New Flood email news

A quick investigation will smell like a whitewash or witch hunt , depending on the findings.
Taking the time to do an investigation right, sometimes takes longer than expected because some evidence has to be rechecked to make sure every discrepancy found is supported with facts or dismissed because of those same facts.
Get used to the rumors and speculation about what's going on, when went on and what will happen.

Don't be inpatient a thorough investigation should not be expected to be a race to find out, but a process to get it right.
Right now finding the truth is more important than getting the investigation over quickly and expect to hear horror stories about unnamed sources said.
Just because someone claims something bad is going on , doesn't mean that claim is true and source really has the inside scoop.

Remember : when anything Rutgers is the issue: The sky is falling is the cry.
Even when the Sky is Blue, the Sun is shining and a cool breeze is in the air:
Some will be claiming dark clouds are on the horizon and they felt a drop of rain
Did anyone here take theater appreciation? Can it really be true that a trip to NYC could cause someone to fail, just like that, without any recourse? That sounds bizarre....
I'm falling on this side too. I think it's a campaign to get Flood out. But who is "they?" And why?

Wonder if Flood is going to get the Gary Waters treatment. . . . .

It seems like a few people within the Administration/Athletic Dept. are making this personal. They along with Star-Liar are doubling down to see this through and make a point on how much they dislike Flood. Also, it's about control. We know NJ is all about power, money and control regardless of what line of work you're in.

How do you get on Flood's case about not following the rules, yet leak info to the media while under an order to not speak until the investigation is complete. Can't respect the leaders of the school if there's a lot of "do as I say, but not as I do". I hope those people are called out for making the situation worse.

The good thing about all of this is the national media hasn't continued to bite on a piker story. I guess Star-Liar is a big fish in a small pond trying to get the really big fish in the big pond to notice them.
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Lol..just who is "they" administration wants to create a scandal on the eve of the opener. Flood either did something very wrong or he didnt

At any other school that might be true, but you know Rutgers isn't like everyone else. They are slow to the punch and late to react.
If Rutgers is a decent school, Flood should be fired since we can't have football coaches brow beat professors. There is no reason he should have contacted the professors. If he is so stupid, then I don't want him coaching this team.
Based on the little we know, I agree with the sentiment that this looks like a case of a newbie p/t lecturer who isn't in tune with dealing with students, and maybe the student being an athlete here even adds another dimension. Doing additional work or redoing work for a new grade is completely commonplace and allowable. Maybe this lecturer just wanted no part of that, and considered requests to do so "badgering." I can understand Flood perhaps letting frustration get the better of him and going to bat for his kid, even outside the lines, and I'm sure regretting that aspect now. Of course this is pure speculation on my part, but if I had to guess right now, that would be mine.
"Doing additional work or redoing work for a new grade is completely commonplace and allowable." Once a grade is submitted, your statement is flat out-wrong. At every university I have taught at, except for incomplete grades, I have to certify instructor error in order to change a grade. The reason is understandable. If some students are allowed to submit extra work after grades are submitted you are instituting a system of differential grading. I have even taught at schools where "importuning" for a grade change by students is a violation of the student code of conduct
3-5 in the big ten, and they played a low tier ACC team in the Quick Lane Bowl, I hope your not too excited about that. They are lucky they made a bowl game.

Troll. Probably someone who was banned and now trying to resurface as someone new. Change the IP address and you're back.
I've graded at RU under the exact same scenario as a P/T lecturer.

First, there is no "INC" grade at the undergrad level. We would issue a "T" grade. Now, you can be issued a "TZ" grade, which signifies coursework not completed due to verifiable emergency. Your grandmother died and you bring in the death announcement, as an example. TZ grades are more open ended. The student and the instructor must mutually agree to work completion by a certain time in the future.

Or, you can be issued a "T" grade with the grade you would get if you don't complete the missing work. "TB+" as an example. If you never complete the missing work, the computer system automatically converts the grade to the corresponding grade.

