Christ, you know it ain't know how hard it can be...

All these teams are loaded up with great D-1 talent, including PSU, Nebraska and Northwestern
That's why we have to bring it against PSU to win - they'd love nothing more than to spoil our season and they have nothing to lose - this is not going to be easy.
I just find it very strange to he would resort to that type of trolling after such an important and great win on the road over one of the league's traditional blue bloods (although we are changing that narrative to give them blue balls against us). We're all Rutgers fans that want the best for our teams.
It's what he does. He's not religious at all, but simply wanted to derail my thread - if anyone else posted what I did, he wouldn't have said boo. It's kind of pathetic how he's so focused on everything I post and feels the need to troll my threads/posts. I never say boo to him unless he trolls me. In fact, I've complimented him several times on his sports posts, as he's fine when he's not posting CE-style nonsense. It would be nice if he showed the same courtesy, but he won't, as it's just not his nature.
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One thing I forgot to mention in my summary is that I thought this was a fairly officiated gamen. Not perfect - that's impossible, but fairly, in that I didn't think there were significantly more egregious bad/missed foul calls for one side than the other. Was 16 fouls on IU to 14 on RU and we got 16 FTs to their 14 and as I mentioned above, the flagrant 2 was correct as was the no flagrant earlier on Johnson.
I disagree per the last part your last sentence. Mulcahy did not commit a Flagrant 2. It was a Flagrant 1. Xavier Johnson was also a bit excessive at times last night - a la see Cliff shoving him towards end of game and Xavier's unneccesary roughing of Paul in the corner.
I disagree per the last part your last sentence. Mulcahy did not commit a Flagrant 2. It was a Flagrant 1. Xavier Johnson was also a bit excessive at times last night - a la see Cliff shoving him towards end of game and Xavier's unneccesary roughing of Paul in the corner.
You're welcome to disagree, but you're wrong, even if Johnson instigated it, as he did. It was clearly a flagrant 2 - a swing at the head which makes some contact will always be F2. IMO, the only reason he's not being suspended is that it was in the heat of the moment and it wasn't a fist.
It's what he does. He's not religious at all, but simply wanted to derail my thread - if anyone else posted what I did, he wouldn't have said boo. It's kind of pathetic how he's so focused on everything I post and feels the need to troll my threads/posts. I never say boo to him unless he trolls me. In fact, I've complimented him several times on his sports posts, as he's fine when he's not posting CE-style nonsense. It would be nice if he showed the same courtesy, but he won't, as it's just not his nature.
oh come on.. this whole thread OP was trolling BAC who has reviewed games and connected them to songs all season long. suddenly that is "your thing"?

the whole thread is a troll.. admit it
BAC's review of same game: Hit me with your best shot

You could have just added your thought to that thread..

Please tell me this doesn't ultimately track back to you guys butting heads on weather threads.... that would just be too sad for words.
You're welcome to disagree, but you're wrong, even if Johnson instigated it, as he did. It was clearly a flagrant 2 - a swing at the head which makes some contact will always be F2. IMO, the only reason he's not being suspended is that it was in the heat of the moment and it wasn't a fist.
And do you think the refs got it right with Xavier Johnson? His actions merited a Flagrant 1. His shoving; elbows etc into Paul was unneccessary thus warranting a Flagrant 1.
Someone on their board also posted that they going on almost a decade not being in the NCAA tournament. That's crazy for their program, but sometimes the new norm is the new norm.
But ashcatchem thinks going to the dance is easy and not an accomplishment at all