Christie rocking the Block R today

I guess all his Delaware, Notre Dame, and Princeton shirts were in the wash. I am not sure what I am more shocked at--the fact that he is wearing a Rutgers shirt or that he is actually in New Jersey. (and this is coming from a VERY conservative person)
Good to see the Gov of NJ wearing a RU shirt.
Doesn't matter of you like him or not, his wearing a RU shirt should make every RU fan happy,even if he personally doesn't [winking]

Agreed - just like it was good for RU that Obama spoke at commencement. Both are inherently good things for RU, regardless of one's politics.
.....and here come the ignorant fat jokes.

No jokes needed for this picture. Check out the T-shirt behind him.
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Good to see the Gov of NJ wearing a RU shirt.
Doesn't matter of you like him or not, his wearing a RU shirt should make every RU fan happy,even if he personally doesn't [winking]
Considering his approval rating is an all-time low, I'm not sure wearing a Rutgers shirt is good.
Looking at the shirt he is wearing in that picture.....

Is it me or do those sleeves look abnormally long for a polo
Long for a polo, but jokes, aside, Gov. Christie appears to be wearing his pants way too high, or he has a short upper body? My elbow does not extend below my waist when standing upright, and on my polos, the end of the end of the sleeve is usually 1-2" above my elbow.
Looking at the shirt he is wearing in that picture.....

Is it me or do those sleeves look abnormally long for a polo

Not poking fun, but it's probably a 3XL or 4XL. That means it's big everywhere even though he primarily needs it around the waist. I'm a 2XL myself but mostly because I am very tall and like to wear my shirts loose.
Listen ..... I can relate I wear 3xl shirts but I am 6'1". My sleeves don't go below my elbow.

I think your right that he is a high waist short arm guy
There was a time not too long ago where most golf polo's had longer sleeves than a regular short sleeve shirt. If that's one then when you add in his need for a larger shirt than "normal" for someone his height you have what you see.

Do you think the folks at PC sent him a bunch of Michigan shirts after seeing the pics?

Looks to me like it was mostly supporters greeting Christie. But some will choose to report about a single heckler who cursed at the Gov. Not exactly fair and balanced.
Good to see the Gov of NJ wearing a RU shirt.
Doesn't matter of you like him or not, his wearing a RU shirt should make every RU fan happy,even if he personally doesn't [winking]
Love the Gov
He is sending a subliminal message to Trump - a red R for the Republican party/red states.
LOL Christie lovers, all three left.

26% approval, he's had more credit downgrades than supporters left.

Christie gets heckled because he supports a racist POS for President, wasted state funds on a quixotic Presidential campaign, bilked the taxpayers on Sandy, the Port Authority, the Booker election, and the phony investigation that "cleared" him of fault when even his new BFF admits he knew.

He hasn't done anything except enrich himself while NJ was 49th in job growth.

He stands a better chance of indictment than anything else.

Some on this board would defend Sandusky if he had an (R) next to his name.

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