Fascinating story from ABC on satellite analysis of activity (parked cars, for example) in Wuhan area hospitals, showing significant increases as early as September of last year. It doesn't mean the government necessarily "knew" about an outbreak earlier (although I think they did), but it certainly points to the outbreak starting before the current official mid-Nov date from the Chinese government. These are some bad folks in charge of that country.
As I've said many times, there's simply no way they've been truthful on this outbreak, since there's no way they could possibly have 1/4 the cases/deaths per 1MM people as South Korea does, since SK was ready and they were not and we know China shut down a whole province of 80MM people while SK never had to go anywhere near that far. I guess it's possible that in the midst of the chaos they missed many cases, but it seems like way too many to have missed - if they simply had SK's case rate, they would've had 320K cases, not the 83K they've reported (and more than double the 4600 deaths reported).