Basketball GAME THREAD: Rutgers Hoops vs. Penn State

What in the hell is that lineup PIKE? Mulcahy and Palmquist? Pike is just throwing sh*t at a wall now, there is no coaching or answers, this is fvcking ridiculous.
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Shoulda stated the half with this group . At least send a message to the starters . At this point the game is over
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@Richard Schnyderite please please please first question in post game as polite as possible are you still not concerned about the offense but also don’t make it a yes or no question like I just did :)
Is team this mentally weak and soft? I think someone on team needs to get in someone’s face on penn state to light a fire beaneth team.

The coach. Pike is a like a cheerleader at this point. I am not a get in guys face type, but it's clearly warranted. I don't want to hear from him how tough a team PSU. They suck. Winless in conference coming off a Covid shut down without practicing.

If this doesn't get Pike going ape shit, nothing will.
At this rate Geo may not even be asked back next year. If he’s giving the team nothing, why bother
**** this team. Pull all their scholarships, let them pay for their own education or get the **** out. If Pikiell doesn’t turn this around this year fire him too. What a ****ing loser.
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The guys r tuning him out for whatever reason ; never a good sign .
The coach. Pike is a like a cheerleader at this point. I am not a get in guys face type, but it's clearly warranted. I don't want to hear from him how tough a team PSU. They suck. Winless in conference coming off a Covid shut down without practicing.

If this doesn't get Pike going ape shit, nothing will.

covid will be the excuse, its tough on the kids
So much for that steal and bucket at the end of the half turning things around. 47-30. I'm just stupefied as to what has happened to this team. I know we're not this bad, but we're playing this badly. I never thought we were top 10, but damn, I thought we were going to be middle of the pack in the B1G, but not now.
Stop making shit up. I hate bullshit claims like this. Even if it were true there isn't a 1% chance you could know that so just stop can honestly say that everything is roses in that lockeroom ....down 17 now with no pulse.
What's funny is that even if there was no COVID you would have about the same size crowd at Ped State.
The worst thing that could’ve happened to this team was early lights out shooting. They got used to not needing to rely on defense like past years.
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Leave the bench in. I don't care how bad we get beat. Purge this thing and tear it all down. This current team is done. Their chance was last year. They blew it this year. Ready to cheer for a new team.
Oh man! Last year ! They needed a win the last weekend of the season to probably get in the tournament . And then they were underdogs for the first round big ten tournament game. What a chance ! These guys are pathetic
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We may have the worst off the ball defense I've seen this side of middle school. Shots don't fall I understand but matadoring guys and not blocking out are inexcusable.
How many long rebounds do we give up?
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