Greg Schiano = Steve Jobs at Apple


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Jun 7, 2001
I have unique insights into Greg Schianos tenure here, because I knew a member of the first coaching staff, who was ready to quit, because Greg worked him so hard. In fact I like to think
That I talked him into remaining at Rutgers, and he did so for a significant time, to help put Rutgers on the right track. I’d say it’s one of my biggest life’s accomplishments because assistants don’t generally last with Greg because he burns them out. Signing up with Greg was like signing up for military service. At least that’s the impression i got. But you know what, lots of coaches went on to bigger and better things. And that’s the biggest testimony to his ways.

The biggest reason to hire Greg is his VISION of what Rutgers could be. Greg used to have a picture of an 80K seat Rutgers stadium, in his office. He used to talk about Championships, he used to talk about sending kids to the NFL. Most of all, he got the fan base excited about Rutgers Football, even when we were winning 2 games.

The biggest reason for the excitement was his recruiting. Who could forget Brian Leonard, BIG RON GREEN, Zeus Zuttah, and Ray Rice coming off losing seasons. And he beat MAJOR competition to land them. We beat Syracuse for Brian Leonard, who at the time was one of the best teams in the East, we beat Tennessee and Lou Holtz for BIG RON GREEN. We beat Ohio State and Penn State for Jeremy Zuttah.

How did he land players of such caliber and repute? He was an EXCEPTIONAL salesman, who sold the dream, and sold kids on his vision. In 2002, we had crappy facilities, a crappy reputation, and a much crappier campus. (Rutgers campus is much nicer these days).
The best kids in NJ used to laugh at the notion of coming to Rutgers.

So what does he do, he still comes up with a value proposition which recruits find appealing. He sells Florida kids by taking them to ESPN Zone to NYC, which many kids thought was the highlight of their visit to Rutgers.

And I have to mention his tireless work ethic, which was used to find and recruit the best kids for Rutgers. The Ron Giraults, the Devin McCourty’s, the Eric Fosters, didn’t just fall out of a tree. They were found and they were developed, which took many, many man hours.

And that’s how he got the fan base excited: recruiting results despite our adverse situation.

And when he landed the kids, he made sure they maximized their talents on the field and in the classroom. And if they weren’t giving 100%, they got tossed.

That’s how he executed his vision.
While we never won a Championship, he built a National Championship caliber culture that was second to none. Our 2006 team was good enough to play with ANYONE.

Greg motivated me to give four figures because I really felt we were going to the promised land. You can see my bricks on the Scarlet Walk. I’ve only been giving modestly since 2012, because I didn’t have confidence that the people in charge actually knew what they were doing. And I was mad that we made a cheap coaching hire, though I respect the job that Flood did. In the end I think
He did his best.

Greg was creative, he was relentless, and he was persistent. There are lots of coaches Rutgers could hire, but no one else knows the secret sauce for Rutgers success. And I’m not willing to wait around for someone to figure it out.

Greg Schiano
Is absolutely the best possible coach that Rutgers could hire, and it’s a shame that many people take his success for granted. It’s also a shame that people take his successes and player development for granted. He built this thing through the sheer force of his personality.

Lots of people don’t like Greg Schiano because he wasn’t afraid to push people to deliver excellence, whether it was the secretary, coaches , or players. But everyone respects him.

Ultimately, Greg succeeded because he was one of us. Ash is failing because he’s not. Only Greg has the unique set of skills to make Rutgers the best it can be.

The criticism of GS pretty much boils down to one thing. He’s an asshole, yet a visionary. So was Steve Jobs. Bring him back!
One thing I remember is early on, GS had high level recruits visiting here — higher level than I expected given the state of the program. Didn’t close many of them in the beginning but even when Rutgers sucked big time, he was able to generate interest in the program with highly rated prospects.

Haven’t seen much of that under the present regime.
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Oh boy- this is going to turn into a hater lover thread


We've gone from a Lion on the hill looking at this prey to a Deer in the highlight.

From McCormick/ Mulcachy/ Schiano to Barchi/Hobbs / Ash.

Is it any wonder our program stinks, that Attendance is reverting back to Terry Shea days, that we are now the D1 Laughingstock?
I think a song wooing schiano is in order.
As a matter of fact, there is one:


When you left home and moved to Ohio
The winning had come to an end.
My best friend goes, I try to follow,
Running as you disappear.

You know how bad this hurts.
It's been 7 years and just gets worse.
Come back to NJ.
Forever this time.
Greg's last day is our last chance to be relevant
Until we say "goodbye" and "I'll try to see you when the Flood damage clears.

Then I went home and prayed that tomorrow
You would turn the car right back around.
Scarlet Knight Way just won't feel the same,
Since your gone.

Greg's last day is our last chance to be best relevant
Until we say "goodbye" and "I'll try to see you when the Ash damage clears.
Greg's last day is our last chance to be best relevant
Until we say "goodbye" and "I'll try to see you when the Flood and Ash damage clears.
Why? That's actually the truth - there was a design of that stadium which used to be there. Not sure whatever happened to it.

