I don't know. I can see it now. Shotgun start. A guy in the group starting on the second hole says "boy, those pork roll and egg sandwiches for breakfast were great, another in the foursome says "that was Taylor Ham you idiot." Fight ensues. The group on four have to play the ball out of the bunker because that was the best drive in the scramble format. Guy grabs his sand wedge and says "well, great day for the beach." Another in the foursome says "you mean shore, what are you, stupid?" Fight breaks out. The group on 11 calls the cart girl over for some beers and one guy wants a roast beef sandwich. Cart girl says this is grilled London broil...well you know where that went. It's a late spring day and there is a nip in the air, then a cloud appears and it starts to flurry. Fisticuffs occur over whether there will be accumulation or even if it's a weather event. Hole 16 group hears about the tussle on the second hole over pork roll vs Taylor ham and one guy yells at the other guy what does he know, he is from south Jersey, to which the other replies "no, I'm from Central Jersey" and the other guy says "there is no Central Jersey." The ranger throws them off the course. Due to an unfortunate pairing indiscretion, the group starting on 17 has the most most extreme pro-Flood guy AND the most anti-Flood guy who proceed to get into an argument. The other two in the foursome say "hey, we're all rooting for the same team" but then both the pro and anti Flood guys punch the other two in the face. I could go on but you get the point.