Less than one minute to go.
Game hinging on a couple of free throws.
Exciting game.
Close game.
The opposing player comes to the line.
The crowd goes...nowhere. They just sit on their hands and yawn a bit.
The folks in the 100s level seating drive me absolutely nuts. These excuses of, "We've had to sit through misery" are just silly. Yes, you have. But now you've got a TEAM. It's a close game where the crowd can truly make a difference. I'm not saying you have to stand the whole time. But it should NOT just be the student section making noise in a down to the wire game against a marquee conference opponent like Michigan.
So tell me. What will it take for these people (and if it's you, then you), to make some goshdarn noise at the end of a close game?
Game hinging on a couple of free throws.
Exciting game.
Close game.
The opposing player comes to the line.
The crowd goes...nowhere. They just sit on their hands and yawn a bit.
The folks in the 100s level seating drive me absolutely nuts. These excuses of, "We've had to sit through misery" are just silly. Yes, you have. But now you've got a TEAM. It's a close game where the crowd can truly make a difference. I'm not saying you have to stand the whole time. But it should NOT just be the student section making noise in a down to the wire game against a marquee conference opponent like Michigan.
So tell me. What will it take for these people (and if it's you, then you), to make some goshdarn noise at the end of a close game?