OT: “Avoiding a traffic signal” ticket

You don't think there are safety implications of parking lots being used as thoroughfares to avoid traffic lights?
No. You still have to be careful in the lot.
Actually, yes. There's a Bottle King lot in Wayne which abuts Rte. 23 and the entrance to the highway from Jackson Ave. People going north on 23 cut through it all the time, very unsafe. Cops will occasionally sit in it and hand out tickets, but it doesn't seem to stop people much at all.
You don't think there are safety implications of parking lots being used as thoroughfares to avoid traffic lights?
No. You still have to be careful in the lot.
Actually, yes. There's a Bottle King lot in Wayne which abuts Rte. 23 and the entrance to the highway from Jackson Ave. People going north on 23 cut through it all the time, very unsafe. Cops will occasionally sit in it and hand out tickets, but it doesn't seem to stop people much at all.

How is it any more unsafe for a car to do this than if a car stopped to pick up beer, then proceeded to go to 23. Absolutely no difference in safety, long as car passing thru is cautious and going slow.
How is it any more unsafe for a car to do this than if a car stopped to pick up beer, then proceeded to go to 23. Absolutely no difference in safety, long as car passing thru is cautious and going slow.

If it's allowed, then people do it in volume. Volume increases risk. Basic traffic engineering fact.

Also, as someone previously said, most of these parking lots are private property.
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How is it any more unsafe for a car to do this than if a car stopped to pick up beer, then proceeded to go to 23. Absolutely no difference in safety, long as car passing thru is cautious and going slow.
In a rainbow and lollipop world there is no difference. In a world where one guy is just picking up some beer and the other guy is an impatient individual trying to beat the light - I'd say the probability of the second individual going cautious and slow is very low.
This is the most spectacular display of wrongness I've seen on this board since... well, yesterday.
Cause u are a brainwashed i said the judicial system is the biggest scam...he is innocent until proven why would he automatically say he is guilty, it's basically forfeiting...but the scam is u are gonna get two points on insurance and people don't want that so they will give you a "deal" - pay the court an absurd amount of money and you won't get the points...but again you are forfeiting your right to trial where he is already innocent and they have to prove his guilt....

I'd walk in there with the receipt from that specific shopping center and say I'm pleading not guilty..the destination that day was that specific property, there are 3 entrances to that property,the 2nd of which has a light, I chose the first one and got to my Is the receipt showing I reached my destination....why he gave me a ticket is beyond me,

now they have to call th cop to come in and testify...if it is his day off they have to bring him in for OT which he can not even show up if he doesn't want the prosecutor has to prove that the shopping center wasnt your intended won't even get to trial, the proescuter will ask to dismiss it and if he doesn't want to dismiss it and take u to trial the judge will find you not guilty....If you were driving down the street, came to the red light, pulled into the parking lot and drove to an exit beyond the light and pulled back on to the street, sure then u would deserve the avoiding a red light ticket, but that's not what know you didn't anything wrong Mike, stand up for yourself and fight, or be the sheep and pay the $ will get dismissed and If it were to go to trial you would win....which will make you feel awesome....I fought so many petty cases in court and won...I say I should have been a lawyer.... I legit blew through a stop sign one night and a cop was driving down the intersection but about 3 blocks down...I would have been fine with the ticket but the scumbag cop got round rage and was a I plead not guilty because where the stop sign was had a house right on the curb no front yard and the stop sign and line in the street was about 5 feet behind that, so in reality you had to inch out to see if there was oncoming traffic...I took a picture from that's perspective and then walked down the other street and showed the angle of the house blocking the stop sign....there was no way that cop could see if I stopped or not...and if he was close enough to see me stopped I would have rammed into him...plead not guilty prosectuber tried to scare me saying I was gonna get points, no thanks...they had to call the cop in on his day off, I was the last case to go and they had to wait an extra hour for him to come in...i got to examine the cop and he was mumbling trying to remember, said the wrong street name...I wasn't found not guilty it was great feeling...

