Chris Carlin must listen to Boomer and Carton also.


Heisman Winner
Nov 10, 2003
Yesterday morning, Boomer said Bill Belichek was his idea of an off the wall choice as next Giants coach, since he knows what being a Giant is all about. A few hours later, Chris Carlin starts promoting his show, saying you must watch since he has a name NOBODY is thinking about,lol. I guess he learned from the Star Liar on how to get info from other sources the lazy way.
Whether it's Booomer's or Carlin's idea is the dumbest one I have ever heard from so called professionals.
Whether it's Booomer's or Carlin's idea is the dumbest one I have ever heard from so called professionals.
[laughing] Best laugh of the day Sportscasters being called "Professionals"
They just have diarrhea of the mouth with an unquenchable desire to hear themselves. Those who actually listen to these "gabbing old women", are sheep without self direction.
As expressed by both clowns "NE, HC to NY that is even stupider then listening to the bo bo who said it.
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[laughing] Best laugh of the day Sportscasters being called "Professionals"
They just have diarrhea of the mouth with an unquenchable desire to hear themselves. Those who actually listen to these "gabbing old women", are sheep without self direction.
As expressed by both clowns "NE, HC to NY that is even stupider then listening to the bo bo who said it.
When I say "professional" I mean that they get paid for it.
I have a better chance of winning tonights Powerball than Belichick going to the Giants....and I haven't purchased any tickets!
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If only Carlin had suggested RU hire Belichek on his show before Ash came on board I am sure Bill would have come here.
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Be careful, if you keep this up then Carlin will come on the board late tonight and start a thread ripping you.
An ex Giant that learned his trade, in the meadowlands. And now
coming to the greatest market in America, to a team with
many NFL titles, five super bowl appearance, 4 of them wins, is not a dumb idea.
But it is a self serving idea from Boomer, he would love to
stop getting his butt kicked by New England twice a year.
An ex Giant that learned his trade, in the meadowlands. And now
coming to the greatest market in America, to a team with
many NFL titles, five super bowl appearance, 4 of them wins, is not a dumb idea.
But it is a self serving idea from Boomer, he would love to
stop getting his butt kicked by New England twice a year.

Except Norman Esiason doesn't even like the Jets.
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