gotten the top NJ player 3 of the last 4 years in Cliff, Paul, and Ron . That is a huge step for Rutgers that hardly sniffed them before.
cliff, Paul, and Ron weren’t the top players in NJ. I wish we got the top players in NJ those years.
Listen , if you want to be real , all the great recruiters cheated and many were caught on tape and still nothing done to them 5 years later. Show me an elite recruiter and I guarantee money or homes or cars to family were given under the table. We have gotten the top NJ player 3 of the last 4 years in Cliff, Paul, and Ron . That is a huge step for Rutgers that hardly sniffed them before. Many top NJ recruits have gone to Kentucky and Duke while we were shitting the bed for 20 years. Knight has secured these players , which has proven to be very good but not elite because he likely would be doing something illegal. . And you of all people should know Rutgers has been and always will be clean with Pike. Pike is going to beat them all his way without cheating. The better players will be coming here as the NCAA’s pile up (2 and should have been 3 and counting ). Get to 7-10 then Pike will have his choice.
This 100%
Tell you what - how bout you take this to an expert first hand and post this in the Thank You thread started by Geo. You can also add all your negative commentary that you've previously posted on how misguided and niave you feel he is. Lets see if you have the stones that you're always bragging about. .
LOL so you want me to publicly argue like a child with Geo. You're a clown. FYI tho me and him have DM'd about things in the past. Whata clown post. Why don't you meet me for lunch to discuss
cliff, Paul, and Ron weren’t the top players in NJ. I wish we got the top players in NJ those years.
Jonathan Kuminga should have skipped the NBA for Rutgers. We would love Lance Ware’s 43% free throws and 6 mpg for Kentucky who couldn’t beat St Peters.
Listen , if you want to be real , all the great recruiters cheated and many were caught on tape and still nothing done to them 5 years later. Show me an elite recruiter and I guarantee money or homes or cars to family were given under the table. We have gotten the top NJ player 3 of the last 4 years in Cliff, Paul, and Ron . That is a huge step for Rutgers that hardly sniffed them before. Many top NJ recruits have gone to Kentucky and Duke while we were shitting the bed for 20 years. Knight has secured these players , which has proven to be very good but not elite because he likely would be doing something illegal. . And you of all people should know Rutgers has been and always will be clean with Pike. Pike is going to beat them all his way without cheating. The better players will be coming here as the NCAA’s pile up (2 and should have been 3 and counting ). Get to 7-10 then Pike will have his choice.
are you high? Seriously LOL. You think Paul and Ron were the best NJ players in their class?!?!

Class of 2018 NJ: Naz Reid, Lou King, JQ, Carey, Luther were all ranked ahead of ron and had more offers. I think Ron is gonna shake out as being somewhere between 3rd to 4th best tho.

Class of 2019: Scottie Lewis, khalil whitney, bryan antoine, khalif battle all ranked ahead of paul.
pike can develop. He's a below average recruiter, x's and o's coach, A+ motivator, doesn't run an offense that pairs with the talent level here. He runs an "offense" as if we have a roster of 5*'s who can make shit happen. The last part I simply cannot fathom how people disagree.

Wait you’ve spent almost 2 years telling us how Pikiell doesn’t run an offense which is why we can’t attract top recruits or why kids were transferring… it seems like you’re finally coming around and acknowledging he actually does run an offense?!?!

Our offense is very similar to a lot of top schools and also very friendly to kids who want freedom with the ball in their hands.

Glad you’ve finally seen the light and come around :)

Now if you want to discuss recruiting that’s a whole nother conversation. But glad we can all finally agree Pike runs an offense.
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your position here is that our offense is fine. Mine is that its unacceptable. I don't think many who actually follow the sport disagree with me
You're kidding, right? Other than a few lap dogs, virtually everyone disagrees with you on virtually every topic. So in addition to your obvious narcissism, consistent negativity, and being an insufferable obnoxious blowhard, you're also completely delusional.
LOL so you want me to publicly argue like a child with Geo. You're a clown. FYI tho me and him have DM'd about things in the past. Whata clown post. Why don't you meet me for lunch to discuss

Lol. So essentially you are admitting that you argue like a clown on this board. You're too stupid to understand the stupid things you say.

As for your lunch date proposal......thanks but sorry, I'm married with kids and dont swing that way.