Removed by RUTBAY out of respect for not highjacking a thread on a topic that has serious implications for a bunch of people.
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This post is 1000% accurate. If everyone took the time to read this they would understand how DV laws work. Great job B-Skinny!! I would like to add that other countries have very similar DV laws to us but there are fundamental differences when it come to burden of proof. In Italy for example, if it can be proven that a woman lied and concocted a story to land her boyfriend or husband in jail the consequences are severe. The judge can impose jail time up to 180 days and stifling monetary fines. If a victim can prove that she was abused by a boyfriend or husband an automatic TRO is issued and the judge decides whether it goes final or not. This naturally streamlines the entire judicial process. In the USA the justice system has become a feeding trough. Just think of how many people are involved in Caroo arrest. Dispatcher-Police(4)-secretary(5)-correctional officer(2)-judge-stenographer-sheriff-clerk-lawyer-prosecutor-State Police Records etc etc etc. As I said, a feeding trough.Here is what could happen with Carroo. Mind you this is pure speculation as I know only what I have read in the news. First, Before I get into it, our DV laws do not work like you think they do. They are essentially pro woman protection laws where if a man is present and a woman claims DV, No matter what the circumstances, the man is presumed guilty. Ex. woman hits man, man restrains woman...cops show up on scene...woman claims DV...Guess who is going to jail? Ex. 2 Woman anticipates divorcing man, decides to use the liberal DV laws to get a "leg up" in the divorce proceedings...stages scene at marital home...injures herself to make it seem like husband has done something...unsuspecting husband gets home from work...wife waiting, tells soon to be ex about divorce, picks up phone dials 911, tells police husband is beating her, cops roll up on scene...husband calmly tells his side of story, cops see wife with "injuries", guess who is going to jail? The current DV laws are some of the most unfair laws when it comes how testimony is weigh between the genders and men get the very short end of the stick when it comes to any claims of DV. BTW our DV laws are structured using the "preponderance of the evidence" standard which essentially means the "claim" by the woman only has to be 51% true. This is a much lower standard than the "clear and convincing" evidence standard and the "beyond a reasonable doubt ", which we are all familiar with from movies. Lesson over.
Back to Caroo, the simple assault charge could turn out to be nothing depending on who is bringing the charge. If the "victim" is bringing the charge then Carroo could be in for a very rough time. If the victim shows up for the first court session, she will be directed to a DV victims protection unit inside the courthouse. This section of the courthouse is staffed by "victims advocates", quasi professional advocates who specialize in "helping" victims complete paperwork, and offer other counseling. Really what they do is convince women to go through the process even if the woman may not want to proceed. Carroo, on the other hand will have no help in figuring out where to go, what to do and will be directed to a domestic violence "offenders" unit. Here he will handed a stack of forms to be filled out, his photo will be taken, he will be asked invasive questions by the surly staff and otherwise treated as a pariah.
So if the victim decides to pursue the charges, she can file a TRO(temporary restraining order). A TRO is an order of protection that will bar Carroo from contacting the victim in any way. from this point the proceedings can go in wildly different directions depending on how vigorous the victim wants to push. The power lies with the victim and she can push hard or not pursue anything. On the other hand if the charge is coming from the police then the power still lies with the victim, she can decide to bevcome states witness ans cooperate with the investigation or decide to not cooperate and then the prosecutor has a high hurdle to prove their case. No matter what happens, the wheels of justice move very slow and that is going be Carroos season ending achillies heel. These types of cases can drag on for months as the "investgation" unfolds. Such a shame this happened Carroo maybe had a promising future ahead of him in the NFL and now derailed off of one incident. very very sad.
First, my impression is that we know almost nothing about the incident. For instance, we don't know if LC smashed someone's head into the ground. My guess is that he did not; because if he had done so, the police would probably have charged him with something more severe than simple assault. But I don't know any more than anyone else. So let's stop reporting rumors and speculation.
I have been in contact with my law school's expert on domestic violence. She tells me that New Jersey law has just been amended to say that someone charged with simple assault with a DV aspect is no longer eligible for pre-trial intervention. That's not good news for LC.
I urge everyone to stick to the facts as known, even though it's tempting to fill in the blanks.
I don't call out people on this board often but in this case I'll make an exception. If you don't think women gaming the system doesn't happen you are clueless. If you are a man I hope you never have to go through a divorce let alone one with children involved. These laws which were justly deigned to protect women decades ago have completely swung the pendulum the other direction, and since more of a "good" thing is always better, they have gotten out of hand with legislators looking to get re-elected with the help of powerful special interest groups.
I have been through a divorce almost 20 years ago where my wife decided she wanted to relive her 20's again. My only ace in the hole was proof of ongoing infidelity that I held onto which would have turned my ex into a pariah within our social circles and her family had I disclosed it. Otherwise she would have used all methods at her disposal whether they were unethical or not.
