National anthem

Amazingly, up until a few years ago (until they were paid to do it) NFL teams never came out of the tunnel for the National Anthem. So much for patriotism.
Why isn't the national anthem played at the end of the game? That is where is makes sense. It would unite fans.

We actually need two national anthems, one at the start and one at the end. The current one would be appropriate at the end of the game so we need to urgently commission Jay-Z to come up with one that could be used at the beginning of a game.
1 out of every 5 soldiers in the War of Independence (1776) were black.

That seems like a baloney number so I looked up as best I could.

One site suggests total black forces (on the American side) was 9,000.. with 5,000 or so fighting for the Brits. Another site says American forces at its peak was 80,000.. nowhere near 1 in 5 but more like half that, 1 in 9... which roughly reflects the black population today.. about 11%. So they did their part... and got little for it. On the loyalist side they were told they were fighting for their freedom.. but many of the loyalist Negroes evacuated after the loss ended up on plantations in the Carribbean. Screwed either way.

But that has NOTHING to do with the life of black Americans TODAY. These protests are all about themselves.. how they want to feel.. how they want to look... it gets nothing done and if others look at them as disrespecting America.. it is exactly what they are doing despite protests to the contrary. They know it, we know it.

AS for cops and cop actions.. we all know there are a small minority bad apples... some are just bad cops.. some are hyper aggressive.. some are too scared to make good cops.. but when they are jackholes who treat a white person poorly it is a non-story. Blacks are not aware of it... but it happens all the time. Consider that nurse who refused to take blood and that cop roughly arrested her... what if that nurse were black? How many riots (I mean protests) would their be?

So it is easy to say that whites cannot know what its like to be black.. true enough.. but the only thing blacks seem to want to know about being white is that we have some kind of "white privilege".. and that is BS... but how could they know its BS with people wanting to show how understanding they are by agreeing with them on everything? But I suppose if your choice is disagree with them and be branded a racist or agree with them and be "cool"... well, a lot of white folk want to "be cool".

To summarize.. the statues are just statues.. they aren't hurting anybody. The KKK and neo Nazis are assholes.. let them march and laugh at them with the vast vast majority of White America.. they aren't hurting anyone... and if they did they would be prosecuted. Those anti-fa people are anarchist commies who want to destroy this country and are far more dangerous than the deluded KKK and White Supremacists. And the national anthem is just an anthem. You pick the one things that should always bring us all together.. and you protest it. That's just stupid and if people treat you as stupid and disrespectful people for doing so.. you should expect that and accept it as valid criticism.
That seems like a baloney number so I looked up as best I could.

One site suggests total black forces (on the American side) was 9,000.. with 5,000 or so fighting for the Brits. Another site says American forces at its peak was 80,000.. nowhere near 1 in 5 but more like half that, 1 in 9... which roughly reflects the black population today.. about 11%. So they did their part... and got little for it. On the loyalist side they were told they were fighting for their freedom.. but many of the loyalist Negroes evacuated after the loss ended up on plantations in the Carribbean. Screwed either way.

But that has NOTHING to do with the life of black Americans TODAY. These protests are all about themselves.. how they want to feel.. how they want to look... it gets nothing done and if others look at them as disrespecting America.. it is exactly what they are doing despite protests to the contrary. They know it, we know it.

AS for cops and cop actions.. we all know there are a small minority bad apples... some are just bad cops.. some are hyper aggressive.. some are too scared to make good cops.. but when they are jackholes who treat a white person poorly it is a non-story. Blacks are not aware of it... but it happens all the time. Consider that nurse who refused to take blood and that cop roughly arrested her... what if that nurse were black? How many riots (I mean protests) would their be?

So it is easy to say that whites cannot know what its like to be black.. true enough.. but the only thing blacks seem to want to know about being white is that we have some kind of "white privilege".. and that is BS... but how could they know its BS with people wanting to show how understanding they are by agreeing with them on everything? But I suppose if your choice is disagree with them and be branded a racist or agree with them and be "cool"... well, a lot of white folk want to "be cool".

To summarize.. the statues are just statues.. they aren't hurting anybody. The KKK and neo Nazis are assholes.. let them march and laugh at them with the vast vast majority of White America.. they aren't hurting anyone... and if they did they would be prosecuted. Those anti-fa people are anarchist commies who want to destroy this country and are far more dangerous than the deluded KKK and White Supremacists. And the national anthem is just an anthem. You pick the one things that should always bring us all together.. and you protest it. That's just stupid and if people treat you as stupid and disrespectful people for doing so.. you should expect that and accept it as valid criticism.

Whew, for a moment I thought you were closed minded. Glad that was cleared up. :flushed:
That seems like a baloney number so I looked up as best I could.

One site suggests total black forces (on the American side) was 9,000.. with 5,000 or so fighting for the Brits. Another site says American forces at its peak was 80,000.. nowhere near 1 in 5 but more like half that, 1 in 9... which roughly reflects the black population today.. about 11%. So they did their part... and got little for it. On the loyalist side they were told they were fighting for their freedom.. but many of the loyalist Negroes evacuated after the loss ended up on plantations in the Carribbean. Screwed either way.

But that has NOTHING to do with the life of black Americans TODAY. These protests are all about themselves.. how they want to feel.. how they want to look... it gets nothing done and if others look at them as disrespecting America.. it is exactly what they are doing despite protests to the contrary. They know it, we know it.

AS for cops and cop actions.. we all know there are a small minority bad apples... some are just bad cops.. some are hyper aggressive.. some are too scared to make good cops.. but when they are jackholes who treat a white person poorly it is a non-story. Blacks are not aware of it... but it happens all the time. Consider that nurse who refused to take blood and that cop roughly arrested her... what if that nurse were black? How many riots (I mean protests) would their be?

So it is easy to say that whites cannot know what its like to be black.. true enough.. but the only thing blacks seem to want to know about being white is that we have some kind of "white privilege".. and that is BS... but how could they know its BS with people wanting to show how understanding they are by agreeing with them on everything? But I suppose if your choice is disagree with them and be branded a racist or agree with them and be "cool"... well, a lot of white folk want to "be cool".

To summarize.. the statues are just statues.. they aren't hurting anybody. The KKK and neo Nazis are assholes.. let them march and laugh at them with the vast vast majority of White America.. they aren't hurting anyone... and if they did they would be prosecuted. Those anti-fa people are anarchist commies who want to destroy this country and are far more dangerous than the deluded KKK and White Supremacists. And the national anthem is just an anthem. You pick the one things that should always bring us all together.. and you protest it. That's just stupid and if people treat you as stupid and disrespectful people for doing so.. you should expect that and accept it as valid criticism.
I see you like to swallow elephants whole while choking on a gnat. [roll]
You're not part of the PSU cult?[winking]
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I still think it's nice where we can have a discussion like this (and similar ones) and not have to worry about guys in dark suits with sunglasses and earpieces knocking on our doors to "discuss" what we typed.
At least not yet.