FT’s, The Band and The Clap


Gold Member
Aug 1, 2001
Sorry but this needs its own thread. Facts are fact and, whether based on realty or not, this shit has to stop: I never liked or understood it to begin with when they started doing this a few years ago, don’t like it now, and I don’t know why on earth anyone thinks clapping your hands in unison while your own classmate has the ball in his hands to take a free throw, is a good idea. IT IS NOT!!!

This season )FACTS):

Away: 92/115 for 80%
Home: 99/154 for 64% (last 2 games 27/53 for 51%)...THIS IS PATHETIC!!!!


(any puns in the subject line or within the body of this post are 100% understood and intended)
I feel like we should all ignore the free throws and chat with the people around us instead. Treat it like it's warmups.

It's absolutely a mental thing and something needs to change.
I feel like we should all ignore the free throws and chat with the people around us instead. Treat it like it's warmups.

It's absolutely a mental thing and something needs to change.
Exactly my point. Whether not what the band does is actually having an effect doesn’t mean anything. We simply can’t shoot free throws at home so something has to change.
I’m with it though. What if they just stopped for a couple of games? Maybe it’s subconsciously distracting.
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Sorry but this needs its own thread. Facts are fact and, whether based on realty or not, this shit has to stop: I never liked or understood it to begin with when they started doing this a few years ago, don’t like it now, and I don’t know why on earth anyone thinks clapping your hands in unison while your own classmate has the ball in his hands to take a free throw, is a good idea. IT IS NOT!!!

This season )FACTS):

Away: 92/115 for 80%
Home: 99/154 for 64% (last 2 games 27/53 for 51%)...THIS IS PATHETIC!!!!


(any puns in the subject line or within the body of this post are 100% understood and intended)
Most schools do it. It’s fun. Just stop.
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While the FT % is not good at home, I think you are reaching for an excuse here. On the road, the student sections scream and jump and throw stuff up in the air. Hard to imagine the shooter is fine with that but a single clap completely throws them off.

While the FT % is not good at home, I think you are reaching for an excuse here. On the road, the student sections scream and jump and throw stuff up in the air. Hard to imagine the shooter is fine with that but a single clap completely throws them off.
On the road it’s a steady procession of noise. This is a loud clap moments before the guy at the line shoots (often as he’s entering his motion). I’d prefer the former if I’m the shooter.

I posted tge #’s for a reason and there’s a huge discrepancy - HUGE - so what gives?
Sorry but this needs its own thread. Facts are fact and, whether based on realty or not, this shit has to stop: I never liked or understood it to begin with when they started doing this a few years ago, don’t like it now, and I don’t know why on earth anyone thinks clapping your hands in unison while your own classmate has the ball in his hands to take a free throw, is a good idea. IT IS NOT!!!

This season )FACTS):

Away: 92/115 for 80%
Home: 99/154 for 64% (last 2 games 27/53 for 51%)...THIS IS PATHETIC!!!!


(any puns in the subject line or within the body of this post are 100% understood and intended)
On the bright side at least they stopped doing the drumroll before our guys shot free throws that they did last year. That shit drove me nuts
On the road it’s a steady procession of noise. This is a loud clap moments before the guy at the line shoots (often as he’s entering his motion). I’d prefer the former if I’m the shooter.

I posted tge #’s for a reason and there’s a huge discrepancy - HUGE - so what gives?
to follow up on this:

years ago the "Cameron Crazies" did their research and realized that, after years of screaming and arm waving, as the rest of the nation picked up on it, the effect was no longer the same. So what did they do? They made a script with dozens of different things to do in an attempt to better mess with the guy at the line AND many of them included things like on-and-off yelling, NOT yelling until the shooter was in motion or about to release the ball, and other suck antics which, believe-it-or-not, began to reduce the visiting team FT shooting % again.
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I dont think the clap comes at the time of the shot. They clap when the ref gives the shooter the ball. Watch the replay
I dont think the clap comes at the time of the shot. They clap when the ref gives the shooter the ball. Watch the replay
Sometimes yes, sometimes no....sometimes as the shooter is in motion....regardless MY POINT is that SOMETHING has to change. Again, LOOK at the stats:

Away: 92/115 for 80%
Home: 99/154 for 64% (last 2 games 27/53 for 51%....only 71% prior)

....these #'s @ home ARE HORRIFIC and make no sense!!! So something has to change. it's not going to be anyone on the roster, right? lol....ugh!