That’s fine but we cannot sustain 80K. At best we are a 65K fan base under optimal conditions. Could we have a single “event” that cd attract that in the future? Perhaps.

Imagine if we had an 80K stadium today? The optics would be an embarrassment of epic proportions.
I have unique insights into Greg Schianos tenure here, because I knew a member of the first coaching staff, who was ready to quit, because Greg worked him so hard. In fact I like to think
That I talked him into remaining at Rutgers, and he did so for a significant time, to help put Rutgers on the right track. I’d say it’s one of my biggest life’s accomplishments because assistants don’t generally last with Greg because he burns them out. Signing up with Greg was like signing up for military service. At least that’s the impression i got. But you know what, lots of coaches went on to bigger and better things. And that’s the biggest testimony to his ways.

The biggest reason to hire Greg is his VISION of what Rutgers could be. Greg used to have a picture of an 80K seat Rutgers stadium, in his office. He used to talk about Championships, he used to talk about sending kids to the NFL. Most of all, he got the fan base excited about Rutgers Football, even when we were winning 2 games.

The biggest reason for the excitement was his recruiting. Who could forget Brian Leonard, BIG RON GREEN, Zeus Zuttah, and Ray Rice coming off losing seasons. And he beat MAJOR competition to land them. We beat Syracuse for Brian Leonard, who at the time was one of the best teams in the East, we beat Tennessee and Lou Holtz for BIG RON GREEN. We beat Ohio State and Penn State for Jeremy Zuttah.

How did he land players of such caliber and repute? He was an EXCEPTIONAL salesman, who sold the dream, and sold kids on his vision. In 2002, we had crappy facilities, a crappy reputation, and a much crappier campus. (Rutgers campus is much nicer these days).
The best kids in NJ used to laugh at the notion of coming to Rutgers.

So what does he do, he still comes up with a value proposition which recruits find appealing. He sells Florida kids by taking them to ESPN Zone to NYC, which many kids thought was the highlight of their visit to Rutgers.

And I have to mention his tireless work ethic, which was used to find and recruit the best kids for Rutgers. The Ron Giraults, the Devin McCourty’s, the Eric Fosters, didn’t just fall out of a tree. They were found and they were developed, which took many, many man hours.

And that’s how he got the fan base excited: recruiting results despite our adverse situation.

And when he landed the kids, he made sure they maximized their talents on the field and in the classroom. And if they weren’t giving 100%, they got tossed.

That’s how he executed his vision.
While we never won a Championship, he built a National Championship caliber culture that was second to none. Our 2006 team was good enough to play with ANYONE.

Greg motivated me to give four figures because I really felt we were going to the promised land. You can see my bricks on the Scarlet Walk. I’ve only been giving modestly since 2012, because I didn’t have confidence that the people in charge actually knew what they were doing. And I was mad that we made a cheap coaching hire, though I respect the job that Flood did. In the end I think
He did his best.

Greg was creative, he was relentless, and he was persistent. There are lots of coaches Rutgers could hire, but no one else knows the secret sauce for Rutgers success. And I’m not willing to wait around for someone to figure it out.

Greg Schiano
Is absolutely the best possible coach that Rutgers could hire, and it’s a shame that many people take his success for granted. It’s also a shame that people take his successes and player development for granted. He built this thing through the sheer force of his personality.

Lots of people don’t like Greg Schiano because he wasn’t afraid to push people to deliver excellence, whether it was the secretary, coaches , or players. But everyone respects him.

Ultimately, Greg succeeded because he was one of us. Ash is failing because he’s not. Only Greg has the unique set of skills to make Rutgers the best it can be.

The criticism of GS pretty much boils down to one thing. He’s an asshole, yet a visionary. So was Steve Jobs. Bring him back!

I just cannot believe anyone thinks this is a good idea.

What makes you think 52 year old failed NFL coach Schiano has the same drive as 40 year old Schiano? He was climbing the mountain at Rutgers. He was getting offers to coach Miami and Michigan. Now he has bombed out of the NFL, and is being run out of OSU. He was blocked at Tenn, and will never be offered a top level P5 HC job ever again. Where is he getting the drive to work 100 hour weeks from? His love of Rutgers?

He is not the same person. We are not the same school. Move on. Find the next Schiano.
That’s fine but we cannot sustain 80K. At best we are a 65K fan base under optimal conditions. Could we have a single “event” that cd attract that in the future? Perhaps.

Imagine if we had an 80K stadium today? The optics would be an embarrassment of epic proportions.
I'm not questioning that at all. And I agree that 80K is way overkill in this area of the country. But there was a plan and a design for a pie-in-the-sky phased expansion to take us up to or over 80K. I honestly don't know how we'd park that many cars, even for 65K, given that they're constantly pecking away at our parking areas. When the fallout from the Rodkin Center construction is complete, I expect the Blue Lot to have shrunk considerably. And placing that Welcome Center in the Yellow lot was a continuation of their asinine use of space.
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Maybe OP should publish his great stories and sell them intead of posting them here for free.
That’s fine but we cannot sustain 80K. At best we are a 65K fan base under optimal conditions. Could we have a single “event” that cd attract that in the future? Perhaps.

