

All American
Gold Member
Aug 6, 2001
As I walked down the Scarlet walk on Saturday, I was once again amazed that, after all these years, we have not come close to filling that lane up with named bricks. With the level of participation on this board, our decent attendance figures, and our rising prestige as a B1G member, it is clear that many folks have both a rooting interest and pride in Rutgers. Yet, how can it be that so few folks are willing to pony up the relatively small amount required to show support for the program in such a visible way. If we can't fill the walkway, what chance do we have to garner the greater support needed for us to be mentioned in the same breath as the schools we want to be. The latest US New ratings have us, yet again, behind UCONN, Pitt, Clemson and Maryland, and way behind GA, FLA and PSU. The place we ALWAYS lag badly in is percentage and amount of alumni giving.

You have heard this from me before and get the point. if you are in a position to give and don't, in my opinion you have no right to complain about the product, since you aren't a stakeholder.
Maybe if we had a more generous fan base and great financial support for the kind of facilities our rivals have, we could recruit better QBs.
MrScrew and I have 3 bricks. it's a great way to get a minimum of 2.5 PP and have a long lasting memory of your donation.
Manhattan is right, its embarrassing...i honestly do not think they push the brick thing enough...dont know who is in charge but I dont know why they cant parlay donations with a brick...especially because now they give out a tiny replica rather than the life size which those of us who purchased a few years back received

why cant they tie in parking donations with a brick...RU should do something to fill it up at this point
Is there a link to donating bricks someone can post? My dad just retired from Rutgers (after 45 years) and I am thinking of getting him one.
I actually didn't know they were selling them either. Thanks for posting the link!

Nothing like getting berated when RU does not promote the bricks being on sale. Maybe the ticket reps could add this to the list of extras they sell when season tickets or game tickets are sold.
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It's called marketing with a purpose. As simple as that. A nice e add your to raise funds for an unrestricted purpose with a lasting memory/recognition in one's name etc. A simple insert when season tickets are sent out we old g of the job. Info is included regarding the TD Club then why not the brick program. In fact this insert could be sent with any ticket order or even more visibly displayed on line when ordering tickets.
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Yet, how can it be that so few folks are willing to pony up the relatively small amount required to show support for the program in such a visible way. If we can't fill the walkway, what chance do we have to garner the greater support needed for us to be mentioned in the same breath as the schools we want to be.

I donate a decent amount to Rutgers and Rutgers Athletics (and I suspect more than most of the people on this board). However I have never bought a brick. I have no intention of buying a brick. Buying a brick is completely meaningless to me.

To me, buying a brick is something you would do to commemorate something, like a graduation, or marriage to your college sweetheart. The fact that there are still bricks available is a good thing in my mind. It means that there is availability for future alumni to buy bricks to commemorate milestones in their life. That is meaningful. Far more meaningful than my spending $500 to take up a brick to say "Go RU from Upstream". If I want to donate $500, I'll just donate $500, and leave the brick to someone with something meaningful to commemorate.
I donate a decent amount to Rutgers and Rutgers Athletics (and I suspect more than most of the people on this board). However I have never bought a brick. I have no intention of buying a brick. Buying a brick is completely meaningless to me.

To me, buying a brick is something you would do to commemorate something, like a graduation, or marriage to your college sweetheart. The fact that there are still bricks available is a good thing in my mind. It means that there is availability for future alumni to buy bricks to commemorate milestones in their life. That is meaningful. Far more meaningful than my spending $500 to take up a brick to say "Go RU from Upstream". If I want to donate $500, I'll just donate $500, and leave the brick to someone with something meaningful to commemorate.

disagree..its an inexpensive easy way to say hey I was a big fan of RU and leave a legacy, its incredibly cool
The bottom line is that our alumni just don't have the same affinity for Rutgers Football that PSU fans have for PSU football or OSU fans have for OSU football. There are a great number of supporters but we need more of them. ive got a few bricks but need to get more.

As we improve, it'll be easier to solicit funds from alumni. I agree with OP.
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You have heard this from me before and get the point. if you are in a position to give and don't, in my opinion you have no right to complain about the product, since you aren't a stakeholder.
That's how I feel about the right to vote...if you don't exercise it, shudd up!

I donate a decent amount to Rutgers and Rutgers Athletics (and I suspect more than most of the people on this board). However I have never bought a brick. I have no intention of buying a brick. Buying a brick is completely meaningless to me.

