No class by the HPSS during the Game


Hall of Famer
Mar 7, 2003
It's bad enough the Morgan St. band was buried in the nosebleed Upper Section and could not perform on the Field at half time , but every time they started to play the HPSS Announcer immediately blast loud music over the HPSS speakers to drown them out. Happened on about 15 different occasions during the game.
Totally classless HPSS. Frick'n a##holes.
And I suppose this would never happen to Rutgers at some other teams facility.... FYI: over the years we as a school have for the most part been very good hosts toward another teams band.
First off we never bring our Band...but that is not the point.
Totally classless move.

MEAC schools like Howard and Morgan St. are known for their Bands and they travel in the hundreds.
They try to play some songs and the punk HPSS Staff makes it impossible. Total jerkoffs.
It's bad enough the Morgan St. band was buried in the nosebleed Upper Section and could not perform on the Field at half time , but every time they started to play the HPSS Announcer immediately blast loud music over the HPSS speakers to drown them out. Happened on about 15 different occasions during the game.
Totally classless HPSS. Frick'n a##holes.
Horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible
We are the a$$es of the B1G
And I suppose this would never happen to Rutgers at some other teams facility.... FYI: over the years we as a school have for the most part been very good hosts toward another teams band.
No, it wouldn't!!!!!!!!
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First off we never bring our Band...but that is not the point.
Totally classless move.

MEAC schools like Howard and Morgan St. are known for their Bands and they travel in the hundreds.
They try to play some songs and the punk HPSS Staff makes it impossible. Total jerkoffs.
They put (stuck) the Washington pep band up in the nosebleeds as well, AND, our band would play as soon as they did. Only ours is mic'd into the sound system. (Or The Scarlet Knight DJ cranked up another tune, drowning them out. I've seen bands try to out-play each other, but , under NORMAL circumstances, neither band is benefiting from a mega sound system, so, its "show us whatcha got under the hood". We've reached a new low on this one.
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They put (stuck) the Washington pep band up in the nosebleeds as well, AND, our band would play as soon as they did. Only ours is mic'd into the sound system. (Or The Scarlet Knight DJ cranked up another tune, drowning them out. I've seen bands try to out-play each outher, but we've taken this to a new low.

This. It's one thing for our Band to have some "dueling fun " with the opposing Band. Totally BS classless act to have the Knight DJ obsessively pipe in music to drown the Morgan St. Band out.
Last time we played Indiana on the road, they confiscated all RU band members instruments before they entered the stadium!
When Indiana drove their entire band to Rutgers, as some of their band students told us at rehearsal Friday, they didn't know that our athletic dept (under Julie Herman) wasn't going to let them perform their pregame show (college band, in particular, B1G bands, perform a pregame show, home and away. This is a long standing tradition. They were shocked. Way to go Rutgers.
When Indiana drove their entire band to Rutgers, as some of their band students told us at rehearsal Friday, they didn't know that our athletic dept (under Julie Herman) wasn't going to let them perform their pregame show (college band, in particular, B1G bands, perform a pregame show, home and away. This is a long standing tradition. They were shocked. Way to go Rutgers.

You forgot to mention they shared the field with our band for a joint halftime show.
When Indiana drove their entire band to Rutgers, as some of their band students told us at rehearsal Friday, they didn't know that our athletic dept (under Julie Herman) wasn't going to let them perform their pregame show (college band, in particular, B1G bands, perform a pregame show, home and away. This is a long standing tradition. They were shocked. Way to go Rutgers.

Interesting that Julie was involved in the same practice of shutting out the other team's Band on gameday.

Sounds like a bad practice that should be changed ASAP. Doubt we would try this against a B1G team.

Then again it didn't affect the outcome of the game, so I won't lose much sleep over it.
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Yet another, absolute F' UP by ru stadium clowns. The entire point of playing a HBCU is to see THEIR bands' halftime!!! We stick 'em in the nosebleeds, with an empty stadium, then play loud crap dj rap over 'em. Gotta wonder if we made a good hire for our band. NO ONE on the massive payroll in our stadium seems to have a F'IN CLUE! :chairshot:I'm sure someone will be held accountable, it only took 'till the 3rd game to run a 50-50![roll]
Nothing to do with right/wrong nor complaining but I was personally hoping to see their band perform. It was pretty disappointing to see them sit there and not make their way down to perform.
I also like the competitive/battling that happens between bands but loud speaker music vs a band just seemed excessive.
Seems like a lack of common courtesy. We pay these schools to come in and get embarrassed by our currently weak football program but we can't let their band, which is the highlight of their day, perform?

Yes, I felt bad watching them sitting there hold their instruments for 4 hours straight and doing nothing.
When each time they seized a moment to play the douche bag Scarlet Knight DJ immediately blasts the HPSS speakers with blaring BS trash. He should be canned.
I was at the game and didn't even notice their band. I'm in the lower section on the visitor sideline so where exactly id they put them? Also I don't come to the games to hear the other teams band so I could care less and in fact appreciated not hearing them. Good Job RU.
Seems like a lack of common courtesy. We pay these schools to come in and get embarrassed by our currently weak football program but we can't let their band, which is the highlight of their day, perform?

Right. We pay them. Why do we owe anything more?

There are designated visitor sections, with designated tickets, and the visiting school can put their band - if they choose to bring them - in those seats if they hadn't sold the tickets (RU can charge but may have offered). Washington's pep band was in the last five rows of that same section on opening night.

The PA system and the bands are supposed to coordinate before games, we've been over this 1 million times, but unfortunately this has been a problem the last couple of seasons, I know a lot of you guys hated him, but it started happening ever since Yoshi stopped being involved in the game they production, bottom line.
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You forgot to mention they shared the field with our band for a joint halftime show.
Has absolutely nothing to do with the fact our athletic department forbid them from taking the field to perform their pregame, a tradition in the B1G for the last 60+ years.
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I was at the game and didn't even notice their band. I'm in the lower section on the visitor sideline so where exactly id they put them? Also I don't come to the games to hear the other teams band so I could care less and in fact appreciated not hearing them. Good Job RU.
A good job (in your opinion) by the RU athletic department for drowning out a good undergraduate marching band with our loud PA system because you don't want to hear them?
They were banished to highest sections in HPSS.
Would have been nice if they could at least played one song from their section before being totally shut out by HPSS .
The away team gets their allotment of tickets and decides where to put their band. That's on their school for putting them the upper level.

As far as hearing the away band playing a song during the game ...
You forgot to mention they shared the field with our band for a joint halftime show.
Has absolutely nothing to do with the fact our athletic band forbid them from taking the field to perform their pregame, a tradition in the B1G for the last 60+ years.
If Morgan State wanted that to happen, maybe their athletic department would communicate with ours and something would be worked out. It's not always RU.
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They were banished to highest sections in HPSS.
Would have been nice if they could at least played one song from their section before being totally shut out by HPSS .
Where else were they going to put them? They are sitting in the away section. If you noticed they took up about 2/3rds of one section. Where would you have put them? What were they supposed to do ask fans to move to accommodate the opposing teams band?
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