Imagine if we had an 80K stadium today? The optics would be an embarrassment of epic proportions.
Define optimal.

At 1-11, no way but after a couple of 8-9 season wins in a row (with victories over some of the top tier teams) there would definitely be a lot more buzz about the team.
I just cannot believe anyone thinks this is a good idea.

What makes you think 52 year old failed NFL coach Schiano has the same drive as 40 year old Schiano? He was climbing the mountain at Rutgers. He was getting offers to coach Miami and Michigan. Now he has bombed out of the NFL, and is being run out of OSU. He was blocked at Tenn, and will never be offered a top level P5 HC job ever again. Where is he getting the drive to work 100 hour weeks from? His love of Rutgers?

He is not the same person. We are not the same school. Move on. Find the next Schiano.

I don’t think I agree with you. But you make some good points here.
Either way stuck with ash for at least another year.
I don’t think I agree with you. But you make some good points here.
Either way stuck with ash for at least another year.

You agree...because you have to. It was a moment in time. You cannot go back. That's how life works, unfortunately. As fans, we can never go back to the way we all felt in Phoenix in 2005.

All GS's history here shows is what could have happened if Chris Ash had half the passion, hunger and determination GS did. Now we wait until someone comes along who does.
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It was a moment in time. You cannot go back. That's how it works, unfortunately.

Too bad Ash never had the hunger and determination GS did. Now we wait.

I don’t think it’s a question of hunger and determination. That’s unfair and I think that once he got here, he put the work in. It’s more of a complete misread on how to run a program that is not turnkey. Ash comes from a background of established programs and working with high level talent. He thought he could just take detailed notes on how Urban ran tOSU and simply implement that strategy. As if just putting in a spread offense would magically result in points. In his words “get ready to score a lot of points”

Ash learned the hard way that this job is more than just applying a how to book. You have to have a feel for the situation and environment.
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You agree...because you have to. It was a moment in time. You cannot go back. That's how life works, unfortunately. As fans, we can never go back to the way we all felt in Phoenix in 2005.

All GS's history here shows is what could have happened if Chris Ash had half the passion, hunger and determination GS did. Now we wait until someone comes along who does.

I don’t agree, because I would take GS back yesterday . But I do think he may not have that determination anymore. This is a tough job and the weak need not apply.
OP needs to be banned. There's zero reason for this thread, other than to serve as an embarrassment.
The irony is that the OP is the Greg Schiano of trolling. He hit the scene hard and created a lot of buzz, but now it's tiresome, pathetic, and desperate.
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Wasn't the 80k stadium somehow connected to some type of phony season ticket waiting list? My memory is going in my old age, so maybe I am wrong, I just seem to remember some type of inflated ticket waiting list used for some construction purpose.
Stopped reading after 80K stadium

This was the vision from day 1 of Greg Schiano’s era. This is what got people excited to sign on. When you don’t have tangible achievements to sell, you sell people on your vision.
We've gone from a Lion on the hill looking at this prey to a Deer in the highlight.

From McCormick/ Mulcachy/ Schiano to Barchi/Hobbs / Ash.

Is it any wonder our program stinks, that Attendance is reverting back to Terry Shea days, that we are now the D1 Laughingstock?

That’s fine but we cannot sustain 80K. At best we are a 65K fan base under optimal conditions. Could we have a single “event” that cd attract that in the future? Perhaps.

Imagine if we had an 80K stadium today? The optics would be an embarrassment of epic proportions.

We have a 500K+ alumni base. Build a good product and people will come.
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I just cannot believe anyone thinks this is a good idea.

What makes you think 52 year old failed NFL coach Schiano has the same drive as 40 year old Schiano? He was climbing the mountain at Rutgers. He was getting offers to coach Miami and Michigan. Now he has bombed out of the NFL, and is being run out of OSU. He was blocked at Tenn, and will never be offered a top level P5 HC job ever again. Where is he getting the drive to work 100 hour weeks from? His love of Rutgers?

He is not the same person. We are not the same school. Move on. Find the next Schiano.

I’d say the majority of the fan base would think this is a good idea, if we were to have to look for a new coach. He won’t have to work 100 hr weeks anymore because he’s got a track record of success, most recently coaching Ohio States defense. He’d be welcome with open arms in most NJ schools, especially Don Bosco. He’ll work smarter not harder this go round. We are a different school that is yearning for the same success that only he can provide.

There is no next Schiano because he’s one of a kind. He can be Rutgers Joe Paterno.
Wasn't the 80k stadium somehow connected to some type of phony season ticket waiting list? My memory is going in my old age, so maybe I am wrong, I just seem to remember some type of inflated ticket waiting list used for some construction purpose.

The season ticket waiting list was legit, and was used to justify much needed stadium expansion. In 2014, we averaged more than the previous capacity.. put a good product out there and we’ll fill the stadium. Rutgers is a great value compared to the Giants.