Sigh ... There are many things about a team, and individual players that are, and should, stay private. Just because someone is a fan, or even a donor, does not mean that fan or donor has a "right" to know these private things. And frankly, anonymous message board posters have even fewer rights to know these private things.
Sometimes it is simply none of your business unless RU and/or individual players choose to make certain things public. For the life of me, I cannot understand why people do not get that.
Many people, from multiple sources, many times, dating back to August or even September of LAST season (2015) have tried to gently hint there is more going on than is public, than meets the eye, or than even SHOULD be public.
With that said, from what I have heard, it has nothing to do with Rettig's raw intelligence or academic ability, both of which seem to be excellent. Nor does it have anything to do with attitude, as by all accounts Rettig is very responsive to coaches. Nor does it have to do with effort, as I have never heard work ethic is an issue. Nor does it have to do with his likability, as best I can tell. And by ALL accounts Rettig really likes being at RU.
I would really just recommend all those who keep harping on Rettig to be the starting QB for RU to JUST ... LET ... IT ... GO ... Though I suppose you never say never, it would seem to be a very remote chance at this stage.
If you have a complaint about the QB situation (not unfair to have these complaints), then focus on Laviano versus Gio vs Allen vs Oden.