No way, no how, a student is skipping a portion of the course requirements--ie: a trip to NYC in a FRIGGIN' THEATER class, and getting an "Inc." The grade doesn't exist at Rutgers.

The only way an TZ is issued on the undergrad level is if there is a legitimate, documented reason for a portion of required coursework not completed on time. That is part 1. Part 2, requires an agreed upon timeframe for make-up work to be completed.

If ANY PORTION of the reports are correct, the details simply don't match with why an instructor would issue that grade.

The other, more pressing question to me, is why did Flood sandbag the media all summer about the kid's eligibility? Again, if we can believe the reports, everyone surrounding the program knew that Nadir wasn't going to be eligible this season, coming out of the Spring semester.
Hey Spud congratulations in 16 -17 yrs on this site that has to be the absolute dumbest post I've ever read
Hip Hip Hooray!!
Did anyone here take theater appreciation? Can it really be true that a trip to NYC could cause someone to fail, just like that, without any recourse? That soundps bizarre....

I took Theater appreciation but it was years ago. Here is a potential problem. The school usually gets discount tickets for certain performances of a show. When I took it we saw shows two shows in Princeton, shows in two theaters in New Brunswick, one on Douglass and two in NYC. Many of these shows only run for a week at best so if you miss it, you are screwed. If it is true Barnwell missed the show, even if there was a legitimate excuse, it is very difficult to go see the play on a different night because it might be over. For this reason, if he missed the show and had a legitimate excuse, you can see why someone like Flood would get involved. On the other hand, it would be very hard for the professor to find another suitable play to substitute.
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Did anyone here take theater appreciation? Can it really be true that a trip to NYC could cause someone to fail, just like that, without any recourse? That sounds bizarre....

What's bizarre about it?

I've stood in front of classes and told them their attendance was mandatory at an on-campus event ( a visiting scholar in the specific course area) that happened to be at the same time as our class. I was clear. If you didn't attend this lecture and didn't have my prior approval, you would fail the participation portion of the course. If you failed participation, you needed a 90+ average in the rest of the course to pass.

Nothing at all bizarre to me about it. Presuming, of course, attendance requirements are spelled out, in writing, in the syllabus.
Oh, please. You hang out on the American Weather forums. If you didn't have a high tolerance for Stupid, you'd be dead by now.
Well, yeah there's that...probably have forgotten about all that Stupid, since it's been ~5 months since I spent any serious time over there...
Well, yeah there's that...probably have forgotten about all that Stupid, since it's been ~5 months since I spent any serious time over there...

That's because you're a Snow Weenie.

I went over there a couple times when it looked like there was a possibility that Danny might have been interesting. I was both surprised, and not, to discover that there are also Tropical Weenies. The same level of asinine wishcasting is there, regardless of the season.
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That's because you're a Snow Weenie.

I went over there a couple times when it looked like there was a possibility that Danny might have been interesting. I was both surprised, and not, to discover that there are also Tropical Weenies. The same level of asinine wishcasting is there, regardless of the season.

I go over there for tropical systems, too, but there is way less activity unless it's a storm that might hit the east coast, so a 15-minute drive by gets me any info I want, plus, apart from near landfall, tropical systems usually don't have important, last minute changes that benefit from real-time board monitoring, unlike snowfalls. But yes, similar levels of wishcasting, although by far fewer weenies.

I'm also not sure the weather weenies are as "stupid" as some of the posters on sports boards, like this. Delusional, yes (i.e., full of RutgersAls, who is delusional, but no dummy), but not necessarily batshit stupid like we often see here. I'm guessing that might be due to weather boards having a higher general level of education than sports boards. Of course, I could be wrong...
I go over there for tropical systems, too, but there is way less activity unless it's a storm that might hit the east coast, so a 15-minute drive by gets me any info I want, plus, apart from near landfall, tropical systems usually don't have important, last minute changes that benefit from real-time board monitoring, unlike snowfalls. But yes, similar levels of wishcasting, although by far fewer weenies.

