Just started watching The Night Of...

Thoughts on last night? I thought it was the slowest episode.

Welcome to real life trial practice. With a few exceptions it's not nearly as entertaining as they generally make it out to be on TV and in the movies. Attorneys ask questions to make specific points that they hope will come together in a closing argument. Testimony can be boring. I thought the trial scenes were pretty much on point.
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Unless his attorneys do more to develop the "other suspects" angle beyond the mild, short questioning of the detective, they've lost.
I believe this is a one time show where everything ends at the end of the season correct? Sort of like True Detective.

If this is indeed the case I feel like things are going to end abruptly. They have to close out the trial scenes, verdict, the prison relationships, some sort of flashback to show what really happened. It feels like a lot.
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I believe this is a one time show where everything ends at the end of the season correct? Sort of like True Detective.

If this is indeed the case I feel like things are going to end abruptly. They have to close out the trial scenes, verdict, the prison relationships, some sort of flashback to show what really happened. It feels like a lot.
You left out the cat. There's so many things to close out in the final episode. i don;t see how he gets off at this point as they've built no evidence for any other suspect.
Seems like so many loose ends to the plot all to be wrapped up in one episode. Will we find out what, if any connections, can be made to the funeral parlor driver, the sugar momma chasin' guy from Boardwalk Empire? What the hell did Turturo see when he chased down Duane Reed? That also was never resolved...

Wouldn't be surprised to see the episode end abruptly and Naz being convicted.
Seems like so many loose ends to the plot all to be wrapped up in one episode. Will we find out what, if any connections, can be made to the funeral parlor driver, the sugar momma chasin' guy from Boardwalk Empire? What the hell did Turturo see when he chased down Duane Reed? That also was never resolved...

Wouldn't be surprised to see the episode end abruptly and Naz being convicted.

Don't forget about the other murder scene shown in last night's episode that was similar to the one Naz is on trial for.
You left out the cat. There's so many things to close out in the final episode. i don;t see how he gets off at this point as they've built no evidence for any other suspect.
I actually think the cat is some sort of red herring - just a character development thing for Tuturo's character. i.e. her finally got the eczema on his feet solved and now he is allergic to the cat that he has a love/hate relationship with.

They've seeded some doubt on Naz with the evidence handling (inhaler), the testimony of their expert, and spent time developing the fitness instructor guy as a potential suspect. It will be interesting to see how they tie this out.
there is a series of clues that are seemingly linked; ie. the girl, Andrea, let the cat out when Naz first came in; Naz is very cat allergic, Naz was seemingly carried down the stairs without his inhaler with the cat coming and going through the broken door left ajar ?. Where was the cat when Turtorro first
encountered it ?
Also, there is something with that deer head on the wall with a hat thrown on it - a clue to the real murderer that clears Naz ? There certainly is a lot of detail left to cover.
My guess is that some sort of evidence emerges that clears him however by then he has already taken the wrap for nucky/ Omar slitting that guys throat. Central theme of the show that prison makes good/ moderately good people bad.
So many things for just one episode...the other murder seemed to be key but then they never went back to it. The detective retiring but realizing he didn't do his complete job by only working one angle...btw- was the other killing his prostitute friend. I thought so but my wife doesn't think so...Duane Read, the step father...I almost feel like I am waiting for a letdown since the show has been riviting
Naz was at the guard station getting inhaler during the throat slit. Maybe Naz gets acquitted and immediately kills Box...I like that.
The finale is 90 minutes so I don't think they're going to have to rush it too much. There is a lot to wrap up though.
I think a focus of the show is that sometimes crimes are not fully investigated. For instance, Box watched all of the videos etc in order to establish Nas's movements throughout the night yet he doesn't find the gas station incident noteworthy? Well, if you believe that the accused actually did it sometimes you "miss" things. Remember, a significant percentage of these type of cases are plead out and/or the accused had a PD who doesn't have the time or money to fully investigate every angle.
I believe it is purposely done this way. There were several mistakes the cops made in episode 1 and that I know was written in on purpose. Excellent, excellent series. Although I am sad that Gandolfini wasn't around to do this series that he very much wanted to, I find it hard to believe he would have given a better performance than Turtorro has given. He is a fave of mine and I think this is tailor made for him. He will win the Emmy for this and the Naz character will get nominated.
One of the things I love is Nas's transition to an innocent kid you are scared for and are rooting for to being almost unlikable.
What I didn't think worked is for his lawyer to fall for him. That was just always and not well written in
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My guess is that some sort of evidence emerges that clears him however by then he has already taken the wrap for nucky/ Omar slitting that guys throat. Central theme of the show that prison makes good/ moderately good people bad.

I'm thinking Naz gets off on some technicality but then commits some heinous crime because he has turned in the prison system..
I really liked it. Thought they should've ended it with that shot of him by the water instead of with the lawyer but other than that no complaints.
Great show...I know its slow moving but i suspect that adds to the effect that murder cases are nothing like NCIS or CSI or NYPD where everything seems to be solved in a span of 45 minutes. LOL
Anticlimactic end in my opinion, very ho hum[/QUOTE]
Agreed. Was hoping for something a little more dramatic, but I think they did a good job in general.
Very weak ending.
Naz is freed but becomes a Jihadist in the prison and leaves for Syria to join ISIS.
Just finished watching it. SPOILERS!!!!!!

I'm surprised nothing came of the moose head. They showed it in nearly every episode. The house had a satanic/goth feel to it, so I thought they'd expand on that. Or there would be a camera in one of the eyes.

The inhaler wasn't covered in blood in the pictures. Seems like a mistake by the producers or something the defense could have used.

The eczema was just there for comedic relief/filler. Kind of disappointing.

Why was he chasing Duane Reade into dark alleys and abandoned buildings? If he caught this violent felon, he was going to do what?

The biggest surprise for me was they didn't show what actually happened. Naz seemed to have a longer flashback every episode like his memory was returning.

How many Wire alumni on this one? I only realized who the judge was during the final episode.