Nova Tells Laviano to Tune Out Scarlet Nation

Knight Shift

May 19, 2011
Jersey Shore
Not exactly, but told him to not read online media.

Does the noise bother Laviano?

“It’s hard to say it doesn’t, obviously,” Laviano said. “But at the same time it’s not really a choice you have as a quarterback. It’s either you fold or you learn. You forget about the game quickly, you learn from it the next day and you move on. That’s just the way it is. You just have to be able to handle it.’’
Well, Gary Nova has plenty of experience with that!!!
If a tree falls and no one is around to hear, does it make a sound?
No it doesn't. You didn't hear it.

It is the same in life/sports. It is your choice to listen to the noise. The successful don't.
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Keep following Gary Nova's advice and he'll set Laviano up at the same car wash he's assistant managing too!
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someone should just tell Laviano, Nova and Teel that they are not being booed, the coaches are being booed...
Perhaps the boobirds could work on the tone of their boos, so as to modulate the pitch based on who they're booing. Deep bass boos would be for the coaches, mid-tone boos would be for the other team, boos based on the C-minor chord would be for the half-time entertainment, etc.
Perhaps the boobirds could work on the tone of their boos, so as to modulate the pitch based on who they're booing. Deep bass boos would be for the coaches, mid-tone boos would be for the other team, boos based on the C-minor chord would be for the half-time entertainment, etc.
What about boos for the food, the marching band, the DJ and the cheer/dance team?
Nova had no confidence. It was sad, because he had some Eli Manning-level clutch moments.
Unless you love teenage girl level drama, you should, as an athlete, stay the **** out of forums and social media...if you're the tiniest bit sensitive, it is not the place for you!!!
I really don't get why there are 80 some threads started on here about Rettig, and how he needs to start. If the problem is the coaching staff, then why would anything be any different with a different quarterback? The problem isn't the boos in the stands, its the non-stop bitching about our brand new starting quarterback. He catches 1000 times more heat than he should, simply because people want our coaching staff fired. I am absolutely convinced we wouldn't be any better with a different QB..the problems go way beyond that. We have major issues on defense, huge problems with penalties, special teams gaffes left and right, both the punting game and the kicking game are wildly inconsistent, and the offensive line is suspect at best. Playcalling is atrocious, as is our overall game planning. There is a lot more leading to the results we are seeing than QB issues.

If people respected the coach, they would respect his pick for new starting QB, and be more patient with the learning process. Since people do not respect the coach, you get the shitshow that is this message board for the last few months. The general tenor of this board as it pertains to Laviano, is, way, way beyond what is warranted.
I really don't get why there are 80 some threads started on here about Rettig, and how he needs to start. If the problem is the coaching staff, then why would anything be any different with a different quarterback? The problem isn't the boos in the stands, its the non-stop bitching about our brand new starting quarterback. He catches 1000 times more heat than he should, simply because people want our coaching staff fired. I am absolutely convinced we wouldn't be any better with a different QB..the problems go way beyond that. We have major issues on defense, huge problems with penalties, special teams gaffes left and right, both the punting game and the kicking game are wildly inconsistent, and the offensive line is suspect at best. Playcalling is atrocious, as is our overall game planning. There is a lot more leading to the results we are seeing than QB issues.

If people respected the coach, they would respect his pick for new starting QB, and be more patient with the learning process. Since people do not respect the coach, you get the shitshow that is this message board for the last few months. The general tenor of this board as it pertains to Laviano, is, way, way beyond what is warranted.
Imagine the irony if we fired Flood and hired a new coach everybody was excited about and then that coach chose Laviano to start over both Retting and Russo? I'm a big fan of comic irony and not necessarily a very nice person, so I have to admit that I kind of don't mind seeing a man lose his job in order to see that happen, just to see the heads explode and for the laughs that would ensue.