As bad as the laws were tilted then they have gotten even worse with respect to spousal and domestic relations. Had it not for men's rights groups tempering this evolution things would be totally out of control. Even then things have gotten pretty bad for men on college campuses. If I had a son going to college I would advise that he have a stack of consent forms or that he just keep it in his pants.
Edit: BTW this is in no way a defense of what Carroo may or may not have done. As the father of three girls I am sensitive to real situations of abuse and have had many conversations with them about how they should treat and how they should expect to be treated by their boyfriends.
Camden: Can the prosecutor reduce or drop the charges if the victim does not wish to pursue it? This is something that's been said in one of these threads. Just looking for an answer from someone who's legal creds are not so anonymous as most message board posters.
The prosecutor can indeed reduce or drop the charges if the victim doesn't want to testify. (In fact, the prosecutor could reduce or drop for many other reasons.) But the prosecutor also has the option to prosecute even if the victim does not wish to testify. The prosecutor is likely to do this if there is evidence of the violence aside from the victim's statement.
Camden, any idea how Middlesex town and county prosecutors and judges typically treat DV cases? I know it varies by county. In some counties DV cases are automatically bounced to the county prosecutors office and county courthouse, other counties take a case by case approach, and still others defer to the municipal prosecutor depending on the charge.
My concern is that if this isn't properly charged and vetted, and even seems remotely like a favor was done or strings were pulled, RU will be in for another shite storm.
First, my impression is that we know almost nothing about the incident. For instance, we don't know if LC smashed someone's head into the ground. My guess is that he did not; because if he had done so, the police would probably have charged him with something more severe than simple assault. But I don't know any more than anyone else. So let's stop reporting rumors and speculation.
I have been in contact with my law school's expert on domestic violence. She tells me that New Jersey law has just been amended to say that someone charged with simple assault with a DV aspect is no longer eligible for pre-trial intervention. That's not good news for LC.
I urge everyone to stick to the facts as known, even though it's tempting to fill in the blanks.
actually known as the Ray Rice law!First, my impression is that we know almost nothing about the incident. For instance, we don't know if LC smashed someone's head into the ground. My guess is that he did not; because if he had done so, the police would probably have charged him with something more severe than simple assault. But I don't know any more than anyone else. So let's stop reporting rumors and speculation.
I have been in contact with my law school's expert on domestic violence. She tells me that New Jersey law has just been amended to say that someone charged with simple assault with a DV aspect is no longer eligible for pre-trial intervention. That's not good news for LC.
I urge everyone to stick to the facts as known, even though it's tempting to fill in the blanks.
wait, there's a men's right group? How do I sign up?Good to see the Men's Rights faction out in force. Always a fun bunch.
He is clueless. (He's in 'education')
wait, there's a men's right group? How do I sign up?
Do you also know of a 'All White People aren't Racist" group?
and of course the "All Lives Matter" team
How about an "Older People can still work" group?
and last but not least...'start teaching and stop brain-washing our kids with the liberal left agenda" consortium.
please pass on any contact info you might have..thanks..
interesting. will have to check that out.
Ah, Screw85...embarrasses himself in every argument he has, but when an ideological ally makes cogent points he leaps in like he has the first clue about anything. Do yourself a favor and put me on ignore already, you pesky little gnat.
To RutBay: if domestic violence laws and family law have their problematic aspect (which I don't dispute), that doesn't make invoking the typical paranoid knuckle-dragging fantasies about male disempowerment appropriate in this case, in which an exemplar of physical strength violently assaulted a young girl. If "gaming the system" means she is going to have his ass prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, well, that is her right as a victim and nobody's fault but Leonte's.
Too many bitter divorced losers are out there in the Men's Righto-sphere crying about women "gaming" the system as if there are not men out there who fully exploit every cultural advantage they have.
Care to elaborate ALL the mens cultural advantages? I guess you mean the advantage that men die on average 7-8 younger than women, How about mens advantage of being drafted and going to war, Or maybe you mean mens advantage in healthcare where research into women's healthcare issues are funded 8-1 over mens healthcare issues, Maybe you mean the advantage men have in the job market where the vast majority or dangerous or dirty jobs are occupied by men, I could go on and on about Male advantages but won't because this is football board.Ah, Screw85...embarrasses himself in every argument he has, but when an ideological ally makes cogent points he leaps in like he has the first clue about anything. Do yourself a favor and put me on ignore already, you pesky little gnat.
To RutBay: if domestic violence laws and family law have their problematic aspect (which I don't dispute), that doesn't make invoking the typical paranoid knuckle-dragging fantasies about male disempowerment appropriate in this case, in which an exemplar of physical strength violently assaulted a young girl. If "gaming the system" means she is going to have his ass prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, well, that is her right as a victim and nobody's fault but Leonte's.
Too many bitter divorced losers are out there in the Men's Righto-sphere crying about women "gaming" the system as if there are not men out there who fully exploit every cultural advantage they have.