Another time when I was 19 we had a beach house, we all got popped for underage drinking, just so happens I had a dentist appointment the Friday before and he gave me a I brought that to court and showed the prescription and said there was no way I could drink I was on medication...not guilty while everyone else paid 300 fines...

The best part about court is they tell u to be there at 9am when court don't show up at 9 they issue a warrant for your arrest....every time I been at court it begins at 9 and we sit around 20-30 minutes waiting for the judge to coMe strolling in...but if that was us we go to jail...

There is a saying you either get down or you lay down...people like ru4real lay wanna take the "deal" go ahead but know that they Are ripping you off...go to trial and worst case scenario they have enough evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that you avoided that red light, you get two points on ur license, is that gonna destroy you, you can take an online safety courSe And get those 2 points removed anyway

You either get down or you lay down
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Cause u are a brainwashed i said the judicial system is the biggest scam...he is innocent until proven why would he automatically say he is guilty, it's basically forfeiting...but the scam is u are gonna get two points on insurance and people don't want that so they will give you a "deal" - pay the court an absurd amount of money and you won't get the points...but again you are forfeiting your right to trial where he is already innocent and they have to prove his guilt....

I'd walk in there with the receipt from that specific shopping center and say I'm pleading not guilty..the destination that day was that specific property, there are 3 entrances to that property,the 2nd of which has a light, I chose the first one and got to my Is the receipt showing I reached my destination....why he gave me a ticket is beyond me,

now they have to call th cop to come in and testify...if it is his day off they have to bring him in for OT which he can not even show up if he doesn't want the prosecutor has to prove that the shopping center wasnt your intended won't even get to trial, the proescuter will ask to dismiss it and if he doesn't want to dismiss it and take u to trial the judge will find you not guilty....If you were driving down the street, came to the red light, pulled into the parking lot and drove to an exit beyond the light and pulled back on to the street, sure then u would deserve the avoiding a red light ticket, but that's not what know you didn't anything wrong Mike, stand up for yourself and fight, or be the sheep and pay the $ will get dismissed and If it were to go to trial you would win....which will make you feel awesome....I fought so many petty cases in court and won...I say I should have been a lawyer.... I legit blew through a stop sign one night and a cop was driving down the intersection but about 3 blocks down...I would have been fine with the ticket but the scumbag cop got round rage and was a I plead not guilty because where the stop sign was had a house right on the curb no front yard and the stop sign and line in the street was about 5 feet behind that, so in reality you had to inch out to see if there was oncoming traffic...I took a picture from that's perspective and then walked down the other street and showed the angle of the house blocking the stop sign....there was no way that cop could see if I stopped or not...and if he was close enough to see me stopped I would have rammed into him...plead not guilty prosectuber tried to scare me saying I was gonna get points, no thanks...they had to call the cop in on his day off, I was the last case to go and they had to wait an extra hour for him to come in...i got to examine the cop and he was mumbling trying to remember, said the wrong street name...I wasn't found not guilty it was great feeling...

Another time when I was 19 we had a beach house, we all got popped for underage drinking, just so happens I had a dentist appointment the Friday before and he gave me a I brought that to court and showed the prescription and said there was no way I could drink I was on medication...not guilty while everyone else paid 300 fines...

The best part about court is they tell u to be there at 9am when court don't show up at 9 they issue a warrant for your arrest....every time I been at court it begins at 9 and we sit around 20-30 minutes waiting for the judge to coMe strolling in...but if that was us we go to jail...

There is a saying you either get down or you lay down...people like ru4real lay wanna take the "deal" go ahead but know that they Are ripping you off...go to trial and worst case scenario they have enough evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that you avoided that red light, you get two points on ur license, is that gonna destroy you, you can take an online safety courSe And get those 2 points removed anyway

You either get down or you lay down


Wall of psycho-text. Classic.
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This is the most spectacular display of wrongness I've seen on this board since... well, yesterday.
Cause u are a brainwashed i said the judicial system is the biggest scam...he is innocent until proven why would he automatically say he is guilty, it's basically forfeiting...but the scam is u are gonna get two points on insurance and people don't want that so they will give you a "deal" - pay the court an absurd amount of money and you won't get the points...but again you are forfeiting your right to trial where he is already innocent and they have to prove his guilt....

