Football Max Melton & Chris Long Suspended

Do you people live under a rock? In what world is driving around campus with a Gun shooting people not as bad as it seems?

first of all, they’re shooting they’re fellow classmates and fans that are supposed to pack the stadium and support the team. Sounds like shooting people is the right idea. That will certainly pack sellout crowds.

Do you realize the time of society we live in? Two black males seen shooting a gun on a college campus. They are both lucky they weren’t caught in the act and gunned down by police. Is that not ****ing idiotic to you?

amazing to me how ****ing tone deaf you old ass morons are
Jacob Young gets a DUI and misses one game in a 30+ game season.

In my eyes it appears this is no where near that bad. Maybe I am missing something
These are WEAPONS charges thier in lies the difference.
No matter how you want to cut it the courts take these charges very seriously weather you or we don't.
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We don’t know for sure - but Schiano’s words give reason to at least hope that intent to harm wasn’t present. If this was the kind of thing where they had actually shot at someone and injured them, it would 1) likely be in the news already and 2) Schiano probably would’ve chosen different words than simply saying he heard they were taken into custody due to some incident with a paintball gun. This one feels like it’ll land in the silly prank family. Though in NJ, this particular offense is punishable by mandatory jail time so not sure what will happen next with it.
There is no mandatory jail time in NJ for these charges. The assault charges are at worst third degree and the weapons charge at worst is fourth degree. Since the paintball gun is not a "firearm", the Graves Act for mandatory jail time for 1/3 of the sentence without parole does not apply. As first time offenders, this is a classic case for PTI, if the charges are not downgraded to disorderly offenses cognizable in the municipal court.
What they did was stupid, they were lucky they weren't shot, aiming and shooting a gun of any sort at people from a moving car tends to draw return fire. Also, you don't know the health of the people you are pointing a gun at, they don't know it is a paint, they probably think it is a real drive by shooting, they could have a negative physical reaction. So much can go wrong, just dumb, but I don't think it should result in any prolonged suspensions, let's get our priorities straight, are we a big time program looking to compete in B1G East, or are we satisfied being pure as the driven snow and a bottom feeder?
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There is no mandatory jail time in NJ for these charges. The assault charges are at worst third degree and the weapons charge at worst is fourth degree. Since the paintball gun is not a "firearm", the Graves Act for mandatory jail time for 1/3 of the sentence without parole does not apply. As first time offenders, this is a classic case for PTI, if the charges are not downgraded to disorderly offenses cognizable in the municipal court.
Excellent post.
Do you people live under a rock? In what world is driving around campus with a Gun shooting people not as bad as it seems?

first of all, they’re shooting they’re fellow classmates and fans that are supposed to pack the stadium and support the team. Sounds like shooting people is the right idea. That will certainly pack sellout crowds.

Do you realize the time of society we live in? Two black males seen shooting a gun on a college campus. They are both lucky they weren’t caught in the act and gunned down by police. Is that not ****ing idiotic to you?

amazing to me how ****ing tone deaf you old ass morons are

You’re crazy.
Haven't read all 6 pages, so maybe this has been said.....if the players were white offensive linemen I wonder if they would be playing against Michigan.

Nothing to do with Schiano, but the calling of the police.


But I have no doubt whatsoever that a few of the posters who are downplaying this would be singing an entirely different tune if this was a case of two 19 year olds from New Brunswick sitting in a car on College Ave firing paintballs at students.
My latest thinking is that the suspension will be at least as long as it takes for the court proceedings to end. Once there is a final verdict and sentencing, GS will decide what additional punishment, if any, is warranted. Unless it's so bad that immediate dismissal is warranted. But I really doubt that.

So one question is how long will the court process take?
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There is NO sugar coating this at all. Max and Chris did a dumb , stupid and possibly dangerous thing. Here ‘s hoping everyone learns a lesson and that eventually this teaches all future Rutgers players the need to use the brain they were born with . These are not bad kids . Let the punishment fit the crime and accept it. If that means the year then these players can take a deep look inside.
Maybe it's because none of them were injured bad enough to require medical attention. That is much more likey!
Well that much is a given regardless.

