Here is what could happen with Carroo. Mind you this is pure speculation as I know only what I have read in the news. First, Before I get into it, our DV laws do not work like you think they do. They are essentially pro woman protection laws where if a man is present and a woman claims DV, No matter what the circumstances, the man is presumed guilty. Ex. woman hits man, man restrains woman...cops show up on scene...woman claims DV...Guess who is going to jail? Ex. 2 Woman anticipates divorcing man, decides to use the liberal DV laws to get a "leg up" in the divorce proceedings...stages scene at marital home...injures herself to make it seem like husband has done something...unsuspecting husband gets home from work...wife waiting, tells soon to be ex about divorce, picks up phone dials 911, tells police husband is beating her, cops roll up on scene...husband calmly tells his side of story, cops see wife with "injuries", guess who is going to jail? The current DV laws are some of the most unfair laws when it comes how testimony is weigh between the genders and men get the very short end of the stick when it comes to any claims of DV. BTW our DV laws are structured using the "preponderance of the evidence" standard which essentially means the "claim" by the woman only has to be 51% true. This is a much lower standard than the "clear and convincing" evidence standard and the "beyond a reasonable doubt ", which we are all familiar with from movies. Lesson over.
Back to Caroo, the simple assault charge could turn out to be nothing depending on who is bringing the charge. If the "victim" is bringing the charge then Carroo could be in for a very rough time. If the victim shows up for the first court session, she will be directed to a DV victims protection unit inside the courthouse. This section of the courthouse is staffed by "victims advocates", quasi professional advocates who specialize in "helping" victims complete paperwork, and offer other counseling. Really what they do is convince women to go through the process even if the woman may not want to proceed. Carroo, on the other hand will have no help in figuring out where to go, what to do and will be directed to a domestic violence "offenders" unit. Here he will handed a stack of forms to be filled out, his photo will be taken, he will be asked invasive questions by the surly staff and otherwise treated as a pariah.
So if the victim decides to pursue the charges, she can file a TRO(temporary restraining order). A TRO is an order of protection that will bar Carroo from contacting the victim in any way. from this point the proceedings can go in wildly different directions depending on how vigorous the victim wants to push. The power lies with the victim and she can push hard or not pursue anything. On the other hand if the charge is coming from the police then the power still lies with the victim, she can decide to bevcome states witness ans cooperate with the investigation or decide to not cooperate and then the prosecutor has a high hurdle to prove their case. No matter what happens, the wheels of justice move very slow and that is going be Carroos season ending achillies heel. These types of cases can drag on for months as the "investgation" unfolds. Such a shame this happened Carroo maybe had a promising future ahead of him in the NFL and now derailed off of one incident. very very sad.