I'd walk in there with the receipt from that specific shopping center and say I'm pleading not guilty..the destination that day was that specific property, there are 3 entrances to that property,the 2nd of which has a light, I chose the first one and got to my Is the receipt showing I reached my destination....why he gave me a ticket is beyond me,

now they have to call th cop to come in and testify...if it is his day off they have to bring him in for OT which he can not even show up if he doesn't want the prosecutor has to prove that the shopping center wasnt your intended won't even get to trial, the proescuter will ask to dismiss it and if he doesn't want to dismiss it and take u to trial the judge will find you not guilty....If you were driving down the street, came to the red light, pulled into the parking lot and drove to an exit beyond the light and pulled back on to the street, sure then u would deserve the avoiding a red light ticket, but that's not what know you didn't anything wrong Mike, stand up for yourself and fight, or be the sheep and pay the $ will get dismissed and If it were to go to trial you would win....which will make you feel awesome....I fought so many petty cases in court and won...I say I should have been a lawyer.... I legit blew through a stop sign one night and a cop was driving down the intersection but about 3 blocks down...I would have been fine with the ticket but the scumbag cop got round rage and was a I plead not guilty because where the stop sign was had a house right on the curb no front yard and the stop sign and line in the street was about 5 feet behind that, so in reality you had to inch out to see if there was oncoming traffic...I took a picture from that's perspective and then walked down the other street and showed the angle of the house blocking the stop sign....there was no way that cop could see if I stopped or not...and if he was close enough to see me stopped I would have rammed into him...plead not guilty prosectuber tried to scare me saying I was gonna get points, no thanks...they had to call the cop in on his day off, I was the last case to go and they had to wait an extra hour for him to come in...i got to examine the cop and he was mumbling trying to remember, said the wrong street name...I wasn't found not guilty it was great feeling...

Another time when I was 19 we had a beach house, we all got popped for underage drinking, just so happens I had a dentist appointment the Friday before and he gave me a I brought that to court and showed the prescription and said there was no way I could drink I was on medication...not guilty while everyone else paid 300 fines...

The best part about court is they tell u to be there at 9am when court don't show up at 9 they issue a warrant for your arrest....every time I been at court it begins at 9 and we sit around 20-30 minutes waiting for the judge to coMe strolling in...but if that was us we go to jail...

There is a saying you either get down or you lay down...people like ru4real lay wanna take the "deal" go ahead but know that they Are ripping you off...go to trial and worst case scenario they have enough evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that you avoided that red light, you get two points on ur license, is that gonna destroy you, you can take an online safety courSe And get those 2 points removed anyway

You either get down or you lay down

Thanks..but I’d rather just get it over with.

It’s such a minor deal to me.
How is it any more unsafe for a car to do this than if a car stopped to pick up beer, then proceeded to go to 23. Absolutely no difference in safety, long as car passing thru is cautious and going slow.
Yeah, like that will happen! It's NJ!!!
Thanks..but I’d rather just get it over with.

It’s such a minor deal to me.
You explained it yourself you went through one side of the lot to get to the other

$400 or a couple hours in will be dismissed
ignorance of the law is no excuse... you should've known better

and before anyone bitches at me, "like your an angel????"... driving wise yes... 14 years and no tickets and no accidents thank you very much
Here's the gold standard for pre-appearance settlement..

"39:4-67 Obstructing passage of other vehicles"

You'll pay less than $100.. zero points.. if you can get that, you've done well.

You should post a google maps link to the spot in question so we can visualize the situation
The fact that the cop did not let you go with a warning for the most egregious "offense" is sad especially if you were polite throughout. The fact that this is a points violation and not a straight fine is jersey through and through. Mind boggling.

