"Knighted"/Game Ready Players-Updated April 20

I think its very cool but question its execution. Being Knighted is a good thing so shouldn't you be earning something rather than removing something? You earn stripes or horns or Buckeyes or Skulls? Seems odd to remove no?
I think its very cool but question its execution. Being Knighted is a good thing so shouldn't you be earning something rather than removing something? You earn stripes or horns or Buckeyes or Skulls? Seems odd to remove no?

Stickers for a good play in a game should not be removed because you can't undo the play that got you the sticker. The "Knighted" stripe means you are game ready. If, for any reason, the staff thinks the player has regressed to a point where they should come out of the line up why can't the stripe be replaced and the player put on notice?
my wife must have read this thread. I noticed a bunch of stickers on her night stand last night... :sunglasses:
my wife wears this to bed.... let me say, it limits my chances.

Wake me up when some of the players start being crowned.
Silly process. What is this a pop Warner team.

Other teams do different ceremonial things. For example Nebraska has the black shirts that are given as rewards to people who earn a starting position on defense. Other teams give out stickers for good deeds. This is just a system to reward student athletes for doing everything that has been asked and more. On and off the field.

It is a good program, Just not as good as Louisville where BB players get hookers and whore and Penn state get boys in the showers, but give us some time maybe we will get up there with these "classy" programs!
For those of you who are criticizing or questioning the "knighting" as a motivational strategy let's remember that that's all it is, a tactic or strategy. Some coaches use reward, some yell and scream, some belittle (Bobby knight and Mike Rice come to mind) some use a combination. Ash believes that competition builds the character he wants in his players. He uses this technique as a way to identify the players he can use and count on. It is not good, nor is it bad. It is his technique and it fits his competition based approach - nothing more nothing less.
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I am going to go out on a limb and assume you are not a great motivator of men.

Nor are you likely to be promoted to "shift manager."
Lol! Much needed humor...why do these people need to take it so seriously, if the players like it who gives a flying F what some message board fans thing isn't "adult" enough...after all these ARE kids for the most part
If you are practicing hard, and someone gets "knighted" you will emulate what they've done. You will take stock in YOURSELF.

Perhaps you push yourself that little bit extra. Whatever you think about this system, remember one thing, no competitive athlete wants to be left behind. So they WILL work harder, and that makes everyone better.
Will the cheerleaders be named Ladies when they're deemed ready for game day?
Thanks for your service to our country.
This is a football team which I cannot compare to military service or providing protection for our great nation. I would think the players should already be motivated to improve based on past performance of the fall team.
I think you forget you are dealing with 18-22 year olds. Very few people at that age don't need a kick in the ass.
If they win, I don't care if they get to wear pink uniforms. College football is all about motivation and preparation.
Thanks for your service to our country.
This is a football team which I cannot compare to military service or providing protection for our great nation. I would think the players should already be motivated to improve based on past performance of the fall team.

True, but if everyone could properly identify what needs to be done and adequately motivate themselves to do the right things, at the right time, with the required amount of focus and energy, we wouldn't need leaders. Even if a person is motivated to improve themselves, they may not know (in fact probably don't know) the best way to go about it. Sometimes you have to "paint the picture" for them. Then, they get it. Other times, you need to push them beyond self-imposed (usually psychological) limits they've placed on themselves. Motivational tools like the ones Ash and company are using help to get all 85+ individuals on the same page so they can function as a unit, a real team.
Thanks for your service to our country.
This is a football team which I cannot compare to military service or providing protection for our great nation. I would think the players should already be motivated to improve based on past performance of the fall team.
What are you trying to say here? That the motivation to win battles and stay alive is not as motivating to soldiers as the desire to win a sporting contest is to football players? So, to your way of thinking, it makes sense that the military employ motivation techniques but it's a waste of time for college football players because the football players are already more motivated than the soldiers?
Players all need some kind of recognition by the coaches that they are considered valuable to the team. I am reminded of the story of Marcus DuPree with Switzer not giving him much of any even though he was shredding defenses. It was the major reason he left that program.
I also totally agree with the opinion above about the military's use of this as a motivational tool. Those ribbons on their chest mean something to the rest of the military and they get respect from the people they want it from the most. The fact that our highest honor even carries with it the very real possibility that the wearer will be saluted by higher ranking personnel is pretty big. Every player on any team wants the coaches and his team mates to recognize his efforts. I like it.
  • "Although not required by law or military regulation,[104] members of the uniformed services are encouraged to render salutes to recipients of the Medal of Honor as a matter of respect and courtesy regardless of rank or status, whether or not they are in uniform.[105] This is one of the few instances where a living member of the military will receive salutes from members of a higher rank."