Now maybe - MAYBE - with 9 new guys taking FT's this group either a) isn't accustomed to the "clap" OR b) they're anticipating it, which is holding back their entire "process" while at the line, and THAT is what's screwing them up? Seriously....IMHO....this is a "food for thought" thing here. Maybe they should practice shooting FT's with this going on in the background? Just spitballing here, obviously, BUT something has to change.
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I feel like we should all ignore the free throws and chat with the people around us instead. Treat it like it's warmups.

It's absolutely a mental thing and something needs to change.
How about the players practicing foul shots before the game and at half time.Too much time spent on running layup drill /dunks.
How about the players practicing foul shots before the game and at half time.Too much time spent on running layup drill /dunks.
Absolutely, agree, NO question....BUT....they have the same pre-game routine that they do at home so WHY are we shooting 80% on the road?
On the road it’s a steady procession of noise. This is a loud clap moments before the guy at the line shoots (often as he’s entering his motion). I’d prefer the former if I’m the shooter.

I posted tge #’s for a reason and there’s a huge discrepancy - HUGE - so what gives?
It is never as he is starting his motion. The clap is timed for when the player catches the ball from the ref. Unless he is planning a referee assisted catch and shoot, the clap is before he goes through his shooting routine.
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Absolutely, agree, NO question....BUT....they have the same pre-game routine that they do at home so WHY are we shooting 80% on the road?
Maybe we should all scream during their free throws, lol - the silent arena might be getting in their heads, with the one or two opponent fans screaming suddenly as they put up the shot.
I mentioned this same drum roll-clap sequence in a different thread and I agree with Nuts. Yes, the clap is when they catch the ball, but I almost feel rushed when I actually get the ball. Like you just drum rolled and clapped for me and now you’re waiting for me to shoot. The last thing I want to do is feel rushed for no reason on a foul shot. It’s especially worse when they do an extra emphasis on the last few drum rolls. I at least noticed at the most recent game that they brought out a bass drum roll, which softens the annoying snare drum a bit. If we have to have some version of this, I’d do a softer slower drum roll with bass drum and I’d try to cut it much earlier than when the player actually receives the ball. But I’d probably much rather just have some generic chant with no final clap. Maybe a “Let’s go RU!” Something encouraging.

On a separate note, fans groaning after missed free throws also doesn’t help either. But that is tougher to control. We just have to try to mute our disappointment as best as e we can. We can groan, but maybe not a big “WTF! Dammit!” Lol.
At this point, I think anything is worth a try. If a band member is reading this thread, just try not doing it anymore for a while and lets see how it goes.
At this point, I think anything is worth a try. If a band member is reading this thread, just try not doing it anymore for a while and lets see how it goes.
Including everyone screaming and waving stuff behind the basket to make the apparently uncomfortable home environment more like the comfortable road environment?

This feels more psychological than environmental, to me.
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A team that shoots 75% over a large sample size can easily shoot 80% or 64% over small sample sizes. Additionally, you have to adjust for which players took the foul shot in the selected games.

There's more statistics and probability than psychology behind the percentages.
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maybe it's just a tough place to shoot FTs.

i mean i'm drowning in free Shake Shack shakes over here, lol.

but the real answer is probably nothing more than small sample size. the last two games are skewing the numbers just like the insane performance out in vegas (specifically Dylan) is skewing the road numbers.

but sure stop the clap. whatever it takes to make the players get out of their own heads because imo that's really all this is.
season 2 GIF
Was in the PSU game last year at home where some visiting fan was SHRIEKING right as our guys started to shoot in an otherwise quiet JMA? That seemed to be really effective actually.
I wouldn't say it's the claps fault but it is a RAC problem. I made a post near the end of 23-24 that Rutgers shot 78.9% on the road/neutral and 66.8% at home. It does seem to be a problem on this years and last years team. Not sure how far this goes back or if there is a site that separates home and road FT team stats by year.
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