I'm also not sure the weather weenies are as "stupid" as some of the posters on sports boards, like this. Delusional, yes (i.e., full of RutgersAls, who is delusional, but no dummy), but not necessarily batshit stupid like we often see here. I'm guessing that might be due to weather boards having a higher general level of education than sports boards. Of course, I could be wrong...

No, I think you're right. There are a few weird trolls over there. That "RedGTI" dude, or whatever his name is... I don't know why he isn't banned. But yeah, for the most part it's a higher-caliber audience.

The Late, Lamented Rutgers95 was dead-on-balls about one thing that he said, once. He said reading this board is "like watching a chimp with a locked suitcase".
I ga
4 games? For emailing a prof? He didn't beat the guy up. I dont see this as a big deal, if anything suspend him for the opening kickoff of the first game.

I think 1 game is more like it. No one died, got raped, had a prostitute, hired someone not qualified, thru a chair or name called a student, or threatened the life of someone, he asked professor by email if a student athlete could improve his grade. Give him a game suspension and put it on his record, and move on
So did the SL get all its info when the story first broke and then trickled it out to keep the story going or, perhaps, to have some embarrassing revelation to throw back at any comments Barchi, Julie or Flood made? Or are the leakers feeding the SL slowly?
What's bizarre about it?

I've stood in front of classes and told them their attendance was mandatory at an on-campus event ( a visiting scholar in the specific course area) that happened to be at the same time as our class. I was clear. If you didn't attend this lecture and didn't have my prior approval, you would fail the participation portion of the course. If you failed participation, you needed a 90+ average in the rest of the course to pass.

Nothing at all bizarre to me about it. Presuming, of course, attendance requirements are spelled out, in writing, in the syllabus.
I have no idea what Barnwell's status is, but as recently as last week he told a reporter that he was still waiting for his grades.
That's where I got the idea he had an incomplete.

As a Prof., can you say why a student would still be waiting on a grade so late?
What's bizarre about it?

I've stood in front of classes and told them their attendance was mandatory at an on-campus event ( a visiting scholar in the specific course area) that happened to be at the same time as our class. I was clear. If you didn't attend this lecture and didn't have my prior approval, you would fail the participation portion of the course. If you failed participation, you needed a 90+ average in the rest of the course to pass.

Nothing at all bizarre to me about it. Presuming, of course, attendance requirements are spelled out, in writing, in the syllabus.

Not my style, I guess, though I have assigned outside events as extra credit. I can't imagine making a field trip so crucial, but every field is different.
I took Theater appreciation but it was years ago. Here is a potential problem. The school usually gets discount tickets for certain performances of a show. When I took it we saw shows two shows in Princeton, shows in two theaters in New Brunswick, one on Douglass and two in NYC. Many of these shows only run for a week at best so if you miss it, you are screwed. If it is true Barnwell missed the show, even if there was a legitimate excuse, it is very difficult to go see the play on a different night because it might be over. For this reason, if he missed the show and had a legitimate excuse, you can see why someone like Flood would get involved. On the other hand, it would be very hard for the professor to find another suitable play to substitute.

OK, this makes sense. I never took this course, and didn't realize attendance of live performances was so crucial. Is transportation provided?
At the end of the day if true it's concerning. Flood should know better and should be suspended first game

Where is academic support in terms of ensuring Barnwell had enough credits?

Also there is about zero incentive for anyone within RU to want Flood canned take off the tin foil hat.
I understand this course was taught over the Internet Am I confusing it with another course?
As I recall theater appreciation, the single thing you have to do to ensure a good grade is attend the assigned theater events. It was well known that it was a GPA booster and the only way to screw that up was to not attend the plays. This would have been in 2001-2002.
You're pretty good at making up false information and pretending it's fact. Ive seen better, but not bad.

