New Flood email news

Isn't there a rule for University Officials to not talk to the media while an investigation is ongoing? Will these leaks to the press be investigated?


this is the story.

SL "blood in the water" story starts to lose steam - and suddenly they run with this info.

who keeps leaking info when the Pres, AD and KF aren't saying anything?

you guys are watching the smoke and missing the real fire.
Let the process run its course and reveal the FACTS. Whenever the media gets involved (especially a biased one), it will only lead to swaying the popular opinion to align with their agenda - regardless of the facts, or lack thereof.

"Sources" can mean anything and are in many instances reported out of context. Don't fall into their trap...
Better link: http://collegefootballtalk.nbcsport...-flood-defied-rutgers-academic-support-staff/

If found guilty of violating university protocol, the punishment for Flood could range from something as light as a reprimand to as severe as the termination of his contract. The Big Ten already had one coach fail to reach the start of the new season. The chances a second loses his job before kickoff are probably pretty small.
It really reeks of a professor with an agenda against athletes. These professors really think they're shit doesn't stink. My interpretation: the professor was unable to deal with Nadir on his own. The professor went out of his way and told on him to his parents (the athletics department). Poor professor; a student wants to earn a better grade. If a professor is not able to handle a student trying to obtain a better grade then they need to be in another profession. It seems like Nadir tried to communicate directly with the professor himself. However the professor was unable to handle dealing with Nadir directly. The professor was the one that brought the athletic department into this because they were unable to speak openly and directly to an adult student.
All I see here is hat Flood did not "initiate contact." None of this really changes anything for me. Flood heard a lot of varying information, so he reached out to the professor directly to get the straight scoop and put it to rest "Is there anything the player can do to improve his grade"

Stop tying to read negative into it. There is no pressure stated or implied in what he sent. Stop suggesting any coach anywhere would be fired for something like this.

This whole thing is so stupid. It's obvious how the entire thing played out. Barnwell was probably close to passing, but he didn't. He freaked out once he found out he didn't do well enough and emailed the teacher a few times begging to see if there was anything he could do to get bumped up. The prof is probably a nerd and was annoyed he had to say no a few times to a football player. Then Barnwell tells Flood, so coach sends another friendly email to the nerd prof. Nerd prof bitches to his bosses and now Flood is in "trouble". This is such a waste of time.
this is certainly intriguing.

I can't see him getting much more then a suspension for the home opener. If he gets fired for something so minor, it would just seem to hurt the perception of the HC Position @ Rutgers for future HC candidates.

If he is suspended, does McDaniels take over as HC for the game, or does Norries Wilson (Asst. HC/ RB Coach) fill those shoes.
I'm also unclear how this is "Flood using his position and influence." You could say that of Barnwell, who evidently was "badgering" the professor. But, it seems as though Flood was notified, and he simply reached out once to ask if there was anything else that could be done. I wouldn't call that using his position or influence. I think he just wanted to make sure that, indeed, nothing could be done because - of course - he is not privy to the communications between the professor and the student.

Now, if he was badgering the professor, after being told not to, then that's another story. But, it doesn't seem to be that way.
I'm afraid you're not looking at this objectively. Barnwell is a student who has no position and influence with the professor. Flood on the other hand does. It sounds like Flood used poor judgement plain and simple. I know he has become a popular coach around here this year but this error in judgement is very concerning as it demonstrates a disregard of school policy and a selfish motivation to get the student eligible. Barnwell is the best and most experienced CB on the team.
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Politics, power, control and MONEY......this battle is not about emails, grades, integrity, academics, competence, coaching, athletes or faculty.

I'm not sure who is leading the SL attack (Norcross?) But, this looks like a political gang fight over $$$$$$.
I am surprised about the support Flood has received on this forum. Where is the non-blue sky crowd, or are they still suspended or tied up in a closet somewhere?
Would really like to see this "story" pursued by an actual investigative reporter vs. a "sports reporter."
Football scoop thinks so too, says it's evident from the top. Not sure who the "top" is.

Based on the little we know, I agree with the sentiment that this looks like a case of a newbie p/t lecturer who isn't in tune with dealing with students, and maybe the student being an athlete here even adds another dimension. Doing additional work or redoing work for a new grade is completely commonplace and allowable. Maybe this lecturer just wanted no part of that, and considered requests to do so "badgering." I can understand Flood perhaps letting frustration get the better of him and going to bat for his kid, even outside the lines, and I'm sure regretting that aspect now. Of course this is pure speculation on my part, but if I had to guess right now, that would be mine.
If the administration didnt want a scandal, they wouldn't be hanging Flood out to dry. He's getting grilled by reporters..and no comment from the school.

Not saying they don't want a scandal, but they aren't treating Flood fairly here. Something is going on.
I am livid that an "unnamed University Official" would say anything while an investigation is on going who knows this is wrong yet still has the audacity to criticize Flood. If this person had a shred of personal integrity they would reveal themselves and explain their behavior, which, IMO is, deplorable.
Just guessing here..

Those leaks, I'd assume, were from the football side.'s leaks, it seems, are from the administration side. Many more leaks coming from here.
Why do they want him out?


What quality coach wants to work for this AD and President?
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So, a professor engaged the athletic department to get a student to stop emailing him/her?

Interested to know all the details when they come to light.

Sounds like an asshole professor. Flood is only guilty of misconduct if he sent more than 1 email. If he sent this prick a single email asking one simple question, I don't see how that's an issue. In fact I think it's commendable.
The university still has not learned how to do anything in crisis management

I totally agree that the investigation needs to run course just to get people to not say that RU "swept under a rug"

That's the only way to get people to STFU

However...this is now dragging on a WEEK. Finish it and move on...

Instead...we let it linger in the media for a week locally and make it look bad

Someday, we will get PR right

This is the biggest issue. RU constantly mismanages these issues. We need a PR department that knows what they are doing. its embarrassing.
Why do they want him out?


What quality coach wants to work for this AD and President?

THIS. If RU offered $5M/year, I doubt any coach looking at the history of the firings of Mulcahy, Pernetti, Gary Waters, the faux Tyree scandal and others would come here.
This is the biggest issue. RU constantly mismanages these issues. We need a PR department that knows what they are doing. its embarrassing.

I don't see it as a PR issue, the biggest problem is that the story was leaked in the first place. A PR department has no control over that.
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If in fact KF was told not to contact professors he should get a one game suspension unless Julie wants him out(we know she was looking to replace him). Now if he was not told anything about contacting professors then he should just get a reprimand and move on.

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