The point is that if it was prank on their friends who they happened to know would be passing by for some reason, declining the care would clearly make sense.

Yes, it’s certainly also possible that none of the 3 random victims were shaken up enough after being “attacked out of nowhere” to want to take the time to go through the process of getting checked out at a medical facility”. My opinion is that the former scenario is more likely. You obviously disagree.
You sound like you are in charge of slaves in the 1800s, jeez man.
Ok. And you sound like a fool that has never been in a position of leadership. Perhaps your a kid.... I don't know you.

Kyle Flood was an example of a head coach that did NOT command respect and had no authority or control over his players. Schiano is not Kyle Flood.

I could be wrong, but my guess is Schiano makes an example of them to send a message to the team. Gone for the rest of the season, or at the very least until their hearing date.
There is no mandatory jail time in NJ for these charges. The assault charges are at worst third degree and the weapons charge at worst is fourth degree. Since the paintball gun is not a "firearm", the Graves Act for mandatory jail time for 1/3 of the sentence without parole does not apply. As first time offenders, this is a classic case for PTI, if the charges are not downgraded to disorderly offenses cognizable in the municipal court.
Anyone have any idea how long this process typically takes?
way way too much holier than thou, judgemental and faux anger here

if you want to see why NJ is such a fk up state, look at this thread.

sad that kids have to live with people like you.
I think it’s normal to express disappointment when these things occur on a team which prides itself on discipline and focusing on the important things in college life. These two players are no different from any other normal 19-20 year old . If this is the worst thing in their life going forward then they will undoubtedly make their families proud as well as find forgiveness from the ( victims) and teammates and coaching staff.
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This is complete nonsense . No one was hurt. This was the stupid RUPD campus police . They should have taken Melton and Long into custody , made them sweat a little bit and called schiano to come pick them up . Release them with some disorderly persons offense and everyone goes on their merry way. It’s going to amount to that anyway .

This is a complete waste of taxpayer dollars, probably by a few rogue campus cops . The arresting officers should get shut out of any overtime opportunities that may be available via rutgers sporting events. are exactly right. Never fails that the same Rutgers apologists reveal themselves whenever there’s bad behavior, bad publicity (e.g athletics $200 +million athletics loans), etc.

Blame the media, the Rutgers1000, New Jersey politcis, etc but always downplay the actor, event or situation itself.

Do you people live under a rock? In what world is driving around campus with a Gun shooting people not as bad as it seems?

Do you realize the time of society we live in? Two black males seen shooting a gun on a college campus. They are both lucky they weren’t caught in the act and gunned down by police. Is that not ****ing idiotic to you?

amazing to me how ****ing tone deaf you old ass morons are
Holy exaggeration there Batman. Have to play the racism card when there was none in this incident? Lucky that they weren't killed by the police? What world do you live in?
Haven't read all 6 pages, so maybe this has been said.....if the players were white offensive linemen I wonder if they would be playing against Michigan.

Nothing to do with Schiano, but the calling of the police.

So let me get this straight. If one of the victims called the campus police they would have said "Oh, it's white guys, well I'm fine with them shooting at me". And if it wasn't one of the victims, the caller would have had the same sentiment.

That lacks a certain amount of credibility to me.

And when you talk about playing Saturday that brings in Schiano even if they hadn't been charged.
Haven't read all 6 pages, so maybe this has been said.....if the players were white offensive linemen I wonder if they would be playing against Michigan.

Nothing to do with Schiano, but the calling of the police.
So you see this arrest as racially motivated? Are you a fvcking moron?
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Kids being kids = doing stupid shit. What bothers me here is the potential for harming others.

I have this uncomfortable question that keeps popping into my head. How would we all react if these were Penn State players?

With all that, these are young men who deserve the opportunity to learn a lesson and become better persons for it.
Do you people live under a rock? In what world is driving around campus with a Gun shooting people not as bad as it seems?

first of all, they’re shooting they’re fellow classmates and fans that are supposed to pack the stadium and support the team. Sounds like shooting people is the right idea. That will certainly pack sellout crowds.