Lol. Another “expert” in policing.
ignorance of the law is no excuse... you should've known better

and before anyone bitches at me, "like your an angel????"... driving wise yes... 14 years and no tickets and no accidents thank you very much

Since you made a careless mistake in your post (your for you're).. I think you've been lucky and you have now jinxed yourself. Good luck in court.
Lol. Another “expert” in policing.
C'mon.. you know how the courts are profit centers. I know cops don't want to have to write tickets.. but the towns have their budgets to consider... and they know the value of points vs no points and most of the time someone will choose to give the town more money to avoid points. The whole system is corrupt in that way.

Politicians can run on adding headcount to the police force.. making voters "safer".. and they help pay for that with the ticket-court-machine.
C'mon.. you know how the courts are profit centers. I know cops don't want to have to write tickets.. but the towns have their budgets to consider... and they know the value of points vs no points and most of the time someone will choose to give the town more money to avoid points. The whole system is corrupt in that way.

Politicians can run on adding headcount to the police force.. making voters "safer".. and they help pay for that with the ticket-court-machine.
Obviously they collect funds for violations. You’re not a Rembrandt for understanding this. But please explain how you’re going to regulate traffic without a fear of it coming out of your pocket? People can barely drive sober and safely as it is.

Also towns do not regulate points. The DMV regulates that. The towns actually don’t regulate costs other than court costs. They receive a % of the state summonses from the state itself.
your mistake was admitting guilt. never speak to the police, once you admitted, he just about had to give you a ticket. I work in the judicial side of things, so much of the time the only "evidence" is the defendant's statement.

I did admit, however..I was trying to avoid the “traffic”..not the traffic light. The traffic was beyond the light, as well. Is there a law to trying to avoid traffic?

Not sure how much of a difference that makes.
I’ve heard insurance points are different than traffic points. 2 points on license doesn’t necessarily mean 2 points on insurance. Could be more, could be less. Depending on carrier. Also have been told not to call and ask as they wouldn’t know and it’s a waste of time.

Might just try to pay the larger fine for the lesser offense and have nothing to worry about regarding points.

Sorry if I was not clear- I meant if you have 2 points on your license, that should not be enough under the law alone to raise premium.
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Actually, yes. There's a Bottle King lot in Wayne which abuts Rte. 23 and the entrance to the highway from Jackson Ave. People going north on 23 cut through it all the time, very unsafe. Cops will occasionally sit in it and hand out tickets, but it doesn't seem to stop people much at all.

I actually cut through the Bottle King lot last month because I took the wrong u-turn exit and was late for a meeting. At the time, I didn't realize that it went all the way through to Black Oak Ridge / 202 but took a chance that it might.
The fact that the cop did not let you go with a warning for the most egregious "offense" is sad especially if you were polite throughout. The fact that this is a points violation and not a straight fine is jersey through and through. Mind boggling.
Revenue generating tickets are a god send for municipalities
Sorry if I was not clear- I meant if you have 2 points on your license, that should not be enough under the law alone to raise premium.

You can always erase the two points by taking an online safe driving course for $50. It might be cheaper than taking a no-point offense and paying a $400 fine.
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from your description, if the lots are connected, I don't think you did anything wrong. I think if you took it to trial you'd have a hard time winning. BUT, as others have said, I would talk to the prosecutor before hand. My job used to have a rule that 2 moving violations could result in termination (in a 3 year period) a speeding ticket. Called the guy up, he did an unsafe vehicle charge with no points. However, the Judge appeared annoyed I took this route. She accepted the deal but gave me a higher fine. worth it for no moving violation.

I did admit, however..I was trying to avoid the “traffic”..not the traffic light. The traffic was beyond the light, as well. Is there a law to trying to avoid traffic?

Not sure how much of a difference that makes.
'avoiding a traffic signal' seems terribly vague. Last night WAZE directed me to exit a highway just before an upcoming traffic jam (that I could see ahead) in which there were countless cones, yellow lights and portable signs ("heavy traffic ahead, right lane closed"). Are those not also "traffic signals?"

Or is a traffic signal only a stoplight ?
'avoiding a traffic signal' seems terribly vague. Last night WAZE directed me to exit a highway just before an upcoming traffic jam (that I could see ahead) in which there were countless cones, yellow lights and portable signs ("heavy traffic ahead, right lane closed"). Are those not also "traffic signals?"