Truthfully I could care less about my ex and frankly in retrospect she did me a favor. The part that I can't get past is the situation that the legal system put me in. Unless you've been there before (especially with children involved) you have no room to comment about what that type of emotional roller coaster entails. If you have been there then high five for you for getting past it.
Some of you need to get over your Axes.
Very well written RUTBAY. It is indeed a scary environment on college campuses these days for males. Look at how many rape accusations that gained national attention have proved false. I will be saying a toast in your honor with my knuckle dragging disempowered male losers at the RU-TTFP watch party!The first person to associate ideological bent to this conversation outright was you. The implication you made was that anyone who has experience in this area which contradicts your opinion and upsets your sensibilities is necessarily a knuckle dragging dis-empowered male. I don't know anything about what Carroo did or didn't do nor am I defending any of those actions. Nor have I associated my comments to anything he may or may not have done but rather it was in response to your statement allocating people to a group that you obviously consider a lowly underclass of individuals who have an axe to grind because they "lost".
Your implication is also that the feelings of those "bitter losers" are not without merit. I'll tell you right now that the only thing that prevented me from being a "bitter loser" was a bit of my own detective work against a woman who had no part of raising our child but decided she wanted a new guy and that if she didn't "fight" for custody of her child she would have looked bad in front of her peers and family. For her it was all about appearances and vanity. Fortunately that worked both ways as she didn't want people to know about her extra curricular activities. So my "win" was joint custody with a mother who, previous to her desire for "space", had little to do with raising her child previously. Even then she demanded that she be titled the custodial parent for legal purposes. My attorney basically told me that was about as good as it was going to get given the circumstances. To say that this puts you in a situation where you feel absolutely helpless is an understatement. Is it possible that the scales have been tipped just a little too far in one direction versus where they may have been say 40 years ago and that they show no trend of slowing down?
Case in point look at what is going on on college campuses right now. In allegations of sexual assault (predominantly aimed at males) you have no right to legal council during hearings yet all of that testimony can and has been turned over to law enforcement. The term sexual assault has been redefined now to essentially be meaningless or worse yet whatever someone wants it to mean. We have a US Senator from Colorado who is saying it is OK to throw 10 guys out of their enrolled universities even if only 20% of them may be guilty because you aren't removing their right to liberty just asking them to go to a different school (as if). As a father of three girls my opinion is that the current environment fosters dysfunctional male-female relationships for EVERYONE just to protect women from a very small percentage of individuals who are going to do what they want to do anyway with or without these laws being in place or to address someone's definition of cultural advantage or "fairness".
I'm now off of my soapbox and have probably said more than I intended but there you go.
Very well written RUTBAY. It is indeed a scary environment on college campuses these days for males. Look at how many rape accusations that gained national attention have proved false. I will be saying a toast in your honor with my knuckle dragging disempowered male losers at the RU-TTFP watch party!
Are you saying that college campuses are not a scary place for men these days. Holy Moly is right. We are having an epidemic of false rape allegations on campuses where young men are being denied their rights to due process, rules of evidence, even the right to counsel! I will spare rattling off a list of all the recent false allegations of rape on a college campus where a young mans life has been ruined at the hands of academics who fancy themselves as judge, jury and executioner only to be later found in a real court of law that they were wrong. These are indeed very scary times for young men on campuses all across the U.S. they are under attack by college administrators and faculty who think it is ok to ruin a young mans life so that an accuser of rape does not have to relive the experience through our courts of law, versus sham trials and public shaming that has recently occurred on campuses.Yeah, it's really something to see someone post unironically about how scary college campuses are...for men. Holy moly.
Are you saying that college campuses are not a scary place for men these days. Holy Moly is right. We are having an epidemic of false rape allegations on campuses where young men are being denied their rights to due process, rules of evidence, even the right to counsel! I will spare rattling off a list of all the recent false allegations of rape on a college campus where a young mans life has been ruined at the hands of academics who fancy themselves as judge, jury and executioner only to be later found in a real court of law that they were wrong. These are indeed very scary times for young men on campuses all across the U.S. they are under attack by college administrators and faculty who think it is ok to ruin a young mans life so that an accuser of rape does not have to relive the experience through our courts of law, versus sham trials and public shaming that has recently occurred on campuses.
You don't know what the definition of epidemic is, my friend. Relax.
There is a lot of concern about the procedures followed in cases of alleged sexual assault, including by the Harvard Law faculty. But it's all irrelevant to this case, in which Carroo is not being charged with improper sexual contact.
Men's cultural advantage? You seem like a lovely feminist husband. You're well trained, and it shows.
Well, I've long had you pegged as an absolute dumba$$, and you never disappoint. So there.
Well, I've long had you pegged as an absolute dumba$$, and you never disappoint. So there.
Ouch sweetie that really hurt. [laughing]
Ya know... I'm willing to bet that on a nice Saturday afternoon in the Blue lot, with your bellies full of hot dogs and whiskey, maybe tucked away for a little nap under the tent... you two would really hit it off. :D