Do you realize the time of society we live in? Two black males seen shooting a gun on a college campus. They are both lucky they weren’t caught in the act and gunned down by police. Is that not ****ing idiotic to you?

amazing to me how ****ing tone deaf you old ass morons are
You had a point with the first part.

But the assertion campus police would have gunned them down and done nothing to white shooters stains credulity.
Anyone have any idea how long this process typically takes?
Since the charges are indictable it rests in the discretion of the Middlesex County prosecutor. The 11/4 hearing is a pre-indictment conference date where the defendants receive discovery and most times a plea offer is made. Many times the prosecutor will downgrade the charges and the case is remanded to Piscataway Municipal Court. This in theory can take place quickly. As a former municipal prosecutor I have seen cases remanded by the county in one or two days. Then the case can be expedited and a plea deal made with the municipal prosecutor.
Since the charges are indictable it rests in the discretion of the Middlesex County prosecutor. The 11/4 hearing is a pre-indictment conference date where the defendants receive discovery and most times a plea offer is made. Many times the prosecutor will downgrade the charges and the case is remanded to Piscataway Municipal Court. This in theory can take place quickly. As a former municipal prosecutor I have seen cases remanded by the county in one or two days. Then the case can be expedited and a plea deal made with the municipal prosecutor.
If that's the case, and I don't think GS will lift the suspension until the case is settled (just my guess), this is looking like a rest of the season suspension.
There is NO sugar coating this at all. Max and Chris did a dumb , stupid and possibly dangerous thing. Here ‘s hoping everyone learns a lesson and that eventually this teaches all future Rutgers players the need to use the brain they were born with . These are not bad kids . Let the punishment fit the crime and accept it. If that means the year then these players can take a deep look inside.
The crime might be a stupid teenage prank that is being treated Chris are RU FB players as an adult crime because it can't be treated any other way according to NJ law.
Just warning them and sending them on thir way could get the arresting ploice officers in trouble the way socity is today and accusations of favortisim because of Max and Chris are RU football players would bound to come up if the police didn't follow the letter of the law.

But the prosecutor has the right to reduce the crime into something befitting their actions.
If their actions are considered a criminal act, the prosecutor will make a plea bargain offer based on that.
If it is considered a prank gone wrong that violate a criminal statute, the prosecutor has the discretion to lower the charge to something less that the arrest was for and offer a deal base on the lesser charge.

I think Max and Cris will be given the lesser and the punishment will be base on their stupidity, not as criminals caught in the act.
But that's only my opinion and the State of New Jersey won't be listing to what I say when what action on this paintball drive byes are taken by the State
see what I mean

don't forget, you've someone here actually wondering if the perps were white would the police be called?

this board is full on retarded

some of you need to grow a man sack, buy a clue, post less, and man up because there is some serious tucking going on here
Could you speak English? Are you speaking some right wing 4Chan dialect?
from an article by Kratch. Seems there were actual injuries AND the vehicle was moving

"One victim was hit in the right elbow at close range, according to probable cause affidavits obtained by NJ Advance Media. Another victim was hit in the left arm and lower back and the third was hit in the lower abdomen, all at close range. The first and third victims suffered bleeding as a result of the incident, according to the affidavits, while the second victim had bruising and welts.

The players were in a moving vehicle when they shot the victims, according to the affidavits".
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nah, you;'re just part of the problem with the exaggerated faux rage and holier than though nanny state we see today

was it stupid, yes
was it kids being kids, yes
no one hurt, slap the wrists, some cs and move on
The coaches and team don't need this distraction right now. Or really at any point in the season. Monumentally stupid.
see what I mean

don't forget, you've someone here actually wondering if the perps were white would the police be called?

this board is full on retarded

some of you need to grow a man sack, buy a clue, post less, and man up because there is some serious tucking going on here

