I know this will sound corny but...


Nov 9, 2016
I really gave up on the team today after the 24-6 deficit. I was watching with my son (who is 7) and I wondered, how can I continue to torture myself watching this team? The same story was unfolding as usual. I questioned why do I do this to myself on a weekly basis.

This was a HUGE game. Rutgers, in order to begin to climb out of the basement-the negative perception of years losing, had to win this game. However, this game was going down the toilet and looked honestly, to go into blowout territory.

I just want this team to get over the hump so badly. Why? I'm not sure. The years as a laughingstock, a punchline, maybe. I am an RU alum, my father, sister also. Ive only ever cared about RU football (for college football) since as long as I can remember. Friends growing up liked the usual Notre Dame, PSU, Michigan etc, Miami. I just couldn't break the loyalty and sell out to the highest bidder.

I think deep down in all of us, is that we are connected to the university in some way and just want this seeming underdog every week, to break through-it would be such a triumph for a program that has hit rock bottom numerous times in the past 30 years.

Today was a must win for a variety of reasons. People say next year will be a break. I don't think it will be.

The defense is so close. So close to being that elite unit we experienced from the late 2000s- early 2010s.

The offense is not there yet, by a mile. But somehow after being down 24-6, I was almost certain this offense would be lucky to get anymore points in the 4th quarter. Well, we know how that went.

If Schiano can get this offense to produce 30+ppg, we will be there competing with the rest of them. I think the offense is still 1-2 years away to get to that level. I was wrong about this team today.
Now, onto Indiana.
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