Football Max Melton & Chris Long Suspended

When you think about how coddled scholarship athletes are (understandably so) at major universities, the idea that anyone might even come close to not being severely punished for this is preposterous. I don’t know the demographics of the students that were hit, but if any of them were gay or of an international background then that’s a national scandal right there if the perpetrators are not punished to the fullest extent possible. If a major university isn’t seen as protecting its rank-and-file student body, then that’s a scandal much bigger than some jocks missing some games.
Agreed. as far as the institution is concerned, it's always safer to over correct than under correct.

Undercorrection is what led to the Mike Rice fiasco.

Penny wise, pound foolish.
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Not sure what happened, but part of 2008 turnaround was Britt and Davis getting suspended - woke players up. Most football players have a screw lose somewhere and sometimes wires arc. Greg handles these things well, and things can get better for the experience

Rutgers suspends WR Britt, LT Davis for Morgan State​
Exactly. "Better for the team" doesn't necessarily mean minimizing this and getting these guys playing again, quickly. Sometimes an example of poor decision-making and behavior being punished reminds everyone of just how precious their athletic scholarships are and can serve as a great warning to the rest of the team to pull together and toe the line, i.e., being better for the team.
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Ha. I've gotten a few good laughs out of this thread.

I will say our fan base does not appear ready for Championship Football! Some of you need to raise your game.
Ha. I've gotten a few good laughs out of this thread.

I will say our fan base does not appear ready for Championship Football! Some of you need to raise your game.
Are you saying we should ignore the incident?
Sit them for a half or the whole game at Michigan. Then welcome them back with the stipulation that any further issues means explusion.

This was a bad mistake.. kids do stupid things.

There used to be a game played on campuses across this country of "assassinating" eachother... they even made a goofy movie..

Stupid idea
Are you saying we should ignore the incident?

No, not at all. They should be punished. It was a stupid kid thing. One game suspension and move on.

Others are treating this like the crime of the century. Ridiculous.
No, not at all. They should be punished. It was a stupid kid thing. One game suspension and move on.

Others are treating this like the crime of the century. Ridiculous.

this isn’t a stupid kid thing. “Stupid kid things” don’t end in jail
No, not at all. They should be punished. It was a stupid kid thing. One game suspension and move on.

Others are treating this like the crime of the century. Ridiculous.
Its actually in between. Sit a year. Do your community service and be back for spring practice and pay your tuition for a year.
Its actually in between. Sit a year. Do your community service and be back for spring practice and pay your tuition for a year.

A year is a long time for this. I don't see any other schools taking that hard of a line. Do you?
If they've been shot with a paint ball? Hell no.

And some look for it even in situations where it didn't exist
In this situation it is either a 0 or 1
0-didnt exist
1-it did exist

We will never know. If you think the expected number is exactly 0 you are dead wrong. I'll bet the number is somewhere close to the middle.
A year is a long time for this. I don't see any other schools taking that hard of a line. Do you?
I don't see any others schools with dumbass kids shooting random college kids with paint ball guns against other RU students in a drive by. You seem to be ok with that. Most people aren't including Schiano. If you are ok with go root for Auburn. It's crazy the so many jackass's find no problem with this!
Too soft?? He suspended the players before anyone knew what happened. He broke the news. You are obviously a Schiano hater with your dumb comment !
Lol at me a hater. I’m GS’s biggest fan. I’m just remembering that this sort of thing didn’t happen under GS 1. But was common under Flood.
I don't see any others schools with dumbass kids shooting random college kids with paint ball guns against other RU students in a drive by. You seem to be ok with that. Most people aren't including Schiano. If you are ok with go root for Auburn. It's crazy the so many jackass's find no problem with this!

You are living in an unrealistic clown world where no kid every makes a mistake. You want to ruin this kids life over something small. You're a jackass.
You are living in an unrealistic clown world where no kid every makes a mistake. You want to ruin this kids life over something small. You're a jackass.

again this isn’t a mistake. Mistakes are split second decisions someone makes.

If anything this is multiple mistakes
again this isn’t a mistake. Mistakes are split second decisions someone makes.

If anything this is multiple mistakes

Go look for a team where no kid every gets in trouble. Let us know when you find one.
i think it should…adding additional punishments Is necessary so these mistakes are made less frequently.

Highly doubt this mistake wouldn’t have been made if these kids KNEW it woukd lead to their football careers ending.
The punishment doesn’t fit the crime—their youthful ignorance doesn’t, by itself, warrant an expulsion from the team. The problem with youth is it’s wasted in the young, the problem with wisdom is it’s wasted on the old. Those of us who are older and complain about loud stadium music can sometimes do more good by showing mercy to the youth rather than slamming them into a bleaker future.
Go look for a team where no kid every gets in trouble. Let us know when you find one.
Agree. We are living in the Wild West. Laws are being broken everywhere.

not quite sure what your point is with this post
You are living in an unrealistic clown world where no kid every makes a mistake. You want to ruin this kids life over something small. You're a jackass.
you realize these kids have their own agency right?

they chose to ruin their own lives.

