Basketball Interesting away game confirmed: Keenessaw State

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Right down the road from me! I'll be there for sure!
Perfectly fine game. Fun environment, nice for our star. Kennesaw isnt the absolute worst, our SOS was helped by playing more of these games last year than playing multiple 300+ kenpom teams
Must be a 3 for 1 deal…expect a lot of Kennesaw on our future schedules, maybe even on our football schedule, do they have football?lol
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Doing the Dean Smith thing !

Like it a lot !

Will be terrific for the family and friends of Ace and JMike to see them close to their homes !

Also - we better win the game ! 😂
Dean Smith was all but assured a ncaa berth each year. We really can’t afford this on our schedule for SOs reasons.
I do not understand catering to a guy who will be here for a single year (it's not like he's gonna transfer without this game) by scheduling a game that severely undermines our SOS and gives the committee ammo against us when it comes to seeding.

College basketball is as cut throat as it's ever been right now and we are worrying about being nice to our players.
Definitely a horrible game to play but as has been said if it’s something we had to do to appease Ace than so be it.
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I do not understand catering to a guy who will be here for a single year (it's not like he's gonna transfer without this game) by scheduling a game that severely undermines our SOS and gives the committee ammo against us when it comes to seeding.

College basketball is as cut throat as it's ever been right now and we are worrying about being nice to our players.
You don’t understand the potential benefits of throwing a simple bone to a guy that can provide more exposure/marketing to the program than any athlete in program history? A guy who may make $500,000,000 playing basketball?
You don’t understand the potential benefits of throwing a simple bone to a guy that can provide more exposure/marketing to the program than any athlete in program history? A guy who may make $500,000,000 playing basketball?

Would Ace have not committed unless we assured him we would play this game?
That seems like an extreme demand.

This is like HC Schiano signing a $4m/year contract and getting an additional $5k/year clothing stipend.
Was HC Schiano not signing if he had to spend his own money on clothes?
Would Ace have not committed unless we assured him we would play this game?
That seems like an extreme demand.

This is like HC Schiano signing a $4m/year contract and getting an additional $5k/year clothing stipend.
Was HC Schiano not signing if he had to spend his own money on clothes?
We need to get out of the NE and get exposure playing elsewhere.

If Georgia is our next recruiting area I have no issues plus take advantage of a soon to be defunct ACC recruiting area.

You complain about NIL and now you have 2 guys who will be 1st round draft picks. Maybe they give back and create future buzz for the program.

We need to get our fanbase beyond being afraid to play a Q3/Q4 on the road.
We need to get out of the NE and get exposure playing elsewhere.

If Georgia is our next recruiting area I have no issues plus take advantage of a soon to be defunct ACC recruiting area.

You complain about NIL and now you have 2 guys who will be 1st round draft picks. Maybe they give back and create future buzz for the program.

We need to get our fanbase beyond being afraid to play a Q3/Q4 on the road.

Your response is all over the place. Take a breath.

Playing this game has future recruiting benefits’
That makes sense. That also had nothing to do with the original post of “this game is a perk for Ace”.

I’ve never complained about NIL but I know many others have so I’ll chalk that up to blindly painting with a broad brush.

Again, being afraid of Q3/Q4 on the road hasn’t been brought up at all.
Nobody is afraid of this game. Actually quite the opposite and it seems many feel even a win won’t provide much benefit.
Could it be about building a pipeline to Georgia for future recruits more than a benny for Ace?
that was my 1st thought.

My 2nd thought....Anyone have a back of their mind thought about what happens in our history when we schedule games to appease players?

HINT: Bob Lanier RIP
This is a no-win situation. Win and no one cares but a loss is a resume killer.
Dylan and Ace are not losing to Kennesaw State. Grow a pair. Your perception of our team next year is flawed. We will be the Alpha , must see TV. You cannot schedule St. Mary’s home of the blind forever. If it turns out they are a top 100-135 NET team then that is exactly how it should be done.
Fun place to watch a game, having been there a few times. Met Artis Gilmore there when KSU was hosting Jacksonville a few years ago.
It would be better for our SOS to play Georgia Tech, obviously, but that didn't happen.