Can I like this twice?
Are people really arguing about this crap? Some of you need a life.

Stick to your own profession and let Ash do his job.

It's just conversation that some of us tried to elevate to a broader understanding of motivation, team spirit... esprit de corps, if you will. Some people don't get it. We tried to paint the picture, but they still don't see it. It is what it is.'s the next thing for Redlight123 to call performers get rewarded with better food and apparel to wear. Urban Meyer does it at OSU, now Ash is doing it at Rutgers.
Many of the posters are motivated. You earned your brown stripe.
I understand my experience with something like this was a long time ago. We were given ridiculously high numbers in spring training, when you arrived at your locker in the morning and saw a low number it was a badge of honor.
Te low number was always accompanied by a "Stargell Star" as well.
Until you got both of those, you knew you had no chance of playing in a game.
This was the way it was on what I'd consider a high level team full of adults and playing at the premier level.

I love the competition and awareness of where you stand with the coaches and your team-mates!
Really? Seems to work at TOSU. What type of motivation techniques worked best on the College national championship team you played for or coached?
They won a national championship because of superior talent and execution. Not because of Mickey Mouse ceremonies. I believe these kinds of things work short term but long term it becomes a joke to the players. The thing with Meyer the only place he stayed longer then 3 years was Florida and that program started to fall apart and he suddenly had health problems. We will have to see if he can have long term success at OSU or if it gets ugly like Florida. They took a step back last year. So will they improve or continue to decline this year. Saban has had long term success with out all the gimmicks. He just recruits and coaches them up.
They won a national championship because of superior talent and execution. Not because of Mickey Mouse ceremonies. I believe these kinds of things work short term but long term it becomes a joke to the players. The thing with Meyer the only place he stayed longer then 3 years was Florida and that program started to fall apart and he suddenly had health problems. We will have to see if he can have long term success at OSU or if it gets ugly like Florida. They took a step back last year. So will they improve or continue to decline this year. Saban has had long term success with out all the gimmicks. He just recruits and coaches them up.
And what does James Franklin do?
you're missing the point. They were on her nightstand so they could be put on my helmet post performance :fistbump:[banana]

Should have said they had to go on her nightstand becuase yours was already covered with them.
Silly process. What is this a pop Warner team.

Thanks for your service to our country.
This is a football team which I cannot compare to military service or providing protection for our great nation. I would think the players should already be motivated to improve based on past performance of the fall team.

How about the no nonsense adult approach. You are a 1st team starter or not. no fantasy land knighting crap.

How little you know or understand motivation of young men
As Sebastian states and what it does to him and the players around him;
"It was an honor and a blessing. But it doesn’t mean anything, I just know I have to keep working and keep getting better. Now I have to take all my teammates with me. I am trying to get all the d-linemen with me. I want to get all the d-linemen knighted.”

If you can understand this, if it is nothing more then a bootstrapping of a talented player into a leader who in turn will boost others up to his level and (Walla) eureka, an entire team is playing at a new level. Yes it is more then just that but it is a part of a big puzzle where small parts may not mean much to you, (look stupid), but it is a single brick that as Schiano put it "will build a solid foundation". So if we follow this path using Urban Meyer and Greg Schiano's map it is not a bad thing to get knighted, a gimmick to you but a motivator to the people involved is a way to uplift the Esprit de corps.
BTW go and look up esprit de corps meaning but then try and understand what this means. it is more then just reading what a dictionary says but try to comprehend how it realty applies to the total group of men/boys/young men. it is the thing that separated the winners from just a gang of guys.
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