They aren't owed something extra or given special treatment compared to any other student just because they are on the football team. That route only leads down the road to UNCesque or Penn Stateesque coverups.

If any other Rutgers student did this and were caught, what penalties would they face? These football players should face the same at minimum.
The punishment doesn’t fit the crime—their youthful ignorance doesn’t, by itself, warrant an expulsion from the team. The problem with youth is it’s wasted in the young, the problem with wisdom is it’s wasted on the old. Those of us who are older and complain about loud stadium music can sometimes do more good by showing mercy to the youth rather than slamming them into a bleaker future.
We’re not talking about “youth” here.

these are men..old enough to vote. Old enough to serve in the military. Division 1 FBS football players, some making a million dollars a year. Spare me the “youth” “kids making mistakes” arguments please.
im sorry. I don’t want to root for people who randomly commit drive by shootings with paintball guns.
If that’s your motivation for wanting them off the team, one way around it is to not root for them when they make a good play. Punishment fits the crime, you sit on your hands when they make a pick, and equilibrium has been achieved.
If that’s your motivation for wanting them off the team, one way around it is to not root for them when they make a good play. Punishment fits the crime, you sit on your hands when they make a pick, and equilibrium has been achieved.

certainly…but I root for a team..not really individuals. Really hope they’re not on the team
Can bac start a new RU vs Michigan prediction thread for Saturdays game?

Id like to change my prediction. 😀

This sounds like a gangsta assault by our players. Let’s call it what it is.
Well, I think we all know what calling this a "gangsta assault" sounds like...
you realize these kids have their own agency right?

they chose to ruin their own lives.

They aren't owed something extra or given special treatment compared to any other student just because they are on the football team. That route only leads down the road to UNCesque or Penn Stateesque coverups.

If any other Rutgers student did this and were caught, what penalties would they face? These football players should face the same at minimum.

Of course they own it. I just think the punishment is waaaaay too much for what they did.

They are going to miss this game (or multiple games), they embarrassed their family, and caused a problem for their team. You think they are feeling that? Plus they still have to get through the legal process. They are being punished way more than a regular student would be.

I believe in second chances and the chance at redemption for minor discretions.

But go ahead and hang 'em high if you want. .
i think it should…adding additional punishments Is necessary so these mistakes are made less frequently.

Highly doubt this mistake wouldn’t have been made if these kids KNEW it woukd lead to their football careers ending.
Teenagers make lots of mistakes. That seems ridiculously harsh for this circumstance.
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We’re not talking about “youth” here.

these are men..old enough to vote. Old enough to serve in the military. Division 1 FBS football players, some making a million dollars a year. Spare me the “youth” “kids making mistakes” arguments please.
Voting and military have no bearing on the case at hand. Kids in college do stupid things and pay a price for it. Max and Chris became well aware of the seriousness of their mistake when they were cuffed and brought to the police station. Now it’s all over the media, which is an embarrassment to themselves, their families, friends and teammates. This is a college mistake and they’re paying a price for it. Being kicked off the team isn’t the appropriate price.
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We’re not talking about “youth” here.

these are men..old enough to vote. Old enough to serve in the military. Division 1 FBS football players, some making a million dollars a year. Spare me the “youth” “kids making mistakes” arguments please.
Get off my lawn you rotten kids.
Of course they own it. I just think the punishment is waaaaay too much for what they did.

They are going to miss this game (or multiple games), they embarrassed their family, and caused a problem for their team. You think they are feeling that? Plus they still have to get through the legal process. They are being punished way more than a regular student would be.

I believe in second chances and the chance at redemption for minor discretions.

But go ahead and hang 'em high if you want. .

Do you know who else believed in second chances?

Kyle Flood. Look where that got him and the program...

I just don't want the FB team to get caught up in another media feeding frenzy because another head coach went to bat for another kid in trouble.

Personally I'm fine with giving both kids a second chance. However it's highly risky for Rutgers as an institution to entertain this for a high profile indivdual in a high profile football program that is always under public scrutiny.

The media is going to rip us to pieces if we are lenient (rightful so when equality is in vogue). Hatchet jobs in season and the offseason. The program doesn't need this type of press distraction at a time when we are trying to grow the positive vibes around the program and grow the fanbase.
Voting and military have no bearing on the case at hand. Kids in college do stupid things and pay a price for it. Max and Chris became well aware of the seriousness of their mistake when they were cuffed and brought to the police station. Now it’s all over the media, which is an embarrassment to themselves, their families, friends and teammates. This is a college mistake and they’re paying a price for it. Being kicked off the team isn’t the appropriate price.

it should be the price though. If it was…this incident doesn’t occur, imo.

and committing a drive by shooting with a paintball gun isn’t a “college mistake”.
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