Or is a traffic signal only a stoplight ?

So long as Waze directed you on public roads, that’s legal.

My issue was I went on private property to avoid the traffic signal. In reality I went into the private property earlier to avoid the upcoming traffic.
correct, but as questioned traffic laws apply on private property ? I could see a private entity getting a car towed, but a ticket from a public official (police officer) on private property seems illegitimate unless the public is affected (gun use, noise, etc.)
correct, but as questioned traffic laws apply on private property ? I could see a private entity getting a car towed, but a ticket from a public official (police officer) on private property seems illegitimate unless the public is affected (gun use, noise, etc.)


This isn't difficult, people.

39:4-66.2 Except for emergency vehicles and motor vehicles being operated at the direction of a law enforcement officer, no person shall drive a motor vehicle on public property, except public roads or highways, or private property, with or without the permission of the owner, for the purpose of avoiding a traffic control signal or sign.
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My 2 cents...

1) The court system in NJ is a money making racket for a bankrupt state.
2) If you do not hire a lawyer talk to the prosecutor the day of court and tell him what happened. He will probably let you plea down the charge but if he doesn't go #3.
3) He who is unwilling to lie in court is going to get raked over the coals. So your admirable admission to the officer should go out the window. Manipulate the story to your advantage. Something like this, "Your Honor, I was not trying to avoid the light I was pulling into the restaurant and then decided to go to the mall. Next thing I know the officer pulled me over for this infraction I did not know about and was not willfully trying to break the law. I am sorry for this misunderstanding".
3) Even if the judge lets you off, you are still going to pay court costs.
4) If you deny the charges and are found guilty you can appeal to the superior court. If you plead guilty you are done with no chance to appeal.
5) depends on how hard you want to fight. NJ is bankrupt and municipalities are looking for "lost" revenue from Trenton. You can pay the fee, and get on with your life or you can fight. Most people do not want to fight the state.
Cause u are a brainwashed i said the judicial system is the biggest scam...he is innocent until proven why would he automatically say he is guilty, it's basically forfeiting...but the scam is u are gonna get two points on insurance and people don't want that so they will give you a "deal" - pay the court an absurd amount of money and you won't get the points...but again you are forfeiting your right to trial where he is already innocent and they have to prove his guilt....

I'd walk in there with the receipt from that specific shopping center and say I'm pleading not guilty..the destination that day was that specific property, there are 3 entrances to that property,the 2nd of which has a light, I chose the first one and got to my Is the receipt showing I reached my destination....why he gave me a ticket is beyond me,

now they have to call th cop to come in and testify...if it is his day off they have to bring him in for OT which he can not even show up if he doesn't want the prosecutor has to prove that the shopping center wasnt your intended won't even get to trial, the proescuter will ask to dismiss it and if he doesn't want to dismiss it and take u to trial the judge will find you not guilty....If you were driving down the street, came to the red light, pulled into the parking lot and drove to an exit beyond the light and pulled back on to the street, sure then u would deserve the avoiding a red light ticket, but that's not what know you didn't anything wrong Mike, stand up for yourself and fight, or be the sheep and pay the $ will get dismissed and If it were to go to trial you would win....which will make you feel awesome....I fought so many petty cases in court and won...I say I should have been a lawyer.... I legit blew through a stop sign one night and a cop was driving down the intersection but about 3 blocks down...I would have been fine with the ticket but the scumbag cop got round rage and was a I plead not guilty because where the stop sign was had a house right on the curb no front yard and the stop sign and line in the street was about 5 feet behind that, so in reality you had to inch out to see if there was oncoming traffic...I took a picture from that's perspective and then walked down the other street and showed the angle of the house blocking the stop sign....there was no way that cop could see if I stopped or not...and if he was close enough to see me stopped I would have rammed into him...plead not guilty prosectuber tried to scare me saying I was gonna get points, no thanks...they had to call the cop in on his day off, I was the last case to go and they had to wait an extra hour for him to come in...i got to examine the cop and he was mumbling trying to remember, said the wrong street name...I wasn't found not guilty it was great feeling...

