ADVERTISEMENT story on Illinois/Rutgers (not behind pay wall)

At least it wasn't behind a pay wall when I just accessed it. must figure that no one cares enough about the team right now to want to subscribe to read about it. There's a detailed discussion of Pikiell's and every player's performance last night.
"Much of what happened in the second half is irrelevant, so to that end, these player grades and final thoughts are mostly based on the first 25 minutes or so of the game."​
haha.. looks like writer changed the channel after 25 minutes. I know I was watching live recording of the soccer game by then.
Wow. Pulled no punches on Pikiell. Good.

What does it say when the coach himself says he was begging the team to get aggressive on offense and they didn't do it. First of all, as head coach you don't BEG your team to do anything. In spite of the last two years, my biggest gripe all along is the Mr. Nice Guy approach to everything.
Excellent article and everything related to offense is 100 percent true and was only masked the last few years by better defense and better individual playmaking.
What Hummel and him saying about flow is so spot on . It really doesn’t matter what you run but your offense has to flow from one action to another with minimal holding of the ball and over dribbling. Unfortunately we have never done this well in Pikes tenure but was masked by better playmakers like Young just making a play. When we run one action and it doesn’t work ( good teams especially ones in conference take away what you want to do first ) we hold the ball, don’t move it or don’t flow into another action which results in the defense being set and one on one play is more difficult .
Why we aren’t taught to run multiple actions or swing the ball to the weak side shows me that the offensive coaching and philosophy is so poor that the players cannnot function of the first read or two isn’t open. This has been and will continue to be a problem under Pike unless he changes or hires better offensive assistants who can help him. First step is evaluating your teams issues by self scouting but it doesn’t seem like Pike has adjusted this over the years or is too stubborn to even though anyone who j understands basketball a little bit can pick this stuff up
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