The douchyness is strong with me. LOL
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The article proves the kid's confidence is shot after playing in 7 1/2 games. He's hearing footsteps before he even steps on the field if he is worried about what is written in social media and paper. Never mind the footsteps on the field. He has no confidence. Could be attributable to reason he can't see field and won't throw ball downfield against tough opponents. The paper can see this is an issue, what the hell is coaching staff doing about it? If he can't deal with social media how is he dealing with away games 70K opposing fan base and 11 angry men trying to take his head off? No confidence equals 4 of 14 for 39 yards. Answer, let him sit and next man up.
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someone should just tell Laviano, Nova and Teel that they are not being booed, the coaches are being booed...

Sorry, can't believe another booing thread, but booing is like a hand grenade, it is heard by all in stadium. We have gone through this before, The players hear it and don't like it. They are college kids not professional athletes.

What is the purpose of it?

It creates a negative environment in our own stadium. Whether they have a thick skin or not, the players, who are student athletes who work their asses off, don't appreciate it. And it solves nothing.

If you really dislike the coaches and want them to know, email them and Julie. Pontificate your problems to them to your hearts content where you will be heard one on one and be respected for putting your name to your concerns instead of throwing hand grenades from the stands.
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Did civilization really need the internet and college football on tv ? Read the post about 69 years ago and think about it.
Not exactly, but told him to not read online media.

Does the noise bother Laviano?

“It’s hard to say it doesn’t, obviously,” Laviano said. “But at the same time it’s not really a choice you have as a quarterback. It’s either you fold or you learn. You forget about the game quickly, you learn from it the next day and you move on. That’s just the way it is. You just have to be able to handle it.’’
He gets it. #LetLavianoLearn
Remember when everyone cheered when he successfully threw the ball out of bounds. Yeahhhhhhhhhh
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No professional or big-time college athlete should be paying any attention to what fans are posting on a messageboard. It's not worth the headache. They're living the life that most here just dream about.
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Keep following Gary Nova's advice and he'll set Laviano up at the same car wash he's assistant managing too!
I have to admit I spit up my seltzer water laughing so hard. I can laugh. I mowed lawns on weekends after graduation for two years, while working on Wall St during the week.

(Still laughing,but I appreciate anyone who hustles in life)
Imagine the irony if we fired Flood and hired a new coach everybody was excited about and then that coach chose Laviano to start over both Retting and Russo? I'm a big fan of comic irony and not necessarily a very nice person, so I have to admit that I kind of don't mind seeing a man lose his job in order to see that happen, just to see the heads explode and for the laughs that would ensue.

The douchyness is strong with me. LOL

Is that not exactly what Schiano did in his first game at Rutgers?
I want a change of starting QB to give the other guy his chance. That's all.
I certainly don't expect or want CL to give a crap about what I have to say except that if he were to read anything I wrote it would be that I wish he was playing better and I wish him the best and hope he works hard to improve and contribute down the road somehow. His coach isn't doing him any favors right now. I am sure he is a first rate guy.
It is certainly not meant to be personal.
And BTW..Gary is right.
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Was it? I wasn't a fan that far back. I came along somewhere in the middle of the Schiano years.

Yeah, it was the whole Ryan Cubit / Ted Trump thing. That pissing match was pretty much exactly the same as the current Laviano / Rettig pissing match. As I recall Cubit, a freshman, started over Trump (jr.) Schiano's first year (2001) but Trump started the first game against Buffalo, was awful and Schiano made a switch. Hilarity ensued. In '02, he decided to start Trump over Cubit, who then transferred to Western Michigan - taking with him his customized NJ license plates reading "EXIT9QB". Also his father.
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I want a change of starting QB to give the other guy his chance. That's all.
I certainly don't expect or want CL to give a crap about what I have to say except that if he were to read anything I wrote it would be that I wish he was playing better and I wish him the best and hope he works hard to improve and contribute down the road somehow. His coach isn't doing him any favors right now. I am sure he is a first rate guy.
It is certainly not meant to be personal.
And BTW..Gary is right.

Nobody likes to be criticized. College athletes need to tune out social media or they are going to bombarded with half assed comments from arm chair quarterbacks like we have on this board.

One thing I have learned in life though, when someone says its not personal, it's personal!
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