Another time when I was 19 we had a beach house, we all got popped for underage drinking, just so happens I had a dentist appointment the Friday before and he gave me a I brought that to court and showed the prescription and said there was no way I could drink I was on medication...not guilty while everyone else paid 300 fines...

The best part about court is they tell u to be there at 9am when court don't show up at 9 they issue a warrant for your arrest....every time I been at court it begins at 9 and we sit around 20-30 minutes waiting for the judge to coMe strolling in...but if that was us we go to jail...

There is a saying you either get down or you lay down...people like ru4real lay wanna take the "deal" go ahead but know that they Are ripping you off...go to trial and worst case scenario they have enough evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that you avoided that red light, you get two points on ur license, is that gonna destroy you, you can take an online safety courSe And get those 2 points removed anyway

You either get down or you lay down

I admittedly stopped after the second or third paragraph. Does it in any way give you pause that your entire premise is based on him perjuring himself? So the "judicial system is a scam" and "people are innocent until proven guilty" but the solution is for the person in question, who is admits he is guilty, to go court and lie about what happened to get out of it?

And you see no hypocrisy there? Seems to me like the scam is being guilty, and then lying under oath.... basically calling the State's bluff that they won't go looking for witnesses or surveillance footage.
I admittedly stopped after the second or third paragraph. Does it in any way give you pause that your entire premise is based on him perjuring himself? So the "judicial system is a scam" and "people are innocent until proven guilty" but the solution is for the person in question, who is admits he is guilty, to go court and lie about what happened to get out of it?

And you see no hypocrisy there? Seems to me like the scam is being guilty, and then lying under oath.... basically calling the State's bluff that they won't go looking for witnesses or surveillance footage.


If you get him started then he'll just wind up connecting traffic tickets to thermite at Ground Zero.
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If you get him started then he'll just wind up connecting traffic tickets to thermite at Ground Zero.

Wait...there was thermite in the parking lot in question? And now I've responded??

Crap. Another hard drive to the fire pit.

If you get him started then he'll just wind up connecting traffic tickets to thermite at Ground Zero.
You are a loser and a troll and you constantly
bring up the thermite at ground zero and try to say it's not are a loser who runs his mouth and the type of person that would get his teeth knocked out for running his mouth then turn around and sue...why don't u put your money where your mouth is, let's set up a boxing match for charity...guarantee you say let's do it but never back it up....mary

Ru4real gets no attention in real life so he has to scour the message boards for someone to recognize him and feel important... pathetic
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Lol. Another “expert” in policing.
I have close to a half dozen friends who are cops. And to a man they will state they are too busy actually protecting and serving to issue such a bullshit ticket. But maybe they are not expert enough for you?
Its a big money maker in Howell Rt 9 and Aldrich Rd cops for ever handing out tickets to people cutting through Taco Bell
You are a loser and a troll and you constantly
bring up the thermite at ground zero and try to say it's not are a loser who runs his mouth and the type of person that would get his teeth knocked out for running his mouth then turn around and sue...why don't u put your money where your mouth is, let's set up a boxing match for charity...guarantee you say let's do it but never back it up....mary

Ru4real gets no attention in real life so he has to scour the message boards for someone to recognize him and feel important... pathetic

Butthurt much, psycho?

You say stupid shit, you have to defend stupid shit. Rules of the road, cupcake.
Speaking of cops there were tons out this morning. I've never seen so many hiding on my way to work.
It's the 16th, now it's end of the month. Have to make quota.

Even for that it was crazy. I go through towns that always have lots of cops out and this seemingly worse. It was like there was a man hunt I was unaware of.
Speaking of cops there were tons out this morning. I've never seen so many hiding on my way to work.

Turnpike, m'man. Turnpike. Drove out to Wayne, PA this morning and in 80 miles of interstate highway didn't see a single cop. 100+ in most places.

The roads are fine places to be in this day and age. The cars have never been better and the enforcement has never been more lenient.
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