How do I apply for a Board Moderator Volunteer Position?

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Different ideas will not be tolerated.
You must adhere to our way of thinking or be considered an outcast.
No, Choppin merely wants to cut down on the trash posts on this board. You can spew your hate and venom towards the staff if you like. It will be confined to one thread so as to keep this board clutter free. This is a similar stance to the one taken by moderators in previous situations when people wanted to rage at the coaches. This board is starting to be like it was during the days of Lance Thomas. Choppin is a guy trying to fix it.

He will make a great moderator.
Sure I'm crazy. I believe in crazy things like: better facilities are needed to help recruiting, better recruiting is needed to get better players. Until you have those things I don't believe in harsh criticism of any coach. You think 2 1/2 years is enough time, I don't. We disagree. I'm okay with you and others disagreeing and if I stand alone in my beliefs that's cool. But please don't be arrogant enough to think that you are 100% correct about everything needed to improve the product on the court. Your views are opinions only, the same as mine. You must be a

If you can tell me how next years team will perform with a full roster...let me know.... I need a few stock picks for my portfolio and I could really use your help.

Well for a guy coming out to try and calm the waters you sure have a funny way of doing it.

PS..I like Higgins too. Why didn't you just start a "where RU Higgins. We miss you Higgins. We love you Higgins" thread?
A good moderator does not put his or her finger on the scale. What we started seeing when much of the fanbase turned against Flood was that certain posters were banned because a finger went on the scale in favor of Flood.

Putting a vehemently pro-EJ poster in charge who promises to quash dissent is not the point of a moderator. This board is not North Korea.
Holy $hit look at these posts, Cyrock and Choppin must be having a circle jerk the way they are up each other's a$$
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