To me, buying a brick is something you would do to commemorate something, like a graduation, or marriage to your college sweetheart. The fact that there are still bricks available is a good thing in my mind. It means that there is availability for future alumni to buy bricks to commemorate milestones in their life. That is meaningful. Far more meaningful than my spending $500 to take up a brick to say "Go RU from Upstream". If I want to donate $500, I'll just donate $500, and leave the brick to someone with something meaningful to commemorate.
He has a point.
You know manny, thanks for that reminder. I have wanted to buy one and I have sent more than enough cash recently to buy a couple but forgot about going this route. All the years going to the games I have got to get one of these!
disagree..its an inexpensive easy way to say hey I was a big fan of RU and leave a legacy, its incredibly cool

I'm sure there are a lot of people who disagree with me; that's why some people even have multiple bricks. But I'm sure there are also a lot of people who do agree with me. And that's why I don't think you can look at the number of bricks sold as a proxy for fan support.
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...especially because now they give out a tiny replica rather than the life size which those of us who purchased a few years back received

why cant they tie in parking donations with a brick...RU should do something to fill it up at this point

When was the last time the school tried to sell bricks? I mean actively tried. Why not set up a table right next to the scarlet walk?

Nothing like getting berated when RU does not promote the bricks being on sale. Maybe the ticket reps could add this to the list of extras they sell when season tickets or game tickets are sold.

A simple insert when season tickets are sent out we old g of the job. Info is included regarding the TD Club then why not the brick program. In fact this insert could be sent with any ticket order or even more visibly displayed on line when ordering tickets.
All great ideas.
$250 and its not sold out? Sad

Would they allow me to put "Go RU! MozRU" ?

(I am not an alum. Just a fan who used to be a season ticket holder)
The bottom line is that our alumni just don't have the same affinity for Rutgers Football that PSU fans have for PSU football or OSU fans have for OSU football. There are a great number of supporters but we need more of them. ive got a few bricks but need to get more.

As we improve, it'll be easier to solicit funds from alumni. I agree with OP.

It takes 30-40 years of sustained success to get the level of ingrained support that those programs see. You need fans to grow up as fans, and then their kids to grow up as fans, not knowing anything but winning seasons, poll rankings, and bowl games.

But then you run the risk of moving past fan support into the realm of cultism, where fans, students, alumni, and administration put football success ahead of the university (or human decency).
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It takes 30-40 years of sustained success to get the level of ingrained support that those programs see. You need fans to grow up as fans, and then their kids to grow up as fans, not knowing anything but winning seasons, poll rankings, and bowl games.

But then you run the risk of moving past fan support into the realm of cultism, where fans, students, alumni, and administration put football success ahead of the university (or human decency).

I don't think you need 30-40 years. What you need is a group of alumni who care enough about athletic success, who are willing enough to donate. Look at the top 10 I grabbed from a blog which was supposedly lifted from the chronicle of higher education. While schools like Texas, Michigan, and Notre Dame are no surprise, its surprising that schools like the University of Kansas and Kansas State are on there too.

Here's a breakdown of the top 10 for athletic giving, led by Texas A&M:

Texas A&M University $66,987,139
University of Oregon $53,698,089
University of Michigan $51,717,862
University of Texas at Austin $42,234,883
Texas Christian University $38,319,614
Kansas State University $34,369,836
Auburn University $31,739,556
University of Washington $30,730,210
University of Notre Dame $30,461,237
University of Kansas $28,934,681
$250 and its not sold out? Sad

Would they allow me to put "Go RU! MozRU" ?

(I am not an alum. Just a fan who used to be a season ticket holder)

yep. they allowed us to have the 8x8 brick below in my signature. 12 characters per line is the restriction
Put them on sale at Shop Rite next to the deli counter or at Subway or the stadium next to the water stations.
Why is the 12x12 so out of line price wise? I mean I under and some premium for that size but based on sq in it should be $1125. $3k? I'd buy 2 8x8's and call it day.
Manhattan is right, its embarrassing...i honestly do not think they push the brick thing enough...dont know who is in charge but I dont know why they cant parlay donations with a brick...especially because now they give out a tiny replica rather than the life size which those of us who purchased a few years back received

why cant they tie in parking donations with a brick...RU should do something to fill it up at this point

Replicas were full size this year.
I'm not surprised one bit. The bricks cost money just like it takes money to finish out the BIG build fund. The fan base will fight every extra expenditure worthwhile or not. It is what it is 2021 will eventually get here. Let's not tell people how to spend there money. Some of us thank god are doing really well and many are not. Don't get yourself banned talking about money. Don't waste your time comparing us to fan bases that have more to offer $$$ than just an opinion on a message board.
Many fans have yearly donations over the level needed for a brick.
I could have several but only have one which honors my sons graduation from Cook.
So there is no need to try to shame our fanbase because bricks have not sold out
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I would think it is more of a focus on other fundraising initiatives. Still should be more participation on the bricks, but in RU's defense, they are frying bigger fish than the bricks:
Is there a link to donating bricks someone can post? My dad just retired from Rutgers (after 45 years) and I am thinking of getting him one.
So that was He at RT this year. I was critical of play at that position but now that I know why I will give it a pass.