Who do you think you are fooling? If Melton and Long were just two guys from New Brunswick shooting paint guns on campus you would be at the front of the line calling for harsh treatment.
If that's the case, and I don't think GS will lift the suspension until the case is settled (just my guess), this is looking like a rest of the season suspension.
Given the fact that COVID protocols are still in place, and grand jury proceedings are not easily obtained, and given that thankfully no one was seriously hurt, and that the incident can easily be explained as a prank gone wrong, I think it is more likely than not that the charges will be remanded to Piscataway Municipal Court for disposition as disorderly persons offenses, where a fine and community service will be meted out, and many mea culpas will be uttered by Chris and Max. Under that scenario, I think the suspensions could be lifted. Hopefully, the prosecutor will expedite the review and hopefully remand the case so that it can be resolved well before 11/4.
Holy exaggeration there Batman. Have to play the racism card when there was none in this incident? Lucky that they weren't killed by the police? What world do you live in?
Agree. ZERO need to pull the race card there. For all we know all 3 kids who got shot may be minorities which should matter not in the least bit.
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Given the fact that COVID protocols are still in place, and grand jury proceedings are not easily obtained, and given that thankfully no one was seriously hurt, and that the incident can easily be explained as a prank gone wrong, I think it is more likely than not that the charges will be remanded to Piscataway Municipal Court for disposition as disorderly persons offenses, where a fine and community service will be meted out, and many mea culpas will be uttered by Chris and Max. Under that scenario, I think the suspensions could be lifted. Hopefully, the prosecutor will expedite the review and hopefully remand the case so that it can be resolved well before 11/4.
Again, on-point with your post!
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perhaps one of our board lawyers can offer an opinion....nj gun laws are very strict.. this could be more serious than you think
For what it is worth, two Oregon players did something similar back in August. Missed 3 weeks of preseason practice and one game.

from an article by Kratch. Seems there were actual injuries AND the vehicle was moving

"One victim was hit in the right elbow at close range, according to probable cause affidavits obtained by NJ Advance Media. Another victim was hit in the left arm and lower back and the third was hit in the lower abdomen, all at close range. The first and third victims suffered bleeding as a result of the incident, according to the affidavits, while the second victim had bruising and welts.

The players were in a moving vehicle when they shot the victims, according to the affidavits".

My opinion, based on what I believe and not backed up by any law-book :
That makes it look bad, but let;s see if the victims want to press charges or if the prosecute plays hardball when it comes to reducing the charges.
Sometimes after something happens, the worst is looked at as going to be the result.
Then after everything starts cooling down, the victims and DA decide leniency might be in order because the intent to harm wasn't there when the idiots acted recklessly.

The amount of blood and bruising will be a factor, if just from a scratch like injury might help the accused be treated like pranksters instead of criminals.

The sky is falling look happening now might just turn into a rain situation that just muddied up Chris and Max's eligibility for the Wolverine game, but is settled favorably enough to get them playing the next game against Ohio State
Anyone have any idea how long this process typically takes?
Most likely not until the season is over. They will be arraigned, retain counsel, get discovery and have either a court date or pre trial conference. Most likely this goes into the new year. I am making the assumption this goes to municipal; I don't believe it stays in State Court.
Driving while intoxicated can also seriously injure or kill people.
True. And, if one actually hits someone or damages some property, they will be charged more severely than just DUI. If not, then it's a much lesser charge than aggravated assault.

If some kids are plinking around with a BB gun or paintball gun and nobody is hit and no property is damaged, my guess is that, most of the time, they'll ultimately get away with nothing more than a slap on the wrist. In this case, it sounds like some other kids were hit with the paintballs, which makes it assault of some kind, legally.

I think the fact that it's a paintball gun is mostly irrelevant in terms of the assault charge. If you toss a brick out a window and it lands on the ground; no crime at all. If you toss it out and it hits somebody on the head killing them? It's a felony, probably manslaughter. And there is lots of middle ground between those two things.

We still don't know if these guys actually did it. They haven't had their day in court. Unless I missed it, they haven't even been indicted yet.