Wow the Middlesex County Parks Dept. must need some extra bucks. In a year the price went up $15.00 to $45.00 per game some folks are in for a big surprise. did you see this? It was listed as $30 on
Where did you see this? It was listed as $30 on
It doesn't even cost that much to park at MetLife!!! But this is NJ, where everybody associated with the state or local government needs to take their cut.Wow the Middlesex County Parks Dept. must need some extra bucks. In a year the price went up $15.00 to $45.00 per game some folks are in for a big surprise.
Johnson Park is directly across from the Stadium. The Scarlet and Green lots are $50 per game (plus donations) and the Yellow lot is $40 per game (plus donations). Based on those prices, $45 for Johnson Park seems fair.
Upstream - totally agree - Johnson Park is a bargain even at $45.
Are you serious ?? $45 for Johnson Park is insane. I guess if you are made of money, go for it, but for other people you can park in New Brunswick for cheap or free and walk
God you people suck. It's the closest parking to the stadium. its 45$ for no donations, no long term commitment, no season guarantee. I hope everyone on River road jacks up their prices.
"twice as close"?for the mentally impaired maybe. You can park twice as close for half the price if you even try a tiny bit.
Wow! For penn state and michigan maybe it could be justified, but for Howard? Yikes
I firmly believe parking prices like that prevent casual fans from attending games.
Assuming you don't go to many college football games outside of NJLol $45 is asinine for a casual fan, without season tickets. Higher than it is to park at MetLife, Yankee Stadium or Citi Field.
Anyone who thinks $45 at Johnson Park is reasonable I would guess has quite a bit of disposable income. Good for you. But $45 to park for a college football game is nutty.
As someone who doesn't go to games and never had season tix, I'll say, with crystal clarity: $45 to park is fkn retarded, doubly so if you're a casual fan going to a single game once or twice. It might be more than the price of your ticket ... just so you can get to the game and use that ticket.
But the casual fan doesn't have to pay $45. There are lots of cheaper options. It is just this one game-day lot that is premium priced. Rutgers has 3 game-day lots that cost $20. These lots are clearly listed on the Scarlet Knights parking page linked earlier in this thread. And that page also has a link to the Downtown New Brunswick parking page that offers parking for $10 or less.
You people act as if Rutgers was setting the price.
Isn't this run by Middlesex County?