You can apologize whenever you are ready. If you'd rather go down this road, feel free to be specific about what you think I'm "making up" and I'll gladly show that I'm not. Unfortunately for you, everything I stated in that post is 100%, but like I said, if you would rather go down that road instead of admitting you are wrong, I'm game.
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You are proving my point. PA invested in your university long ago. NJ does nothing. You didn't mention your athletic budget. I think it is around $125MM. Add to the fact that all the winning over the last 50 years has spurred endowements. I have no problem with how Pa has treated PSU over the last 50 years. But you have to admit that it all about the money and Pa has invested wisely.

PA invested in THE UNIVERSITY like any other state institution (and has cut funding so much in the past 2 decades that PSU is only state affiliated at this point). The athletic department hasn't received a dime from the state. The athletic department was built on private donations and revenue growth from a winning program in the 60's, 70's, and 80's and the best fundraising coach in the history of college football.

I know you are stuck supporting a position that is simply wrong, but come on man. I mean, if you want to argue that PSU football benefitted from Penn State being a better university on the whole than Rutgers, go for it... I won't argue that. The simple fact is that the athetlic department was self built and has ALWAYS been self-sustaining. One of only a handful that can say that in 2015.
OK, this makes sense. I never took this course, and didn't realize attendance of live performances was so crucial. Is transportation provided?
In 1985 you were on your own for transportation. I took it pass fail with 10 second semester seniors. We had built in date nights.
OK, this makes sense. I never took this course, and didn't realize attendance of live performances was so crucial. Is transportation provided?
If Nadir missed a Broadway show and an exam was based on that show I just wish he would have answered every question with "they attempted, but for the intermission, to address their differences and difficulties through song'

That would pretty much cover everything.
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Is there a single rat hole this board won't go down?

Where did people get the idea that all this was about "he missed a play"?
Is there a single rat hole this board won't go down?

Where did people get the idea that all this was about "he missed a play"?

Is there a single rat hole this board won't go down?

Where did people get the idea that all this was about "he missed a play"?
No idea. My post was really a tangent to provide a strategy for any undergrads taking Theater Appreciation. Y'all can thank me with beer pre-Norfolk St.
Is there a single rat hole this board won't go down?

Where did people get the idea that all this was about "he missed a play"?

LOL. I just read through all the new posts on this thread wondering when we found out the class was Theater Appreciation, and the issue was a missed play. I guess we didn't.
No, I think you're right. There are a few weird trolls over there. That "RedGTI" dude, or whatever his name is... I don't know why he isn't banned. But yeah, for the most part it's a higher-caliber audience.

The Late, Lamented Rutgers95 was dead-on-balls about one thing that he said, once. He said reading this board is "like watching a chimp with a locked suitcase".

Yeah, that Red dude is dysfunctional enough to support a few Psych dissertations.

Don't recall 95's quote, but it's a pretty good one - keep picturing that old Samsonite ad...
Theatre appreciation with Mancuso is probably the biggest joke course at RU. At the beginning of the semester the room is PACKED with students asking for an override because they need a GPA booster. He will give an override to seniors only from what I remember. I don't think I attended 1 play and still pulled off an A.
So Flood is told not to comment or tell anyone what the e-mail said and Rutgers leaks part of the investigation whose integrity Flood is trying to protect.

Man you can't make this stuff up. Just looking for a way to dump him. Sorry Kyle, you deserve better. But we've seen this before. See the problem is you were to supposed to screw up your first year, get killed in the B10 so Julie could bring in her choice and all the meddling alumni who tried to get you fired before you even got to the B10 could pick who they wanted. You were just supposed to keep Schiano's last class together. But you didn't fall to pieces and instead put up a damn fine season.

So even though you've done a good job, you've got people who are just looking for an excuse to fire you. And right now they're making mountains out of molehills to do it. Disgusting.
I won't blame anyone till I see how this plays out.
No one knows who supports who or who wants who gone and speculating about isn't helping matters.
But from what I see posted on this board, have a good idea on who thinks where the blame lies and who they want gone.

I'm a Flood and Hermann supporter and wouldn't be surprised to find out they were supporting each other in this matter, but knew better than publicize it.