NJIT 5 Thoughts



1) I thought NJIT was an awful basketball team, granted we did what we were supposed to do to a bad basketball team. We were just so much better than them, size, athleticism, length etc. Also, when teams play 2 traditional post players were going to have trouble just as we did last year vs illinois when eugene got dummy’d. Shaq carter simply isnt strong enough on the block, duke is a bull down there but just provides absolutely zero on the offensive end. Thats going to be tough for us. Hopefully we’ll be able to dictate pace and force teams not to play 2 trees.

2) Myles had his first dominant game. The myles tonight is the myles we’d love to have and need to have all year. He was killing it on both ends of the floor and really used his size to his advantage.

3) Now THAT is the Ron Harper I was expecting to see this year. Rons been in a funk to start the year, hopefully this can be a spring board for him. He played a great game and extremely efficient and smart with the ball. We need that type of effort every night, we need him to be more assertive.

4) Jacob Young still too out of control for my liking. Theres just something off with our offense when he's in the game. He doesnt have great vision and he drives out of control to the rim only to chuck up a prayer layup far too many times. He just gets stuffed by the rim itself or tries to chuck over a tree under the hoop. Still think he shouldnt play more than 12-15 mins a night.

5) Caleb with another technical foul. Hes playing hard on D and getting frustrated when calls dont go his way. SFA T was ok, tonights you cant have in a big ten game. He played another extremelt efficient game and just keeps drilling 3’s. When his feet are set on 3’s he’s cashhhh
Young needs to learn to catch the ball with a jump stop and face the basket. He dribbles in the catch and dribbles some more which disrupts the offense. That said it seems like he was a little better tonight as far as control but to your point there’s room for improvement
Something off with our offense with Young in the game, lol? But he distributes the wall so well!
I thought Mathis did a great job chasing around their top scorer. The kid came in averaging over 25 a game but he was really out of it today. In the second half as soon as Mathis came out and Baker was covering him you could see he got to the hoop a few times easily. Then after the time out Pike put Mathis back in the game and back on that kid.
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Loved Ron's game tonight. We need a scoring presence down low besides Myles and Yeboah at times. To me, he is much more effective when he isn't taking 3's all game.

I'd take Mulcahy and Yeboah as the first 2 off the bench with Young about 15 mins a game. Mulcahy, even though he doesn't score has a positive impact.

Caleb just has to cut out the dumb T's and he'll be fine. Next two years Harper and McConnell got the 3 and 4 covered
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Didn’t see the game but saw highlights and a few I saw were Ron on the midpost a la Carmelo .,,this is what I was clamoring for last week . He can either bully a guard down there or turn and face up a big abd either shoot or blow by . Hope to see more of this moving forward .

how was the ball movement and offense in the half court tonight ? Seems like we had a lot of assists which means the ball was moving
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Didn’t see the game but saw highlights and a few I saw were Ron on the midpost a la Carmelo .,,this is what I was clamoring did last week . He can either bully a guard dish there or turn and face up a big abd either shoot or blow by . Hope to see more of this moving forward .

how was the ball movement and offense in the half court tonight ? Seems like we had a lot of assists which means the ball was moving
Ball moved very well for the most part. NJIT played a 2-3 zone the majority of the game
Did Ron play in the mid and high post a lot tonight or just in the few highlights I saw ? Love seeing him there
I found myself saying "nice" a lot tonight when we scored on offense. Potentially more than all of the other games combined.

We got the ball into good spots and got good looks.

Mathis & young - 2 assists and 5 turnovers.
Rest of team, 20 assists and 5 turnovers.

How can we combine Paul and Montez?e Each excel on half of the court. 3 steals for Montez and 7 assists for Paul.
Gotta disagree with KYK.
NJIT is not a bad team and the first ten minutes it looked like another uh oh night. But then:

1. We shut down Cook, one of the leading scorers in the country with various defenders. This is how we will probably have to defend Powell of SHU. Gives us hope. Great perimeter defense. It can be done.
2. Johnson was animated and active and had a nice double double. By far his best game of the year.
3. Harper had his best game of the year and maybe career. After some ill advised outside shots including another awful looking three, he finally did what he should have been doing all year. Taking it and driving to the hoop inside the key where he was almost perfect and unstoppable. No more threes please.
4. Mulcahy passes as well as any RU forward we have ever had. He is going to be very good and god forbid we ever get really good outside shooters so he can look inside and outside.
5. Gio had a great all around GIo game.
6. Caleb had a quiet game and an unfortunate T. Guessing he said the magic no no words.
7. Mathis was quietly effective especially on D and one three was a thing of beauty.
8. Young had his moments in limited playing time. You can see the potential.
9. Quiet game for Yeboah.

Thought we played very well. Turnovers were limited and we scored 85 points. Pretty good shooting. Foul Shooting still a mess. NJIT is not that bad.

Now the elephant in the room. While Hobbs did show up to face the music, it was comical as to the lengths that RU went to eliminate any thing anti Hobbs. The security and big body guard behind Hobbs was sadly intimidating. Any signs were immediately told be taken down. May have to wear shirts to get message across.
Hobbs unlike most games was afraid to walk around and never left his seat. One fan yelled the same. He scurried off before the end of the game. Almost felt sorry for the band and the cheerleaders as the most they have played and cheered in years and virtually eliminated any dead time. PA system also seemed unusually high. Caroo in the house! Yet No close up as sitting near Hobbs. I think we all know what would have happened

Hard to do chants and boos at Hobbs as Pike and Hoops team are so likable and we were playing so well.
I think that Pike is slowly zeroing in on his rotations. Good to see Young minutes reduced and replaced with more McConnell and Mulcahy. I can see a parallel to Mulchahy's time and effectiveness increasing to that of McConnell last year. Early in the season he looked tentative and uncomfortable by second half he was a solid contributor. Easy to the see the same happening with Paul. One issue with Paul, he is a little slow.

McConnell has to watch those T's.
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1. We fed the post. Can’t remember the last time our bigs had so many touches. Getting Myles touches opens the game up and makes him more active on both ends. Getting Harper touches inside got him going to the point of being almost unstoppable tonight.
Great win tonight. Harper is finding his shot again and we finally saw Myles shine tonight. I think our defense is coming together although we left open 3s in the first 10 minutes of the game and it reminded me of the Bonnie loss. But then we put together some very aggressive stints and never looked back.

We just have to keep playing hard one game at a time and not take any game lightly.
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Young for most of the game was still a little out of control, but the last few minutes we saw flashes of what we expected. As the season progresses, we will see more of that..Mulcahy passing like that a few games into his career, is remarkable. He will be great by the time he leaves here, and will have many clutch moments. Double/Double by Johnson impressive. Harper starting to show his NBA potential..
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the more Young is phased out of the rotation, the better this team will be.

I think that Pike is slowly zeroing in on his rotations. Good to see Young minutes reduced and replaced with more McConnell and Mulcahy. I can see a parallel to Mulchahy's time and effectiveness increasing to that of McConnell last year. Early in the season he looked tentative and uncomfortable by second half he was a solid contributor. Easy to the see the same happening with Paul. One issue with Paul, he is a little slow.

McConnell has to watch those T's.
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Johnson should be more of a focal point to add floor offense balance, and for his passing skills when the fold in on him.

Harper Jr has the physicality to play in the post, and I think that's where his bread and butter should be.

More of these two going forward hopefully.
1 thought..pat Hobbs is gonna keep scheduling these shitty teams to pad a win column with fluff and convince idiots of the program that we have a good team