First game of the year


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Dec 18, 2010
Boy does the RAC look good. I was up in 305 and I still say I love the view of the court up there. The in game entertainment is much better this year. There is a good flow to everything and the band is incorporated as well.

I gotta say watching the game, the team makes the same mistakes over and over and over. No coach in America is bad enough to not correct them. These kids have nothing between the ears and I think as new blood comes into the program on court results will improve. The shame of it is Jack is probably the most selfish player in the nation. All his talent is negated by his need to take lower percentage shots, usually outside 12-15 feet, and it kills his efficiency. White out was a nice touch. Eddie will, and should, coach out the rest of his contract (at least up to one year left).
Let's see where we are 12 months from now. I think many may feel differently after next season